![]() |
npm install
in development, every controller ( route ) from NestJS must be mapped in proxy.conf.json
npm start
Don't forget to Lint and Prettify your code from time to time:
npm run client:lint
npm run server:lint
npm run prettify
npm run build:universal
# test production
npm run serve:universal
To generate component|service|pipe|module with Angular CLI use:
Add new component in Contact Module
ng generate component contact/InfoComponent --module=contact/contact.module.ts
您还可以将Cloud Functions for Firebase与Firebase Hosting一起使用。您在main.ts中拥有的一切都很好,使用这种方法,您甚至不需要控制器。您应该执行以下操作: 将index.html重命名为index2.html。这对于渲染路径很重要,否则,除了根/以外,所有路径上的渲染效果都很好。 更新angular.json使其具有以下"index": "apps/
一、Node.js 是什么? Node.js 就是一个封装了 操作系统API 的可执行程序,同时也对外提供了自己的API,并采用了 JavaScript 作为其API 的标准。换言之,应用软件可以用 JavaScript 直接与操作系统进行交互通讯。 1、独特优势: 使用 Google Chrome V8 JavaScript 引擎,使得前端开发人员也可用 JS 写后端代码; 采用单线程、异步 I
A collection of Badass modules and utilities to help you level up your NestJS application. Package Description Version Changelog @golevelup/nestjs-common Common types, mixins changelog @golevelup/nest
Description The rbac module for Nest. Installation npm i --save nestjs-rbac Quick Start For using RBAC there is need to implement IStorageRbac export interface IStorageRbac { roles: string[]; permis
Nestjs-BFF OVERVIEW Overview Frontend Backend CLI DevOps Status This library is currently 'on ice' and is no longer being activley maintained at this time. However, it may still server
rucken-core-nestjs A simple application demonstrating the basic usage of permissions with NestJS (JWT, Passport, Facebook, Google+, User, Group, Permission) based on Rucken template Screenshots Featur
Nest.js 教程 如果喜欢本教程请点击右上角的 star �� ,想订阅本教程请点击右上角 watch �� 如有不解之惑,或是想要更多的详细教程,可以在 New Issues 中写下你的问题或需求。 框架介绍 Nest 是构建高效,可扩展的 Node.js Web 应用程序的框架。它使用现代的 JavaScript 或 TypeScript(保留与纯 JavaScript 的兼容性),并结合
testing-nestjs Status A repository to show off to the community methods of testing NestJS including Unit Tests, Integration Tests, E2E Tests, pipes, filters, interceptors, GraphQL, Mongo, TypeORM, and