01. Unleash(放出) your inner creativity an learn how to build great cross-plarform 2D games with the poplar Cocos2d-x framework.
Chapter 1: Installing Cocos2d-x
Chapter 2: You Plus C++ Plus Cocos2d-x
Chapter 3: Your First Game - Air Hockey
Chapter 4: Fun with Sprites - Sky Defense
Chapter 5: On the Line - Rocket Through
Chapter 6: Quick and Easy Sprite - Victorian Rush Hour
Chapter 7: Adding the Looks - Victorian Rush Hour
Chapter 8: Getting Physical - Box2D
Chapter 9: On the Level - Eskimo
Chapter 10: Introducing Lua
Chapter 1: Installing Cocos2d-x
03. 可以这样编译android程序
cocos compile -p android
04. First you have the Classes folder; this will contain the classes for your application, and are written in C++. Below that is the Resources folder, where you find the images, fonts, and any kind of media used by the appliation.
05. In AppDelegate, you should set up the Director object (it is the Cocos2d-x all powerful singleton manager object), to run your application just the way you want. You can:
1. Get rid of the application status information.
2. Change the frame rate of your application
3. Tell Director where your high definition images are, and where your standard definition images are, as well as which to use.
4. You can change the overall scale of your application, so it will best fit different screens
5. The AppDelegate class is also the best placeto start any preloading process.
6. And most importantly, it is here tell the Director object what Scene to begin your application with.
05. 启动第一个scene
auto scene = HelloWorld::createScene();
06. A tool to help build sprite sheets: I'll use TexturePacker.
A tool to help build particle effects: I'll use Particle Designer.
A tool to help build bitmap fonts: I'll use Glyph Designer.
A tool to produce sound effects: No contest - sfxr for Windows or its Mac port cfxr.
Chapter 2: You Plus C++ Plus Cocos2d-x
07. The Containers are: Scene, Layer, and Sprite. They all inherit from a base container classes call node.
1. Scene: This will contain one or more Node, usually Layer types. It is common to break applications into multiple scenes; for instance, one for the main menu, one for setting, and one for the actual game. Technically, each scene will behave as a separate entity in your application, almost as subapplication themselves, and you can run a series of transition effects when changing between scenes.
2. Layer: This will most likely contain Sprite. There are a number of specialized Layer objects aimed at saving you, the developer, some time in creating things such as menu for instance (Menu), or a colored background (LayerColor). You can have more than one Layer per scene, but good planing makes this usually unnecessary.
3. Sprite: This will contain your images and be added as children to Layer derived containers. To my mind, this is the most important class in all of Cocos2d-x, so much so, that after your application initializes, when both a Scene and a Layer object are created, you could build your entire game only with sprites and never use another container class in Cocos2d-x.
4. Node: This super class to all containers blurs the line between itself and Layer, and even Sprite at times. It has its own set of specialized subclasses (besides the ones mentioned earlier), such as MotionStreak, ParallaxNode, and SpriteBatchNode, to name a few. It can, with a few adjustments, behave just as Layer. But most of the time you will use it to create your own specialized nodes or as a general reference in polymorphism.
08. After containers comes the all-knowing Director and all -encompassing cache objects.
The caches are collector objects. The most important ones are TextureCache, SpriteFrameCache, and AnimationCache.
Both Director and all cache objects are singletons. These are special sort of classes that are instantiated only once; and this one instance can be accessed y any other object.
08. Actions
Specialized nodes: For things such as menus, progress bars, special effects, parallax effect, tile maps, and much, much more.
The macro, structures, and helper methods: Hundreds of time-saving, magical bits of logic.
09. init comes from Layer and SimpleScene want to override it.
Chapter 5: On the Line - Rocket Through
Introduction to game physic with Box2D
Game Physics 这是一本关于3D图形的书籍,后期掌握3D的时候在进行阅读。
sprites, actions , particles在讲述,是cocos2d-x的基础知识。
首先要写一个listener, 然后通过callback函数回调,具体的代码看下面。
3. update方法的利用。
4. 绘画知识的学习。
5. 需要接触一个新的2d游戏物理引擎,box2d.
Chapter 6: Quick and Easy Sprite - Victorian Rush Hour
I'll show you a simple technique for rapid prototyping.
Rapid prototyping techniques allow you to test your game as early as possible in the development process as well as build up on the good ideas.
How to quickly create placeholder(占位符) sprites.
How to code collisions for a platform game.
How to create varied terrain(地形) for a side-scroller.
另外cocos2d-x游戏源码的研究, 结合game engine architecture 这个书分析。
The controls are very simple: you tap the screen to make the cyclist jump and while he's in the air, if you tap the acreen again, the cyclist will open his trusty umbrella, either slowing his descent or adding a boost to his jump.
git clone https://github.com/fmod/EarthWarrior3D
第二个是专业音频引擎 fmod的学习。
16. time for action
开始写Vir R游戏。