Kubernetes Provider for Terraform Getting Started Interactive Tutorial Usage Documentation Examples Kubernetes Provider 2.0 Upgrade guide Mailing list: Google Groups Chat: #terraform-providers in Kube
Kubernetes Failure Stories The source code repository for https://k8s.af moved to https://codeberg.org/hjacobs/kubernetes-failure-stories
A Day in Java Developer’s Life, with a taste of Kubernetes Table of Contents Application Build and Test using Maven Build and Test using Docker Build Docker Image using multi-stage Dockerfile Build Do
Setting up a distributed Kubernetes cluster along with Istio service mesh locally with Vagrant and VirtualBox 使用Vagrant和VirtualBox在本地搭建分布式Kubernetes集群和Istio Service Mesh - 中文 Setting up a Kubernetes c
Learn about Writing GoLang and DotNet Microservices and running them using DAPR on Kubernetes (AKS) Repository to learn about writing Microservices in GoLang & DotNET and running them as Docker Contai
Kubernetes Handbook Projects �� NOTIFICATION There are two branches in this repository. The master branch contains the starter projects and the completed branch contains the completed projects. This r
Slides available here. Original article posted here. Source code here. Inspired from my course: Learn Kubernetes by building 10 projects Introduction In this workshop, we're going to: Deploy Kubernete
Running Flask on Kubernetes Want to learn how to build this? Check out the post. Want to use this project? Docker Build the images and spin up the containers: $ docker-compose up -d --build Run the mi
Deploying Machine Learning Models on Kubernetes A common pattern for deploying Machine Learning (ML) models into production environments - e.g. ML models trained using the SciKit Learn or Keras packag
Kubernetes Pod Chaos Monkey This repository contains a Dockerfile and associated Kubernetes configuration for a Deployment that will randomly delete pods in a given namespace. This is implemented in B
Kubernetes scheduler 是一个基于 Web 的 Kubernetes scheduler 模拟器,可以在可视化界面中模拟创建 Pod、Node、持久性 Volumes、持久性 Volume Claims 和 Storage Classes 等资源,然后查看模拟调度的结果。 这是个很有意义的项目,因为在真实的 Kubernetes 集群中,如果不查看日志,就无法详细了解调度的结果,
vGPU device plugin基于NVIDIA官方插件(NVIDIA/k8s-device-plugin),在保留官方功能的基础上,实现了对物理GPU进行切分,并对显存和计算单元进行限制,从而模拟出多张小的vGPU卡。在k8s集群中,基于这些切分后的vGPU进行调度,使不同的容器可以安全的共享同一张物理GPU,提高GPU的利用率。此外,插件还可以对显存做虚拟化处理(使用到的显存可以超过物理上
Kubernetes 是一套开源容器编排系统,负责管理各类利用Docker容器构建而成且跨越多台主机的应用程序。尽管最初该项目由谷歌公司所建立,不过其目前已经转由云原生计算基金会负责推动。Mesosphere 自其诞生以来一直提供面向 Mesosphere 的支持能力,而我们也一直在致力于将自己的数据中心操作系统(即Datacenter Operating System,简称DCOS)打造成一套能
Service流量就永远出不了发起访问的客户端的那个节点 这句话对吗? 我的理解:PodA内通过 ClusterIp访问访问服务A,应该会通过PodA所在节点 的kube-proxy的iptables 负载均衡的路由到 服务A的Endpoint吧? 所以PodA 可能会访问到其他节点的PodB提供的服务A,怎么会永远出不了发起访问的客户端的那个节点呢?
《Kubernetes权威指南第五版 4.5.2节》 在这个yaml文件中创建了一个 pod,并指定了hostname和subdomain 同时创建了一个service, 书中提到 service的名称必须要和subdomain保持一致。 测试发现如果不保持一致 那么在其他Pod的容器中执行 wget webapp-1.mysubdomain.default.svc.cluster.local:8