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开发语言 Google Go
所属分类 云计算、 云原生
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 田成化
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

Learn about Writing GoLang and DotNet Microservices and running them using DAPR on Kubernetes (AKS)

Repository to learn about writing Microservices in GoLang & DotNET and running them as Docker Containers on Kubernetes using DAPR

We will be learning and using following languages,frameworks and technologies

  1. C# and ASP.NET
  2. GoLang
  3. YAML
  4. DAPR (Distributed Application Runtime)
  5. Microsoft's Project Tye
  6. Docker
  7. Kubernetes
  8. Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
  9. Azure Container Registry (ACR)
  10. Basic Concepts of Azure (Resource Groups, VNets, VM Scale Sets, RBAC , Storage, Redis, Cosmos)

Follow : DAPR's Website https://dapr.io/ and DAPR's Repositories for more details https://github.com/dapr

Difficulties without DAPR

As per DAPR's official Documentation :

  • Hard to incrementally migrate from existing code to a microservices architecture.
  • Many programming model runtimes have narrow language support and tightly controlled feature sets.
  • Event-driven architectures and state handling are complicated making them difficult to scale.
  • Many runtimes only target specific infrastructure platforms with limited code portability across clouds and edge.

What we can achieve with DAPR

  • Dapr enables developers using any language or framework to easily write microservices, providing industry best practices to solve distributed systems problems.
  • Dapr provides consistency and portability through open APIs and extensible components that are community-driven.
  • Dapr handles state, resource bindings and pub/sub messaging, which enable event-driven, resilient architectures that scale.
  • Dapr is platform agnostic and runs on any infrastructure, including public clouds and edge devices with its open APIs.

Read More about DAPR here https://github.com/dapr/docs

We will also see how we can do some Monitoring through DAPR Dashboard

Dapr Dashboard provides information about Dapr applications, components, configurations, and control plane services. Users can view metadata, manifests and deployment files, actors, logs, and more on both Kubernetes and self-hosted platforms.

Read More about DAPR Dashboard here https://github.com/dapr/dashboard


  1. Installation Steps of DAPR and Kubernetes (AKS) ✔️ Link -> 1-InstallationSteps.md

  2. Simple ASP.NET Web App and run it on Kubernetes (AKS) using DAPR ✔️ Link -> 2-ASPNetAppOnDAPR.md

  3. Simple GoLang Web App and run it on Kubernetes (AKS) using DAPR ✔️ Link -> 3-GoLangAppOnDAPR.md

  4. Learning Basic Concepts of Docker ✔️ Link -> 4-BasicConceptsOfDocker.md

  5. Learning Basic Concepts of Kubernetes (via AKS) �� Link -> 5-BasicConceptsOfKubernetes.md

  6. Learning Advance Concepts of Kubernetes (via AKS) �� Link -> 6-AdvanceConceptsOfKubernetes.md

  • 如果您想充分利用云原生应用程序,则需要以不同的方式思考如何构建代码。 扩展取决于无状态微服务,该服务使用API​​进行服务间通信。 Kubernetes等技术可通过监视资源或使用KEDA(基于Kubernetes的事件驱动的自动缩放)来触发基于事件的缩放来帮助管理微服务扩展,而基于HTTP的技术(例如gRPC)则是将API视为方法和函数调用的基础。 构建分布式应用程序似乎常常像在重新发明轮子,构建

  • Dapr(Distributed Application Runtime ,分布式应用运行时)是微软新推出的,一种可移植的、serverless 的、事件驱动的运行时,它使开发人员可以轻松构建弹性,无状态和有状态微服务,这些服务运行在云和边缘上,并包含多种语言和开发框架。 Dapr 整理了构建微服务应用为开放,独立的构建块的最佳实践,使用户能够使用自己选择的语言和框架来构建可移植的应用程序。每个构

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  • zlt-microservices-platform 如果您觉得有帮助,请点右上角 "Star" 支持一下谢谢   1. 总体架构图   2. 功能介绍   3. 项目介绍 技术交流群 交流三群 详细在线文档 :https://www.kancloud.cn/zlt2000/microservices-platform/919418 项目更新日志 文档更新日志 演示环境地址: http://zlt