A bunch of ways of doing CQRS with various Spring tools.
These instructions will get you and overview of how to synchronize two different datasources. We will do so by separating command and queries in a simple CQRS app. Each module represents a different way of introducing this pattern. Also, each module is a standalone Spring Boot application.
What things you need to run the software:
Sample applications are based on a simple domain that serves credit cards. There are two usecases:
The important is that:
After a successful Withdraw command, a withdrawal should be seen in a result from list of withdrawals query.
Hence there is a need for some synchronization that makes state for commands and queries consistent.
Let's agree on a color code for commands, queries and synchronization. It will make our drawings consistent.
Code can be found under in-one-class module.
Running the app:
mvn spring-boot:run
A sample Withdraw command:
curl localhost:8080/withdrawals -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"card":"3a3e99f0-5ad9-47fa-961d-d75fab32ef0e", "amount": 10.00}' --verbose
Verifed by a query:
curl http://localhost:8080/withdrawals?cardId=3a3e99f0-5ad9-47fa-961d-d75fab32ef0e --verbose
Expected result:
Architecture overview:
Automatic E2E test for REST API can be found here:
public void shouldSynchronizeQuerySideAfterSendingACommand() {
// given
UUID cardUUid = thereIsCreditCardWithLimit(new BigDecimal(100)); //HTTP POST
// when
clientWantsToWithdraw(TEN, cardUUid); //HTTP GET
// then
thereIsOneWithdrawalOf(TEN, cardUUid);
Code can be found under explicit-with-dto module. Same version, but with JPA entities as results of a query can be found here.
Running the app:
mvn spring-boot:run
A sample Withdraw command:
curl localhost:8080/withdrawals -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"card":"3a3e99f0-5ad9-47fa-961d-d75fab32ef0e", "amount": 10.00}' --verbose
Verifed by a query:
curl http://localhost:8080/withdrawals?cardId=3a3e99f0-5ad9-47fa-961d-d75fab32ef0e --verbose
Expected result:
Architecture overview:
Automatic E2E test for REST API can be found here:
public void shouldSynchronizeQuerySideAfterSendingACommand() {
// given
UUID cardUUid = thereIsCreditCardWithLimit(new BigDecimal(100)); //HTTP POST
// when
clientWantsToWithdraw(TEN, cardUUid); //HTTP GET
// then
thereIsOneWithdrawalOf(TEN, cardUUid);
Code can be found under with-application-events module.
There is also a version with immutable domain module which just returns events. It Can be found here.
Running the app:
mvn spring-boot:run
A sample Withdraw command:
curl localhost:8080/withdrawals -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"card":"3a3e99f0-5ad9-47fa-961d-d75fab32ef0e", "amount": 10.00}' --verbose
Verifed by a query:
curl http://localhost:8080/withdrawals?cardId=3a3e99f0-5ad9-47fa-961d-d75fab32ef0e --verbose
Expected result:
Architecture overview:
Automatic E2E test for REST API can be found here:
public void shouldSynchronizeQuerySideAfterSendingACommand() {
// given
UUID cardUUid = thereIsCreditCardWithLimit(new BigDecimal(100)); //HTTP POST
// when
clientWantsToWithdraw(TEN, cardUUid); //HTTP GET
// then
thereIsOneWithdrawalOf(TEN, cardUUid);
Code can be found under trigger module.
Running the app:
mvn spring-boot:run
A sample Withdraw command:
curl localhost:8080/withdrawals -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"card":"3a3e99f0-5ad9-47fa-961d-d75fab32ef0e", "amount": 10.00}' --verbose
Verifed by a query:
curl http://localhost:8080/withdrawals?cardId=3a3e99f0-5ad9-47fa-961d-d75fab32ef0e --verbose
Expected result:
Architecture overview:
Automatic E2E test for REST API can be found here:
public void shouldSynchronizeQuerySideAfterSendingACommand() {
// given
UUID cardUUid = thereIsCreditCardWithLimit(new BigDecimal(100)); //HTTP POST
// when
clientWantsToWithdraw(TEN, cardUUid); //HTTP GET
// then
thereIsOneWithdrawalOf(TEN, cardUUid);
Synchronization done by listening to database's transaction log, which is a log of transactions accepted by a database management system.
Code can be found under with-log-tailing module.
Additional components:
Running the app, remember to be in root of the project:
docker-compose up
curl -i -X POST -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" http://localhost:8083/connectors/ -d @source.json --verbose
A sample Withdraw command:
curl localhost:8080/withdrawals -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"card":"3a3e99f0-5ad9-47fa-961d-d75fab32ef0e", "amount": 10.00}' --verbose
Verifed by a query:
curl http://localhost:8080/withdrawals?cardId=3a3e99f0-5ad9-47fa-961d-d75fab32ef0e --verbose
Expected result can be seen below. Remember that it takes time to read transaction log and create a withdrawal. Hence a withdrawal might be not immedietly seen:
Architecture overview:
Since it is problematic (or immposible) to test transaction log tailing, there is no E2E test that verifies commands and queries. But we can test if a message arrival in Kafka's topic results in a proper withdrawal created. The code is here:
public void shouldSynchronizeQuerySideAfterLogTailing() {
// given
String cardUUid = thereIsCreditCardWithLimit(new BigDecimal(100));
// when
creditCardUpdateReadFromDbTransactionLog(TEN, cardUUid);
// then
thereIsOneWithdrawalOf(TEN, cardUUid);
Synchronization done by sending a domain event after succesfully handling a command.
Code can be found under events module. It has 2 further modules, architecture is fully distributed. There is a source (deals with commands) and sink (deals with queries).
Additional components:
Running the app, remember to be in root of the project:
docker-compose up
A sample Withdraw command:
curl localhost:8080/withdrawals -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"card":"3a3e99f0-5ad9-47fa-961d-d75fab32ef0e", "amount": 10.00}' --verbose
Verifed by a query (notifce a different port: 8888!):
curl http://localhost:8888/withdrawals?cardId=3a3e99f0-5ad9-47fa-961d-d75fab32ef0e --verbose
Expected result can be seen below. Remember that it takes time to publish and read domain events from Kafka. Hence a withdrawal might be not immedietly seen:
Architecture overview:
Since it is not recommended to test 2 microservices in one test, there is no E2E test that verifies commands and queries. But we can test if a message arrival in Kafka's topic results in a proper withdrawal created. The code is here:
public void shouldSeeWithdrawalAfterGettingAnEvent() {
anEventAboutWithdrawalCame(TEN, cardID);
thereIsOneWithdrawalOf(TEN, cardID);
Also it is possible to test if a successful withdrawal is followed eventually by a proper domain event publication. The code is here.
public void shouldEventuallySendAnEventAboutCardWithdrawal() throws IOException {
// given
UUID cardUUid = thereIsCreditCardWithLimit(new BigDecimal(100));
// when
clientWantsToWithdraw(TEN, cardUUid);
// then
await().atMost(FIVE_SECONDS).until(() -> eventAboutWithdrawalWasSent(TEN, cardUUid));
Take a look here
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