This repo was previously the core Kubernetes tracking repo forOKD, and where OpenShift'shyperkube
and openshift-test
binaries were maintained. As of July2020, the purpose and maintenance strategy of the repo varies bybranch.
and release-x.x
branches for 4.6 and aboveThese branches no longer include the code required to producehyperkube
binaries, and are limited to maintaining the openshift-tests
binary. Responsibility for maintaining hyperkube has transitioned tothe openshift/kubernetesrepo.
Backports and carries against upstream should be proposed toopenshift/kubernetes
. If changes merged to openshift/kubernetes
need to land in origin
, it will be necessary to follow up with a PRto origin
that bumps the vendoring.
Branch names are correlated across the 2 repositories such thatchanges merged to a given branch in openshift/kubernetes
should bevendored into the same branch in origin
(e.g. master
is vendored into master
in origin
NOTE: Vendoring of the master
and release-x.x
branches ofopenshift/kubernetes
into the equivalent branches in origin
isintended to be temporary. At some point in the near future, origin
will switch to vendoring origin-specific branches (e.gorigin-4.6-kubernetes-1.19.2
) to minimize the scope of backports andcarries that need to be considered in the context ofopenshift/kubernetes
Test annotation rules are used to label e2e tests so that they can befiltered or skipped. For example, rules can be defined that match kubee2e tests that are known to be incompatible with openshift and labelthose tests to be skipped.
Maintenance of test annotation rules is split between theopenshift/kubernetes
and origin
repos to ensure that PRs proposedto openshift/kubernetes
can be validated against the set of kube e2etests known to be compatible with openshift.
Test annotation rules for kubernetes e2e tests are maintained in:
Test annotation rules for openshift e2e tests are maintained in:
Origin vendors the kube rules and applies both the kube and openshiftrules to the set of tests included in the openshift-tests
In order to update test annotation rules for kube e2e tests, it willbe necessary to:
in openshift/kubernetes
vendored in originopenshift/kubernetes
These origin branches vendor
and some of itsstaging repos (e.g.
) from ouropenshift/kubernetes fork.Upstream staging repos are used where possible, but some tests dependson functionality that is only present in the fork.
When a change has merged to an openshift/kubernetes
branch thatneeds to be vendored into the same branch in origin
, thehack/
helper script simplifies updating the gomodule configuration for all dependencies sourced fromopenshift/kubernetes
for that branch. The script requires either thename of a branch or a SHA from openshift/kubernetes
$ hack/ <openshift/kubernetes branch name or SHA>
The script also supports performing a fake bump to validate an as-yetunmerged change to openshift/kubernetes
. This can be accomplished bysupplying the name of a fork repo as the second argument to thescript:
$ hack/ <branch name or SHA>
Once the script has executed, the vendoring changes will need to becommitted and proposed to the repo.
If the script returns '410 Gone' as per the error that follows, it maybe that the golang checksum server does not yet know about the targetSHA.
go: (replaced by verifying go.mod: g reading
t/kubernetes@v1.21.2-0.20210603185452-2dfc46b23003: 410 Gone
server response: not found:
The workaround is to set GOSUMDB=off
to disable the checksumdatabase for the vendoring update:
$ GOSUMDB=off hack/ <branch name or SHA>
Releases prior to 4.6 continue to maintain hyperkube in the origin
repo in the release-4.x
branches. Persistent carries and backportsfor those branches should continue to be submitted directly toorigin. openshift/kubernetes
is not involved except for rebases.
End to end tests (e2e) should verify a long set of flows in theproduct as a user would see them. Two e2e tests should not overlapmore than 10% of function and are not intended to test errorconditions in detail. The project examples should be driven by e2etests. e2e tests can also test external components working together.
All e2e tests are compiled into the openshift-tests
binary.To build the test binary, run make
To run a specific test, or an entire suite of tests, readtest/extended/READMEfor more information.
will pull down example files from externalrepositories and deposit them under the examples
directory.Run this script if you need to refresh an example file, or add a new one. Seethe script and examples/quickstarts/
for more details.
如果你的图线都在同一个图层,那么可以直接用鼠标右键点击图线区域,在弹出的对话框中选择 New Legend,【注意,一定要在图线区域内点击鼠标右键】如下图左边所示;或者在工具栏上点击两个并列的图例图标,如下图右边所示: 这样添加的图例会直接添加在原图例下方,与原图例成为一体。 如果你的图线不在同一个图层,也可以用同样的方法添加,但是这样添加的图例是在当前图层,跟原图例是分开的,不是一体的。如果想在
1.在 “帮助->learning center ”选项卡中可以查找教程及下载APP 2.如果不小心将工具栏拖到了屏幕中间或者不小心删除了某个工具栏,可以在“查看->工具栏->重新初始化”里边进行重置工具栏。 3.图像数字化(Digitize 从图上扣点):工具栏上的位置在“查看(V)”的V字右下边,点击之后选择需要扣点的图片位置,即可打开图片进行扣点或者扣线。需要旋转的可以点击“旋转图像”再点下
背景 某天同事小L找我帮忙解决代码冲突引起的问题,折腾一番之后,问题解决了。场景是他想把最新的主干分支代码合并到当前开发分支上,解决掉冲突,然后提交推送到远程。他合并代码的过程是: git fetch origin master git merge origin master 第一句是更新远程master分支代码,第二句看着像是合并远程分支master代码到当前分支。因为我平时都是切换到mast