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开发语言 Google Go
所属分类 云计算、 云原生
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 东方宜
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知


Heketi provides a RESTful management interface which can be used to manage the life cycle of GlusterFS volumes. With Heketi, cloud services like OpenStack Manila, Kubernetes, and OpenShift can dynamically provision GlusterFS volumes with any of the supported durability types. Heketi will automatically determine the location for bricks across the cluster, making sure to place bricks and its replicas across different failure domains. Heketi also supports any number of GlusterFS clusters, allowing cloud services to provide network file storage without being limited to a single GlusterFS cluster.

Maintenance Status

⚠️ IMPORTANT - Please read this section carefully if you are currently using or plan to use Heketi or want to contribute to the project. ⚠️

As of Heketi release v10.2 the project is considered to be in maintenance only status. This means that only major bugs, performance regressions, or security defects are being considered for inclusion by the project team. Please also expect slow replies to issues.

It has been over a year since we entered "soft" maintenance mode, plus a call to other interested parties to help with Heketi development. With little additional activity since then it no longer makes sense for us to spend as much time on this project, even at the level we had in 2020.

Additionally, we would like to note that the Heketi maintenance team does not maintain the gluster volume integration found in Kubernetes that makes use of Heketi. Issues beyond the Heketi server, cli tool, and client API are best addressed elsewhere.

Thank you for your understanding.


Heketi source code can be obtained via theproject's releases pageor by cloning this repository.


Heketi's official documentation is located in thedocs/ directorywithin the repo.


Please visit Vagrant-Heketi to try out the demo.



  • DevNation 2016


  • Devconf.cz 2016:

image Slides

  • 前言 在kubernetes中,使用GlusterFS文件系统,操作步骤通常是: 创建brick-->创建volume-->创建PV-->创建PVC-->Pod挂载PVC 如果要创建多个PV,则需要手动重复执行这些繁锁步骤,那么使用GlusterFS如何动态创建呢,这就要借助于第三方的Heketi了,为什么要借助于Heketi呢,因为GlusterFS自身并不具备RESTful API,而k8s必

  • K8S中strageclass动态存储卷使用heketi管理的Glusterfs 部署方式未集成在K8S中,使用外部部署heketi、glusterfs通过StorageClass接入K8S集群。 作者: Subversion K8S版本:V1.16.2 heketi版本:9.0.0 heketi-cli版本:9.0.0 glusterfs版本:9.4 你需要有一个K8S集群,以及三台以上可用

  • 目录 环境 glusterfs配置 安装 测试 heketi配置 部署 简介 修改heketi配置文件 配置ssh密钥 启动heketi 生产案例 heketi添加glusterfs 添加cluster 将4个glusterfs作为node添加到cluster 添加device 生产实际配置 添加volume 配置kubernetes使用glusterfs 创建storageclass 创建pvc

  • 部署gluster 部署环境 vmware15 ubuntu16.04 k8s-master gluster heketi ubuntu16.04 k8s-node gluster ubuntu16.04 k8s-node gluster 添加硬盘 添加额外存储 在

  • heketi.service - Heketi Server Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/heketi.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled) Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Sat 2020-03-28 16:26:24 EDT; 4min 33s ago

  • Glusterfs 拉取centos7镜像,安装glusterfs yum -y install centos-release-gluster yum -y install glusterfs glusterfs-server glusterfs-fuse docker commit 容器 新镜像名:version 用该镜像创建4个容器,node21,node22,node23,node24

  • 目录[-] 系统环境: 系统版本:CentOS 7.6 Kubernetes版本:1.14.0 GlusterFS版本:glusterfs 4.1.7 heketi镜像版本:keheti/heketi:dev GusterFS镜像版本:gluster/gluster-centos:gluster4u1_centos7 Kubernetes 节点 地址 主机名 内存&CPU 角色 192.168.2

  • 作者: 石文 时间:2019-01-13 Heketi是一个GlusterFs管理软件,可以管理glusterFS集群的卷创建、删除等操作。 Heketi管理GlusterFS集群需要注意: GlusterFS集群的各peer必须要有未安装文件系统的磁盘设备(磁盘设备未进行格式化) GlusterFS集群各peer的端口号不能太少,不然当peer上的brick将端口号用完后,会造成无法创建卷 Gl

  • 创建集群 heketi-cli topology load --json=top.json --user admin --secret 123456 { "clusters": [ { "nodes": [ { "node": {

  • [root@hadoop03 glusterfs]# kubectl get svc | grep heketi deploy-heketi ClusterIP <none> 8080/TCP 11h [root@hadoop03 kubernetes]# export HEKETI_CLI_SERVER=http://10.1.40.

  • Heketi命令相关操作 新建heketidbstorage数据库(heketi用于记录GLusterFS集群磁盘空间信息等资源使用情况的数据库) heketi-cli --server http://localhost:8080 setup-openshift-heketi-storage 查看GlusterFS集群的信息 集群列表 heketi-cli --server http://lo

  • 磁盘处理 #查看磁盘 [root@ecs-5195-0623507 ~]# lsblk #保证磁盘是以下状态(无磁盘分区) NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINT vdc