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Flask + Vue + Postgres + Docker + Kubernetes
授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 Python
所属分类 云计算、 云原生
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 钱渊
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

Running Flask on Kubernetes

Want to learn how to build this?

Check out the post.

Want to use this project?


Build the images and spin up the containers:

$ docker-compose up -d --build

Run the migrations and seed the database:

$ docker-compose exec server python manage.py recreate_db
$ docker-compose exec server python manage.py seed_db

Test it out at:

  1. http://localhost:8080/
  2. http://localhost:5001/books/ping
  3. http://localhost:5001/books



Install and run Minikube:

  1. Install a Hypervisor (like VirtualBox or HyperKit) to manage virtual machines
  2. Install and Set Up kubectl to deploy and manage apps on Kubernetes
  3. Install Minikube

Start the cluster:

$ minikube start --vm-driver=virtualbox
$ minikube dashboard


Create the volume:

$ kubectl apply -f ./kubernetes/persistent-volume.yml

Create the volume claim:

$ kubectl apply -f ./kubernetes/persistent-volume-claim.yml


Create the secret object:

$ kubectl apply -f ./kubernetes/secret.yml


Create deployment:

$ kubectl create -f ./kubernetes/postgres-deployment.yml

Create the service:

$ kubectl create -f ./kubernetes/postgres-service.yml

Create the database:

$ kubectl get pods
$ kubectl exec postgres-<POD_IDENTIFIER> --stdin --tty -- createdb -U postgres books


Build and push the image to Docker Hub:

$ docker build -t mjhea0/flask-kubernetes ./services/server
$ docker push mjhea0/flask-kubernetes

Make sure to replace mjhea0 with your Docker Hub namespace in the above commands as well as in kubernetes/flask-deployment.yml

Create the deployment:

$ kubectl create -f ./kubernetes/flask-deployment.yml

Create the service:

$ kubectl create -f ./kubernetes/flask-service.yml

Apply the migrations and seed the database:

$ kubectl get pods
$ kubectl exec flask-<POD_IDENTIFIER> --stdin --tty -- python manage.py recreate_db
$ kubectl exec flask-<POD_IDENTIFIER> --stdin --tty -- python manage.py seed_db


Enable and apply:

$ minikube addons enable ingress
$ kubectl apply -f ./kubernetes/minikube-ingress.yml

Add entry to /etc/hosts file:

<MINIKUBE_IP> hello.world

Try it out:

  1. http://hello.world/books/ping
  2. http://hello.world/books


Build and push the image to Docker Hub:

$ docker build -t mjhea0/vue-kubernetes ./services/client \
    -f ./services/client/Dockerfile-minikube

$ docker push mjhea0/vue-kubernetes

Again, replace mjhea0 with your Docker Hub namespace in the above commands as well as in kubernetes/vue-deployment.yml

Create the deployment:

$ kubectl create -f ./kubernetes/vue-deployment.yml

Create the service:

$ kubectl create -f ./kubernetes/vue-service.yml

Try it out at http://hello.world/.

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