Spring Cloud Kubernetes Table of Contents 1. Why do you need Spring Cloud Kubernetes? 2. Starters 3. DiscoveryClient for Kubernetes 4. Kubernetes native service discovery 5. Kubernetes PropertySource
Kubernetes Security - Best Practice Guide This document acts as a best practice guide to Kubernetes security. K8s is a powerful platform which can be abused in many ways if not configured properly. Th
Application Gateway Ingress Controller Application Gateway Ingress Controller (AGIC) is a Kubernetes application, which makes it possible for Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) customers to leverage Azure
Azure Key Vault to Kubernetes Azure Key Vault to Kubernetes (akv2k8s) makes Azure Key Vault secrets, certificates and keys available to your applications in Kubernetes, in a simple and secure way. Doc
Kubernetes & OpenShift Java Client This client provides access to the full Kubernetes &OpenShift REST APIs via a fluent DSL. Module Maven Central Javadoc kubernetes-client openshift-client Extensions
Kubernetes plugin for Jenkins Jenkins plugin to run dynamic agents in a Kubernetes cluster. Based on the Scaling Docker with Kubernetes article,automates the scaling of Jenkins agents running in Kuber
Kubernetes The Hard Way on Azure This tutorial is designed for Microsoft Azure and Azure CLI 2.0.It is a fork of the great Kubernetes The Hard Way from Kelsey Hightower that describes same steps using
This project is no longer maintained As of November 7th, 2018, I've decided to end my commitment to maintaining this repo and related. It's been 3 years since I last used Elasticsearch, so I no longer
Lab: Build a Continuous Deployment Pipeline with Jenkins and Kubernetes For a more in depth best practices guide, go to the solution posted here. Introduction This guide will take you through the step
Kubernetes Goat The Kubernetes Goat is designed to be an intentionally vulnerable cluster environment to learn and practice Kubernetes security. Refer to https://madhuakula.com/kubernetes-goat for the
Kubernetes on AWS WORK IN PROGRESS This repo contains configuration templates to provision Kubernetes clusters on AWS using Cloud Formation and Ubuntu Linux. Many values are parameterized and values a
Kong Ingress Controller for Kubernetes Use Kong for Kubernetes Ingress.Configure plugins, health checking,load balancing and more in Kongfor Kubernetes Services, all usingCustom Resource Definitions(C
从Docker到Kubernetes进阶 从 Docker 入门一步步迁移到 Kubernetes 的进阶课程 在线浏览:https://www.qikqiak.com/k8s-book GitHub地址:https://github.com/cnych/kubernetes-learning/ 视频课程在线地址:https://youdianzhishi.com/course/6n8xd6/ 介
Kubernetes course This repository contains the course files for my Kubernetes course on Udemy: https://www.udemy.com/learn-devops-the-complete-kubernetes-course/?couponCode=KUBERNETES_GITHUB
综述 必读:本项目是专门针对慕课网的在线课程《Docker + Kubernetes微服务容器化实践》中的kubernetes实战部分使用的,主要讲解了kubernetes在绿色网络环境下的集群搭建及集群的使用、常用命令、应用的部署。首先剥离了认证授权和服务发现模块,从最核心的模块开始构建集群,然后逐步增加认证授权和服务发现部分,在搭建过程中逐步熟悉kubernetes。最后在集群上部署我们前面