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授权协议 Apache-2.0 License
开发语言 Google Go
所属分类 云计算、 云原生
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 西门安歌
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

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Kong Ingress Controller for Kubernetes

Use Kong for Kubernetes Ingress.Configure plugins, health checking,load balancing and more in Kongfor Kubernetes Services, all usingCustom Resource Definitions(CRDs) and Kubernetes-native tooling.

Features | Get started | Documentation | main branch builds | Seeking help

KIC 2.0 is in public beta!

We're happy to announce that Kong Ingress Controller 2.0 is in public beta.

This new release comes with a major internal rearchitecture, and the following added features:

  • Support for UDP ingress resources and the new UDPIngress CRD,
  • Ingress controller runtime metrics compatible with Prometheus, for easier monitoring and alerting.

For a quick start, just deploy KIC 2.0 beta to your cluster:

$ kubectl apply -f "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Kong/kubernetes-ingress-controller/main/deploy/single-v2/all-in-one-dbless.yaml"

See the documentation for Kong Ingress Controller 2.0 beta.


  • Ingress routingUse Ingress resources to configure Kong
  • Enhanced API management using pluginsUse a wide-array of pluginsto monitor, transform, protect your traffic.
  • Native gRPC supportProxy gRPC traffic and gain visibility into it usingKong's plugin.
  • Health checking and Load-balancingLoad balance requests across your pods and supports active & passive health-checks.
  • Request/response transformationsUse plugins tomodify your requests/responses on the fly.
  • AuthenticationProtect your services using authentication methodsof your choice.
  • Declarative configuration for KongConfigure all of Kongusing CRDs in Kubernetes and manage Kong declaratively.

Get started

You can useMinikube, Kindon your local machine or usea hosted k8s service likeGKE.

Setting up Kong for Kubernetes is as simple as:

# using YAMLs
$ kubectl apply -f https://bit.ly/k4k8s

# or using Helm
$ helm repo add kong https://charts.konghq.com
$ helm repo update

# Helm 3
$ helm install kong/kong --generate-name --set ingressController.installCRDs=false

Once installed, please follow the Getting Started guideto start using Ingress in your Kubernetes cluster.

Note: Kong Enterprise users, please follow along ourenterprise guide to setup the enterprise version.


We ❤️ pull requests, and we’re continually working hard to make it as easy as possible for developers to contribute. Before beginning development with the Kong Ingress, please familiarize yourself with the following developer resources:


All documentation around Kong Ingress Controller is present in thisrepository inside the docs directory.Pull Requests are welcome for additions and corrections.

Guides and Tutorials

Please browse through guides to get started or understand how to configurea specific setting with Kong Ingress Controller.

main branch builds

Pre-release builds of the main branch are available from thekong-ingress-controller repository hosted on Docker Hub:

main contains unreleased new features for upcoming minor and major releases:

docker pull kong/kubernetes-ingress-controller:main

Seeking help

Please search through the posts onKong Nation as it'slikely that another user has run into the same problem.If you don't find an answer, please feel free to post a question.For a feature request, please post inFeature Suggestionscategory.

You can also talk to the developers behind Kong in the#kong channel on theKubernetes Slack server.

If you've spotted a bug, please open an issueon our Github.

Community meetings

You can join monthly meetings hosted by the maintainers of the projectto ask questions, provide feedback or just come and say hello.The meeting takes place on every second Tuesday of the monthat 10 am Pacific time.Please submit your contact details on theonline meetups page to receivemeeting invite and Zoom links to join the meeting.

  • 目录 一、ingress 简介 二、ingress 组成  1.ingress 2.ingress-controller 三、ingress 工作原理 四、nginx-ingress-controller  1.ingress-controller pod及相关资源 2.修改 ClusterRole 资源配置  3.ingress 暴露服务的方式 (1)方式一 (2)方式二 (3)方式三 (4)D

  • 我通过玩迷你库贝来学习库伯内特。 如何与Minikube一起使用ingress?或者如何将minikube ip与ingress服务绑定--这样就可以在不使用nodeport的情况下将应用程序公开到外部

  • Application Gateway Ingress Controller Application Gateway Ingress Controller (AGIC) is a Kubernetes application, which makes it possible for Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) customers to leverage Azure

  • 我在裸机上安装了一个库伯内特斯集群(使用威睿虚拟机),节点如下 Metallb安装为集群的负载平衡器,calico安装为CNI 我还安装了带舵柄的nginx入口控制器 我部署了一个简单的nginx服务器进行测试 我使用负载均衡器类型的部署从metallb获得IP,工作正常,但当我添加入口时,尽管分配了IP,但我得到错误502坏网关,如下所示: 防火墙已启用,但所需端口已打开 我的服务和pods工作

  • 我们正在GKE上的k8s集群上运行一个应用程序。 我们正在使用一个nginx入口控制器作为外部负载平衡器服务,比如说,https://12.345.67.98 . 我们面临的一个问题是,当我们直接访问上述URL上的负载平衡器时,我们会收到一个证书警告,因为使用了自签名的“Kubernetes入口控制器假证书”。 我们只有将我们的域(例如app.our company.com)映射到Kubernet

  • 我在设置kubernetes ingress-nginx时遇到了麻烦,以便在外部公开我的应用程序。下面是我所做的步骤: 应用程序部署: 创建了名为Ingress的命名空间 部署了statefulset集资源,用于在入口命名空间中描述我的应用程序(我们称之为testapp) 创建了ClusterIP服务,使我的应用程序在kube集群(testapp)中的入口命名空间中可用 入口nginx设置: nu

  • null null 如果没有对第1号的解决方案,因此我们可以基于某些约定进行部署,那么现在的问题进一步涉及到如何以自动化的方式管理入口。由于服务将由自动的CI/CD管道部署,并且随着服务被添加到集群中,可能会添加新的路径,因此CI/CD编排器(例如jenkins)如何在部署应用程序时更新入口路由?以便我们确信不需要人工干预集群,并且每条路由都与相应的服务一起部署? 我希望所提供的资料足以理解这个问