from tkinter import *
class HexaCanvas(Canvas):
""" A canvas that provides a create-hexagone method """
def __init__(self, master, *args, **kwargs):
Canvas.__init__(self, master, *args, **kwargs)
self.hexaSize = 20
def setHexaSize(self, number):
self.hexaSize = number
def create_hexagone(self, x, y, color = "black", fill="blue", color1=None, color2=None, color3=None, color4=None, color5=None, color6=None):
Compute coordinates of 6 points relative to a center position.
Point are numbered following this schema :
Points in euclidiean grid:
5 1
4 2
Each color is applied to the side that link the vertex with same number to its following.
Ex : color 1 is applied on side (vertex1, vertex2)
Take care that tkinter ordinate axes is inverted to the standard euclidian ones.
Point on the screen will be horizontally mirrored.
Displayed points:
color3/ \color2
4 2
color4| |color1
5 1
color6\ /color6
size = self.hexaSize
Δx = (size**2 - (size/2)**2)**0.5
point1 = (x+Δx, y+size/2)
point2 = (x+Δx, y-size/2)
point3 = (x , y-size )
point4 = (x-Δx, y-size/2)
point5 = (x-Δx, y+size/2)
point6 = (x , y+size )
#this setting allow to specify a different color for each side.
if color1 == None:
color1 = color
if color2 == None:
color2 = color
if color3 == None:
color3 = color
if color4 == None:
color4 = color
if color5 == None:
color5 = color
if color6 == None:
color6 = color
self.create_line(point1, point2, fill=color1, width=2)
self.create_line(point2, point3, fill=color2, width=2)
self.create_line(point3, point4, fill=color3, width=2)
self.create_line(point4, point5, fill=color4, width=2)
self.create_line(point5, point6, fill=color5, width=2)
self.create_line(point6, point1, fill=color6, width=2)
if fill != None:
self.create_polygon(point1, point2, point3, point4, point5, point6, fill=fill)
class HexagonalGrid(HexaCanvas):
""" A grid whose each cell is hexagonal """
def __init__(self, master, scale, grid_width, grid_height, *args, **kwargs):
Δx = (scale**2 - (scale/2.0)**2)**0.5
width = 2 * Δx * grid_width + Δx
height = 1.5 * scale * grid_height + 0.5 * scale
HexaCanvas.__init__(self, master, background='white', width=width, height=height, *args, **kwargs)
def setCell(self, xCell, yCell, *args, **kwargs ):
""" Create a content in the cell of coordinates x and y. Could specify options throught keywords : color, fill, color1, color2, color3, color4; color5, color6"""
#compute pixel coordinate of the center of the cell:
size = self.hexaSize
Δx = (size**2 - (size/2)**2)**0.5
pix_x = Δx + 2*Δx*xCell
if yCell%2 ==1 :
pix_x += Δx
pix_y = size + yCell*1.5*size
self.create_hexagone(pix_x, pix_y, *args, **kwargs)
if __name__ == "__main__":
tk = Tk()
grid = HexagonalGrid(tk, scale = 50, grid_width=4, grid_height=4)
grid.grid(row=0, column=0, padx=5, pady=5)
def correct_quit(tk):
quit = Button(tk, text = "Quit", command = lambda :correct_quit(tk))
quit.grid(row=1, column=0)
grid.setCell(0,0, fill='blue')
grid.setCell(1,0, fill='red')
grid.setCell(0,1, fill='green')
grid.setCell(1,1, fill='yellow')
grid.setCell(2,0, fill='cyan')
grid.setCell(0,2, fill='teal')
grid.setCell(2,1, fill='silver')
grid.setCell(1,2, fill='white')
grid.setCell(2,2, fill='gray')
我以前做了几个实验,以找到绘制大规模六边形网格的最佳方法。 我尝试使用、绘制hexes。它在小网格中工作得很好,但如果我在一个网格中有超过1000+的单元格,fps就开始很难下降。 所以我想出了这个想法,将纹理(包含六边形网格模式)应用到一个简单的平面上。我只需要设置纹理的函数来指定垂直和水平执行多少次重复。
我似乎在绘制正确的十六进制网格时遇到了一点麻烦: 正如您所看到的,六边形只是稍微不对齐,尽管我相信我的数学是正确的(其中一些可以通过http://www.redblobgames.com/grids/hexagons/进行验证)。 我的绘制方法是从左上六边形(第一行的第一个瓷砖)开始,绘制那一行瓷砖。然后对于下一行,有一个负X偏移量和正Y偏移量等,直到它到达中间行,在中间行X偏移量增加,直到0:
并访问如下所示的坐标: 目前看来,这似乎很好,但我确信以这种方式存储地图肯定有一些缺点。如果有任何缺点,你能指出他们,也许提出一个更好的方式来存储地图?非常感谢您抽出时间。
我被一个似乎很容易解决的问题所困扰,但我似乎找不出正确的公式。 我有一个立方体坐标系中六边形群的列表。我知道群的立方体坐标,但我需要计算给定群中一个小六边形的“全局”坐标。 例如,在下图中,我知道和的坐标。如果每个组都有相同的半径(在本例中半径为1),并且它们之间不重叠(让我们把它看作是从0、0、0开始的组的平铺,从而创建一个十六进制网格),那么我如何计算GroupB中心平铺的坐标呢? 任何帮助都
我正在学习DDD和六角结构,我想我已经掌握了基本知识。然而,有一件事我不确定如何解决:我如何向用户显示数据? 例如,我得到了一个简单的域,其中包含一个带有某些功能的Worker实体(某些方法会导致实体更改)和一个WorkerRepository,这样我就可以持久化Worker了。我得到了一个应用程序层,其中包含一些命令和命令总线来操作域(比如创建员工和更新他们的工作时间,持久化更改),以及一个基础