Single-Precision Floats
Average Reproducible sum 1ata time = 0.0115s (11.5x simple; 2.6x Kahan)
Average Reproducible sum many time = 0.0047s (4.7x simple; 1.1x Kahan)
Average Reproducible sum manyc time = 0.0036s (3.6x simple; 0.8x Kahan)
Average Kahan summation time = 0.0044s
Average simple summation time = 0.0010s
Reproducible Value = 767376.500000000 (0% diff vs Kahan)
Kahan long double accumulator value = 767376.500000000
Error bound on RV = 15.542840004
Distinct Kahan (single accum) values = 1
Distinct Simple values = 92
Double-Precision Floats
Average Reproducible sum 1ata time = 0.0112s (10.5x simple; 2.6x Kahan)
Average Reproducible sum many time = 0.0051s (4.7x simple; 1.2x Kahan)
Average Reproducible sum manyc time = 0.0037s (3.4x simple; 0.8x Kahan)
Average simple summation time = 0.0011s
Average Kahan summation time = 0.0044s
Reproducible Value = 310844.70069914369378239 (0% diff vs Kahan)
Kahan long double accumulator value = 310844.70069914369378239
Error bound on RV = 0.00000000048315059
Distinct Kahan (double accum) values = 2
Distinct Simple values = 96
Single-Precision Floats
Reproducible Value = 0.000000000
Kahan long double accumulator value = -0.000000000
Error bound = 14.901161194
Distinct Kahan (single) values = 96
Distinct Simple values = 100
Kahan lower value = -0.000024229
Kahan upper value = 0.000025988
Simple lower value = -0.017674208
Simple upper value = 0.018800795
Kahan range = 0.000050217
Simple range = 0.036475003
Simple range / Kahan range = 726
Double-Precision Floats
Reproducible Value = 0.00000000000002185
Kahan long double accumulator value = 0.00000000000002185
Error bound = 0.00000000000000083
Distinct Kahan (double) values = 93
Distinct Simple values = 100
Kahan lower value = 0.00000000000000017
Kahan upper value = 0.00000000000006306
Simple lower value = -0.00000000004814216
Simple upper value = 0.00000000002462563
Kahan range = 0.00000000000006289
Simple range = 0.00000000007276779
Simple range / Kahan range = 1157
Serial Float
Simple summation accumulation type = float
Average deterministic summation time = 0.00462s
Average simple summation time = 0.00144s (3.20x faster than deterministic)
Average Kahan summation time = 0.00290s (1.59x faster than deterministic)
Deterministic value = 256430592.000000000 (very different from actual)
Distinct Kahan values = 3 (with single-precision accumulator)
Distinct Simple values = 93 (with single-precision accumulator)
Distinct Simple values = 1 (with double-precision accumulator)
Parallel Float
Simple summation accumulation type = float
Average deterministic summation time = 0.00576s
Average simple summation time = 0.00206s (2.79x faster than deterministic)
Average Kahan summation time = 0.00599s (0.96x faster than deterministic)
Deterministic value = 256430592.000000000 (very different from actual)
Distinct Kahan values = 3 (with single-precision accumulator)
Distinct Simple values = 89 (with single-precision accumulator)
Distinct Simple values = 1 (with double-precision accumulator)
Serial Double
Average deterministic summation time = 0.00600s
Average simple summation time = 0.00171s (3.49x faster than deterministic)
Average Kahan summation time = 0.00378s (1.58x faster than deterministic)
Deterministic value = 310844.70069914375199005 (epsilon difference from actual value)
Distinct Kahan values = 4
Distinct Simple values = 88
Parallel Double
Average deterministic summation time = 0.01074s
Average simple summation time = 0.00289s (3.71x faster than deterministic)
Average Kahan summation time = 0.00648s (1.65x faster than deterministic)
Deterministic value = 310844.70069914375199005 (epsilon difference from actual value)
Distinct Kahan values = 2
Distinct Simple values = 83
Serial Long Double
Average deterministic summation time = 0.01072s
Average simple summation time = 0.00215s (4.96x faster than deterministic)
Average Kahan summation time = 0.00448s (2.39x faster than deterministic)
Deterministic value = 310844.700699143717685046795 (no discernable difference from actual)
Distinct Kahan values = 3
Distinct Simple values = 94
Parallel Long Double
Average deterministic summation time = 0.01854s
Average simple summation time = 0.00466s (3.97x faster than deterministic)
Average Kahan summation time = 0.00635s (2.91x faster than deterministic)
Deterministic value = 310844.700699143717685046795 (no discernable difference from actual)
Distinct Kahan values = 1
Distinct Simple values = 82
n^k * e^(k-1) << 1
Single-precision epsilon = 0.000000119
Double-precision epsilon = 0.00000000000000022
Long double-precision epsilon = 0.000000000000000000108
Single condition = 119000
Double condition = 0.00022
Long double condition = 0.000000108
//Compile with:
//g++ -g -O3 repro_vector.cpp -fopenmp
//NOTE: Always comile with `-g`. It doesn't slow down your code, but does make
//it debuggable and improves ease of profiling
#include <algorithm>
#include <bitset> //Used for showing bitwise representations
#include <cfenv> //Used for setting floating-point rounding modes
#include <chrono> //Used for timing algorithms
#include <climits> //Used for showing bitwise representations
#include <iostream>
#include <omp.h> //OpenMP
#include <random>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
#include <typeinfo>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
constexpr int ROUNDING_MODE = FE_UPWARD;
constexpr int N = 1'000'000;
constexpr int TESTS = 100;
// Simple timer class for tracking cumulative run time of the different
// algorithms
struct Timer {
double total = 0;
std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point start_time;
Timer() = default;
void start() {
start_time = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
void stop() {
const auto now = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
const auto time_span = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::duration<double>>(now - start_time);
total += time_span.count();
//Simple class to enable directed rounding in floating-point math and to reset
//the rounding mode afterwards, when it goes out of scope
struct SetRoundingMode {
const int old_rounding_mode;
SetRoundingMode(const int mode) : old_rounding_mode(fegetround()) {
throw std::runtime_error("Failed to set directed rounding mode!");
throw std::runtime_error("Failed to reset rounding mode to original value!");
static std::string get_rounding_mode_string() {
switch (fegetround()) {
case FE_DOWNWARD: return "downward";
case FE_TONEAREST: return "to-nearest";
case FE_TOWARDZERO: return "toward-zero";
case FE_UPWARD: return "upward";
default: return "unknown";
// Used to make showing bitwise representations somewhat more intuitive
template<class T>
struct binrep {
const T val;
binrep(const T val0) : val(val0) {}
// Display the bitwise representation
template<class T>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const binrep<T> a){
const char* beg = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&a.val);
const char *const end = beg + sizeof(a.val);
while(beg != end){
out << std::bitset<CHAR_BIT>(*beg++);
if(beg < end)
out << ' ';
return out;
//Simple serial summation algorithm with an accumulation type we can specify
//to more fully explore its behaviour
template<class FloatType, class SimpleAccumType>
FloatType serial_simple_summation(const std::vector<FloatType> &vec){
SimpleAccumType sum = 0;
for(const auto &x: vec){
sum += x;
return sum;
//Parallel variant of the simple summation algorithm above
template<class FloatType, class SimpleAccumType>
FloatType parallel_simple_summation(const std::vector<FloatType> &vec){
SimpleAccumType sum = 0;
#pragma omp parallel for default(none) reduction(+:sum) shared(vec)
for(size_t i=0;i<vec.size();i++){
sum += vec[i];
return sum;
//Kahan's compensated summation algorithm for accurately calculating sums of
//many numbers with O(1) error
template<class FloatType>
FloatType serial_kahan_summation(const std::vector<FloatType> &vec){
FloatType sum = 0.0f;
FloatType c = 0.0f;
for (const auto &num: vec) {
const auto y = num - c;
const auto t = sum + y;
c = (t - sum) - y;
sum = t;
return sum;
//Parallel version of Kahan's compensated summation algorithm (could be improved
//by better accounting for the compsenation during the reduction phase)
template<class FloatType>
FloatType parallel_kahan_summation(const std::vector<FloatType> &vec){
//Parallel phase
std::vector<FloatType> sum(omp_get_max_threads(), 0);
FloatType c = 0;
#pragma omp parallel for default(none) firstprivate(c) shared(sum,vec)
for (size_t i=0;i<vec.size();i++) {
const auto tid = omp_get_thread_num();
const auto y = vec[i] - c;
const auto t = sum.at(tid) + y;
c = (t - sum[tid]) - y;
sum[tid] = t;
//Serial reduction phase
//This could be more accurate if it took the remaining compensation values
//from above into account
FloatType total_sum = 0.0f;
FloatType total_c = 0.0f;
for(const auto &num: sum){
const auto y = num - total_c;
const auto t = total_sum + y;
total_c = (t - total_sum) - y;
total_sum = t;
return total_sum;
// Error-free vector transformation. Algorithm 4 from Demmel and Nguyen (2013)
template<class FloatType>
FloatType ExtractVectorNew2(
const FloatType M,
const typename std::vector<FloatType>::iterator &begin,
const typename std::vector<FloatType>::iterator &end
// Should use the directed rounding mode of the parent thread
auto Mold = M;
for(auto v=begin;v!=end;v++){
auto Mnew = Mold + (*v);
auto q = Mnew - Mold;
(*v) -= q;
Mold = Mnew;
//This is the exact sum of high order parts q_i
//v is now the vector of low order parts r_i
return Mold - M;
template<class FloatType>
FloatType mf_from_deltaf(const FloatType delta_f){
const int power = std::ceil(std::log2(delta_f));
return static_cast<FloatType>(3.0) * std::pow(2, power);
//Implements the error bound discussed near Equation 6 of
//Demmel and Nguyen (2013).
template<class FloatType>
bool is_error_bound_appropriate(const size_t N, const int k){
const auto eps = std::numeric_limits<FloatType>::epsilon();
const auto ratio = std::pow(N, k) * std::pow(eps, k-1);
//If ratio << 1, then the conventional non-reproducible sum and the
//deterministic sum will have error bounds of the same order. We arbitrarily
//choose 1e-4 to represent this
return ratio < 1e-3;
//Serial bitwise deterministic summation.
//Algorithm 8 from Demmel and Nguyen (2013).
template<class FloatType>
FloatType serial_bitwise_deterministic_summation(
std::vector<FloatType> vec, // Note that we're making a copy!
const int k
constexpr FloatType eps = std::numeric_limits<FloatType>::epsilon();
const auto n = vec.size();
const auto adr = SetRoundingMode(ROUNDING_MODE);
return 0;
if(!is_error_bound_appropriate<FloatType>(vec.size(), k)){
std::cout<<"WARNING! Error bounds of deterministic sum are large relative to conventional summation!"<<std::endl;
FloatType m = std::abs(vec.front());
for(const auto &x: vec){
m = std::max(m, std::abs(x));
FloatType delta_f = n * m / (1 - 4 * (n + 1) * eps);
FloatType Mf = mf_from_deltaf(delta_f);
std::vector<FloatType> Tf(k);
for(int f=0;f<k-1;f++){
Tf[f] = ExtractVectorNew2<FloatType>(Mf, vec.begin(), vec.end());
delta_f = n * (4 * eps * Mf / 3) / (1 - 4 * (n + 1) * eps);
Mf = mf_from_deltaf(delta_f);
FloatType M = Mf;
for(const FloatType &v: vec){
M += v;
Tf[k-1] = M - Mf;
FloatType T = 0;
for(const FloatType &tf: Tf){
T += tf;
return T;
//Parallel bitwise deterministic summation.
//Algorithm 9 from Demmel and Nguyen (2013).
template<class FloatType>
FloatType parallel_bitwise_deterministic_summation(
std::vector<FloatType> vec, // Note that we're making a copy!
const int k
constexpr FloatType eps = std::numeric_limits<FloatType>::epsilon();
const auto n = vec.size();
const auto adr = SetRoundingMode(ROUNDING_MODE);
return 0;
if(!is_error_bound_appropriate<FloatType>(vec.size(), k)){
std::cout<<"WARNING! Error bounds of deterministic sum are large relative to conventional summation!"<<std::endl;
std::vector<FloatType> Tf(k);
// Note that this reduction would require communication if we had
// implemented this to work on multiple nodes
FloatType m = std::abs(vec.front());
#pragma omp parallel for default(none) reduction(max:m) shared(vec)
for(size_t i=0;i<vec.size();i++){
m = std::max(m, std::abs(vec[i]));
// Note that this reduction would require communication if we had
// implemented this to work on multiple nodes
#pragma omp declare reduction(vec_plus : std::vector<FloatType> : \
std::transform(omp_out.begin(), omp_out.end(), omp_in.begin(), omp_out.begin(), std::plus<FloatType>())) \
initializer(omp_priv = decltype(omp_orig)(omp_orig.size()))
#pragma omp parallel default(none) reduction(vec_plus:Tf) shared(k,m,n,vec,std::cout)
const auto adr = SetRoundingMode(ROUNDING_MODE);
const auto threads = omp_get_num_threads();
const auto tid = omp_get_thread_num();
const auto values_per_thread = n / threads;
const auto nlow = tid * values_per_thread;
const auto nhigh = (tid<threads-1) ? ((tid+1) * values_per_thread) : n;
FloatType delta_f = n * m / (1 - 4 * (n + 1) * eps);
FloatType Mf = mf_from_deltaf(delta_f);
for(int f=0;f<k-1;f++){
Tf[f] = ExtractVectorNew2<FloatType>(Mf, vec.begin() + nlow, vec.begin() + nhigh);
delta_f = n * (4 * eps * Mf / 3) / (1 - 4 * (n + 1) * eps);
Mf = mf_from_deltaf(delta_f);
FloatType M = Mf;
for(size_t i=nlow;i<nhigh;i++){
M += vec[i];
Tf[k-1] = M - Mf;
FloatType T = 0;
for(const FloatType &tf: Tf){
T += tf;
return T;
//Convenience wrappers
template<bool Parallel, class FloatType>
FloatType bitwise_deterministic_summation(
const std::vector<FloatType> &vec, // Note that we're making a copy!
const int k
return parallel_bitwise_deterministic_summation<FloatType>(vec, k);
} else {
return serial_bitwise_deterministic_summation<FloatType>(vec, k);
template<bool Parallel, class FloatType, class SimpleAccumType>
FloatType simple_summation(const std::vector<FloatType> &vec){
return parallel_simple_summation<FloatType, SimpleAccumType>(vec);
} else {
return serial_simple_summation<FloatType, SimpleAccumType>(vec);
template<bool Parallel, class FloatType>
FloatType kahan_summation(const std::vector<FloatType> &vec){
return serial_kahan_summation<FloatType>(vec);
} else {
return parallel_kahan_summation<FloatType>(vec);
// Timing tests for the summation algorithms
template<bool Parallel, class FloatType, class SimpleAccumType>
FloatType PerformTestsOnData(
const int TESTS,
std::vector<FloatType> floats, //Make a copy so we use the same data for each test
std::mt19937 gen //Make a copy so we use the same data for each test
Timer time_deterministic;
Timer time_kahan;
Timer time_simple;
//Very precise output
std::cout<<"Parallel? "<<Parallel<<std::endl;
std::cout<<"Max threads = "<<omp_get_max_threads()<<std::endl;
std::cout<<"Floating type = "<<typeid(FloatType).name()<<std::endl;
std::cout<<"Floating type epsilon = "<<std::numeric_limits<FloatType>::epsilon()<<std::endl;
std::cout<<"Simple summation accumulation type = "<<typeid(SimpleAccumType).name()<<std::endl;
std::cout<<"Number of tests = "<<TESTS<<std::endl;
std::cout<<"Input sample = "<<std::endl;
for(size_t i=0;i<10;i++){
//Get a reference value
std::unordered_map<FloatType, uint32_t> simple_sums;
std::unordered_map<FloatType, uint32_t> kahan_sums;
const auto ref_val = bitwise_deterministic_summation<Parallel, FloatType>(floats, 2);
for(int test=0;test<TESTS;test++){
std::shuffle(floats.begin(), floats.end(), gen);
const auto my_val = bitwise_deterministic_summation<Parallel, FloatType>(floats, 2);
std::cout<<"ERROR: UNEQUAL VALUES ON TEST #"<<test<<"!"<<std::endl;
std::cout<<"Reference = "<<ref_val <<std::endl;
std::cout<<"Current = "<<my_val <<std::endl;
std::cout<<"Reference bits = "<<binrep<FloatType>(ref_val)<<std::endl;
std::cout<<"Current bits = "<<binrep<FloatType>(my_val) <<std::endl;
throw std::runtime_error("Values were not equal!");
const auto kahan_sum = kahan_summation<Parallel, FloatType>(floats);
const auto simple_sum = simple_summation<Parallel, FloatType, SimpleAccumType>(floats);
std::cout<<"Average deterministic summation time = "<<(time_deterministic.total/TESTS)<<std::endl;
std::cout<<"Average simple summation time = "<<(time_simple.total/TESTS)<<std::endl;
std::cout<<"Average Kahan summation time = "<<(time_kahan.total/TESTS)<<std::endl;
std::cout<<"Ratio Deterministic to Simple = "<<(time_deterministic.total/time_simple.total)<<std::endl;
std::cout<<"Ratio Deterministic to Kahan = "<<(time_deterministic.total/time_kahan.total)<<std::endl;
std::cout<<"Reference value = "<<std::fixed<<ref_val<<std::endl;
std::cout<<"Reference bits = "<<binrep<FloatType>(ref_val)<<std::endl;
std::cout<<"Distinct Kahan values = "<<kahan_sums.size()<<std::endl;
std::cout<<"Distinct Simple values = "<<simple_sums.size()<<std::endl;
int count = 0;
for(const auto &kv: kahan_sums){
std::cout<<"\tKahan sum values (N="<<std::fixed<<kv.second<<") "<<kv.first<<" ("<<binrep<FloatType>(kv.first)<<")"<<std::endl;
count = 0;
for(const auto &kv: simple_sums){
std::cout<<"\tSimple sum values (N="<<std::fixed<<kv.second<<") "<<kv.first<<" ("<<binrep<FloatType>(kv.first)<<")"<<std::endl;
return ref_val;
// Use this to make sure the tests are reproducible
template<class FloatType, class SimpleAccumType>
void PerformTests(
const int TESTS,
const std::vector<long double> &long_floats,
std::mt19937 &gen
std::vector<FloatType> floats(long_floats.begin(), long_floats.end());
const auto serial_val = PerformTestsOnData<false, FloatType, SimpleAccumType>(TESTS, floats, gen);
const auto parallel_val = PerformTestsOnData<true, FloatType, SimpleAccumType>(TESTS, floats, gen);
//Note that the `long double` type may only use 12-16 bytes (to maintain
//alignment), but only 80 bits, resulting in bitwise indeterminism in the last
//few bits; however, the floating-point values themselves will be equal.
std::cout<<"### Serial and Parallel values match for "
<<"? "
int main(){
std::random_device rd;
// std::mt19937 gen(rd()); //Enable for randomness
std::mt19937 gen(123456789); //Enable for reproducibility
std::uniform_real_distribution<long double> distr(-1000, 1000);
std::vector<long double> long_floats;
for(int i=0;i<N;i++){
PerformTests<double, double>(TESTS, long_floats, gen);
PerformTests<long double, long double>(TESTS, long_floats, gen);
PerformTests<float, float>(TESTS, long_floats, gen);
PerformTests<float, double>(TESTS, long_floats, gen);
return 0;
我所描述的生成器将生成基本上具有相同量子的数字,所有数字都接近除数的倍数。这可能不包括样本中各种各样的指数,因此它可能无法很好地模拟一个分布,其中数字在添加时在有效位内部四舍五入。E、 例如,如果我们添加许多123.45形式的数字,它们将在一段时间内添加得很好,尽管舍入误差会随着部分和的累积而增大。但是,如果我们将表格12345、123.45和1.2345的编号相加,不同的错误会更早发生
将1M值123.45相加,得到的单长双卡汉值为123450000.00000000 2837623469532。确定性长双精度值与此相差-0.00000000000727595761,而确定性双精度值相差
-0.0000000 1206353772047,而确定性浮点数相差
我在传单地图上有一组无组织的点,在我的实现中,这些点表示Minecraftarium.com/map上Minecraftarium.com/map上地图上的领土节点。目前,我的实现只获取点,并使用传单在点周围画一个圆来大致指示控制区域。 然而,这有点难看,也不代表期望的最终结果,即从给定一组数据的边缘点绘制多边形区域。然而,由于这些点的无组织性质,我没有简单的方法来宣布这些点上的“边缘点”,因为它
问题 你想构造一个可接受任意数量参数的函数。 解决方案 为了能让一个函数接受任意数量的位置参数,可以使用一个*参数。例如: def avg(first, *rest): return (first + sum(rest)) / (1 + len(rest)) # Sample use avg(1, 2) # 1.5 avg(1, 2, 3, 4) # 2.5 在这个例子中,rest是由所
问题内容: 变量的每个可能值都可以准确地用变量表示吗? 换句话说,对于所有可能的值,以下操作将成功: 我怀疑没有例外,或者只有例外情况(例如+/-无限或NaN)。 编辑 :问题的原始措词令人困惑(陈述了两种方式,一种回答是“否”,另一种回答是是)。我将其改写为与问题标题匹配的单词。 问题答案: 是。 通过列举所有可能的情况来证明: 在我的机器上在12秒内完成。32位 很小 。
问题内容: 我有一个浮点数数组: 在数组上运行sort()后,我得到了: 请注意,JavaScript(节点)的5.8 …大于49.6…。这是为什么? 如何正确地对这些数字进行排序? 问题答案: 传递排序函数: 结果: 从MDN: 如果未提供compareFunction,则通过将元素转换为字符串并按字典顺序(“字典”或“电话簿”,而非数字)顺序比较字符串来对元素进行排序。
问题内容: 假设我已经编写了以下代码段。在操场上的完整代码在这里为那些倾斜。 这段代码完全按照我的期望输出以下内容: 假设我想将字段添加到JSON输出中而不将其包含在结构中。也许是一个体裁: 我可以使用将任意字段添加到上的JSON有效载荷吗?就像是: 其他答案使我认为这应该可行,但是我正在努力弄清实现方式。 问题答案: 这是比我上一个更好的答案。 由于匿名结构字段是“合并的”(有一些其他注意事项)
作为作业,我实现了以下函数来返回一系列数字的总和: 作为单元测试,我使用了以下比较: 此测试失败,返回。当我在中运行这些函数时,我得到了以下结果,这让我感到惊讶: 为什么改变求和顺序会返回不同的结果?给我指明了正确的方向,但我认为这个问题的实际答案(OTP中的实现细节)可能也会对某人感兴趣。