参考参数(Reference parameters)


引用参数是reference to a memory location变量reference to a memory locationreference to a memory location 。 通过引用传递参数时,与值参数不同,不会为这些参数创建新的存储位置。 参考参数表示与提供给方法的实际参数相同的存储器位置。

您可以使用ref关键字声明引用参数。 以下示例演示了这一点 -

using System;
namespace CalculatorApplication {
   class NumberManipulator {
      public void swap(ref int x, ref int y) {
         int temp;
         temp = x; /* save the value of x */
         x = y;    /* put y into x */
         y = temp; /* put temp into y */
      static void Main(string[] args) {
         NumberManipulator n = new NumberManipulator();
         /* local variable definition */
         int a = 100;
         int b = 200;
         Console.WriteLine("Before swap, value of a : {0}", a);
         Console.WriteLine("Before swap, value of b : {0}", b);
         /* calling a function to swap the values */
         n.swap(ref a, ref b);
         Console.WriteLine("After swap, value of a : {0}", a);
         Console.WriteLine("After swap, value of b : {0}", b);

编译并执行上述代码时,会产生以下结果 -

Before swap, value of a : 100
Before swap, value of b : 200
After swap, value of a : 200
After swap, value of b : 100
