- 被观察者:维护一组观察者, 提供用于增加和移除观察者的方法。
- 观察者:提供一个更新接口,用于当被观察者状态变化时,得到通知。
- 具体的被观察者:状态变化时广播通知给观察者,保持具体的观察者的信息。
- 具体的观察者:保持一个指向具体被观察者的引用,实现一个更新接口,用于观察,以便保证自身状态总是和被观察者状态一致的。
function ObserverList(){ this.observerList = []; } ObserverList.prototype.Add = function( obj ){ return this.observerList.push( obj ); }; ObserverList.prototype.Empty = function(){ this.observerList = []; }; ObserverList.prototype.Count = function(){ return this.observerList.length; }; ObserverList.prototype.Get = function( index ){ if( index > -1 && index < this.observerList.length ){ return this.observerList[ index ]; } }; ObserverList.prototype.Insert = function( obj, index ){ var pointer = -1; if( index === 0 ){ this.observerList.unshift( obj ); pointer = index; }else if( index === this.observerList.length ){ this.observerList.push( obj ); pointer = index; } return pointer; }; ObserverList.prototype.IndexOf = function( obj, startIndex ){ var i = startIndex, pointer = -1; while( i < this.observerList.length ){ if( this.observerList[i] === obj ){ pointer = i; } i++; } return pointer; }; ObserverList.prototype.RemoveAt = function( index ){ if( index === 0 ){ this.observerList.shift(); }else if( index === this.observerList.length -1 ){ this.observerList.pop(); } }; // Extend an object with an extension function extend( extension, obj ){ for ( var key in extension ){ obj[key] = extension[key]; } }
function Subject(){ this.observers = new ObserverList(); } Subject.prototype.AddObserver = function( observer ){ this.observers.Add( observer ); }; Subject.prototype.RemoveObserver = function( observer ){ this.observers.RemoveAt( this.observers.IndexOf( observer, 0 ) ); }; Subject.prototype.Notify = function( context ){ var observerCount = this.observers.Count(); for(var i=0; i < observerCount; i++){ this.observers.Get(i).Update( context ); } };
我们接着定义建立新的观察者的一个框架。这里的update 函数之后会被具体的行为覆盖。
// The Observer function Observer(){ this.Update = function(){ // ... }; }
- 一个按钮,这个按钮用于增加新的充当观察者的选择框到页面上
- 一个控制用的选择框 , 充当一个被观察者,通知其它选择框是否应该被选中
- 一个容器,用于放置新的选择框
<button id="addNewObserver">Add New Observer checkbox</button> <input id="mainCheckbox" type="checkbox"/> <div id="observersContainer"></div>
// 我们DOM 元素的引用 var controlCheckbox = document.getElementById( "mainCheckbox" ), addBtn = document.getElementById( "addNewObserver" ), container = document.getElementById( "observersContainer" ); // 具体的被观察者 //Subject 类扩展controlCheckbox 类 extend( new Subject(), controlCheckbox ); //点击checkbox 将会触发对观察者的通知 controlCheckbox["onclick"] = new Function( "controlCheckbox.Notify(controlCheckbox.checked)" ); addBtn["onclick"] = AddNewObserver; // 具体的观察者 function AddNewObserver(){ //建立一个新的用于增加的checkbox var check = document.createElement( "input" ); check.type = "checkbox"; // 使用Observer 类扩展checkbox extend( new Observer(), check ); // 使用定制的Update函数重载 check.Update = function( value ){ this.checked = value; }; // 增加新的观察者到我们主要的被观察者的观察者列表中 controlCheckbox.AddObserver( check ); // 将元素添加到容器的最后 container.appendChild( check ); }
这里给出一个关于如何使用发布者/订阅者模式的例子,这个例子中完整地实现了功能强大的publish(), subscribe() 和 unsubscribe()。
// 一个非常简单的邮件处理器 // 接受的消息的计数器 var mailCounter = 0; // 初始化一个订阅者,这个订阅者监听名叫"inbox/newMessage" 的频道 // 渲染新消息的粗略信息 var subscriber1 = subscribe( "inbox/newMessage", function( topic, data ) { // 日志记录主题,用于调试 console.log( "A new message was received: ", topic ); // 使用来自于被观察者的数据,用于给用户展示一个消息的粗略信息 $( ".messageSender" ).html( data.sender ); $( ".messagePreview" ).html( data.body ); }); // 这是另外一个订阅者,使用相同的数据执行不同的任务 // 更细计数器,显示当前来自于发布者的新信息的数量 var subscriber2 = subscribe( "inbox/newMessage", function( topic, data ) { $('.newMessageCounter').html( mailCounter++ ); }); publish( "inbox/newMessage", [{ sender:"hello@google.com", body: "Hey there! How are you doing today?" }]); // 在之后,我们可以让我们的订阅者通过下面的方式取消订阅来自于新主题的通知 // unsubscribe( subscriber1, ); // unsubscribe( subscriber2 );
尽管这些模式并不是万能的灵丹妙药,这些模式仍然是作为最好的设计松耦合系统的工具之一,因此在任何的JavaScript 开发者的工具箱里面,都应该有这样一个重要的工具。
发布/订阅在JavaScript的生态系统中非常合适,主要是因为作为核心的ECMAScript 实现是事件驱动的。尤其是在浏览器环境下更是如此,因为DOM使用事件作为其主要的用于脚本的交互API。
也就是说,无论是ECMAScript 还是DOM都没有在实现代码中提供核心对象或者方法用于创建定制的事件系统(DOM3 的CustomEvent是一个例外,这个事件绑定在DOM上,因此通常用处不大)。
幸运的是,流行的JavaScript库例如dojo, jQuery(定制事件)以及YUI已经有相关的工具,可以帮助我们方便的实现一个发布/订阅者系统。下面我们看一些例子。
// 发布 // jQuery: $(obj).trigger("channel", [arg1, arg2, arg3]); $( el ).trigger( "/login", [{username:"test", userData:"test"}] ); // Dojo: dojo.publish("channel", [arg1, arg2, arg3] ); dojo.publish( "/login", [{username:"test", userData:"test"}] ); // YUI: el.publish("channel", [arg1, arg2, arg3]); el.publish( "/login", {username:"test", userData:"test"} ); // 订阅 // jQuery: $(obj).on( "channel", [data], fn ); $( el ).on( "/login", function( event ){...} ); // Dojo: dojo.subscribe( "channel", fn); var handle = dojo.subscribe( "/login", function(data){..} ); // YUI: el.on("channel", handler); el.on( "/login", function( data ){...} ); // 取消订阅 // jQuery: $(obj).off( "channel" ); $( el ).off( "/login" ); // Dojo: dojo.unsubscribe( handle ); dojo.unsubscribe( handle ); // YUI: el.detach("channel"); el.detach( "/login" );
对于想要在vanilla Javascript(或者其它库)中使用发布/订阅模式的人来讲, AmplifyJS 包含了一个干净的,库无关的实现,可以和任何库或者工具箱一起使用。Radio.js(http://radio.uxder.com/), PubSubJS (https://github.com/mroderick/PubSubJS) 或者 Pure JS PubSub 来自于 Peter Higgins(https://github.com/phiggins42/bloody-jquery-plugins/blob/55e41df9bf08f42378bb08b93efcb28555b61aeb/pubsub.js) 都有类似的替代品值得研究。
尤其对于jQuery 开发者来讲,他们拥有很多其它的选择,可以选择大量的良好实现的代码,从Peter Higgins 的jQuery插件到Ben Alman 在GitHub 上的(优化的)发布/订阅 jQuery gist。下面给出了这些代码的链接。
- Ben Alman的发布/订阅 gist https://gist.github.com/661855(推荐)
- Rick Waldron 在上面基础上修改的 jQuery-core 风格的实现https://gist.github.com/705311
- Peter Higgins 的插件http://github.com/phiggins42/bloody-jquery-plugins/blob/master/pubsub.js
- AppendTo 在AmplifyJS中的 发布/订阅实现http://amplifyjs.com
- Ben Truyman的 gist https://gist.github.com/826794
从上面我们可以看到在javascript中有这么多种观察者模式的实现,让我们看一下最小的一个版本的发布/订阅模式实现,这个实现我放在github 上,叫做pubsubz。这个实现展示了发布,订阅的核心概念,以及如何取消订阅。
var pubsub = {}; (function(q) { var topics = {}, subUid = -1; // Publish or broadcast events of interest // with a specific topic name and arguments // such as the data to pass along q.publish = function( topic, args ) { if ( !topics[topic] ) { return false; } var subscribers = topics[topic], len = subscribers ? subscribers.length : 0; while (len--) { subscribers[len].func( topic, args ); } return this; }; // Subscribe to events of interest // with a specific topic name and a // callback function, to be executed // when the topic/event is observed q.subscribe = function( topic, func ) { if (!topics[topic]) { topics[topic] = []; } var token = ( ++subUid ).toString(); topics[topic].push({ token: token, func: func }); return token; }; // Unsubscribe from a specific // topic, based on a tokenized reference // to the subscription q.unsubscribe = function( token ) { for ( var m in topics ) { if ( topics[m] ) { for ( var i = 0, j = topics[m].length; i < j; i++ ) { if ( topics[m][i].token === token) { topics[m].splice( i, 1 ); return token; } } } } return this; }; }( pubsub ));
// Another simple message handler // A simple message logger that logs any topics and data received through our // subscriber var messageLogger = function ( topics, data ) { console.log( "Logging: " + topics + ": " + data ); }; // Subscribers listen for topics they have subscribed to and // invoke a callback function (e.g messageLogger) once a new // notification is broadcast on that topic var subscription = pubsub.subscribe( "inbox/newMessage", messageLogger ); // Publishers are in charge of publishing topics or notifications of // interest to the application. e.g: pubsub.publish( "inbox/newMessage", "hello world!" ); // or pubsub.publish( "inbox/newMessage", ["test", "a", "b", "c"] ); // or pubsub.publish( "inbox/newMessage", { sender: "hello@google.com", body: "Hey again!" }); // We cab also unsubscribe if we no longer wish for our subscribers // to be notified // pubsub.unsubscribe( subscription ); // Once unsubscribed, this for example won't result in our // messageLogger being executed as the subscriber is // no longer listening pubsub.publish( "inbox/newMessage", "Hello! are you still there?" );
// Return the current local time to be used in our UI later getCurrentTime = function (){ var date = new Date(), m = date.getMonth() + 1, d = date.getDate(), y = date.getFullYear(), t = date.toLocaleTimeString().toLowerCase(); return (m + "/" + d + "/" + y + " " + t); }; // Add a new row of data to our fictional grid component function addGridRow( data ) { // ui.grid.addRow( data ); console.log( "updated grid component with:" + data ); } // Update our fictional grid to show the time it was last // updated function updateCounter( data ) { // ui.grid.updateLastChanged( getCurrentTime() ); console.log( "data last updated at: " + getCurrentTime() + " with " + data); } // Update the grid using the data passed to our subscribers gridUpdate = function( topic, data ){ if ( data !== "undefined" ) { addGridRow( data ); updateCounter( data ); } }; // Create a subscription to the newDataAvailable topic var subscriber = pubsub.subscribe( "newDataAvailable", gridUpdate ); // The following represents updates to our data layer. This could be // powered by ajax requests which broadcast that new data is available // to the rest of the application. // Publish changes to the gridUpdated topic representing new entries pubsub.publish( "newDataAvailable", { summary: "Apple made $5 billion", identifier: "APPL", stockPrice: 0. }); pubsub.publish( "newDataAvailable", { summary: "Microsoft made $ million", identifier: "MSFT", stockPrice: . });
样例:在下面这个电影评分的例子里面,我们使用Ben Alman的发布/订阅实现来解耦应用程序。我们使用Ben Alman的jQuery实现,来展示如何解耦用户界面。请注意,我们如何做到提交一个评分,来产生一个发布信息,这个信息表明了当前新的用户和评分数据可用。
<script id="userTemplate" type="text/html"> <li><%= name %></li> </script> <script id="ratingsTemplate" type="text/html"> <li><strong><%= title %></strong> was rated <%= rating %>/5</li> </script> <div id="container"> <div class="sampleForm"> <p> <label for="twitter_handle">Twitter handle:</label> <input type="text" id="twitter_handle" /> </p> <p> <label for="movie_seen">Name a movie you've seen this year:</label> <input type="text" id="movie_seen" /> </p> <p> <label for="movie_rating">Rate the movie you saw:</label> <select id="movie_rating"> <option value="1">1</option> <option value="2">2</option> <option value="3">3</option> <option value="4">4</option> <option value="5" selected>5</option> </select> </p> <p> <button id="add">Submit rating</button> </p> </div> <div class="summaryTable"> <div id="users"><h3>Recent users</h3></div> <div id="ratings"><h3>Recent movies rated</h3></div> </div> </div>
;(function( $ ) { // Pre-compile templates and "cache" them using closure var userTemplate = _.template($( "#userTemplate" ).html()), ratingsTemplate = _.template($( "#ratingsTemplate" ).html()); // Subscribe to the new user topic, which adds a user // to a list of users who have submitted reviews $.subscribe( "/new/user", function( e, data ){ if( data ){ $('#users').append( userTemplate( data )); } }); // Subscribe to the new rating topic. This is composed of a title and // rating. New ratings are appended to a running list of added user // ratings. $.subscribe( "/new/rating", function( e, data ){ var compiledTemplate; if( data ){ $( "#ratings" ).append( ratingsTemplate( data ); } }); // Handler for adding a new user $("#add").on("click", function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); var strUser = $("#twitter_handle").val(), strMovie = $("#movie_seen").val(), strRating = $("#movie_rating").val(); // Inform the application a new user is available $.publish( "/new/user", { name: strUser } ); // Inform the app a new rating is available $.publish( "/new/rating", { title: strMovie, rating: strRating} ); }); })( jQuery );
高度耦合的应用优势会增加重用功能的代价,因为高度耦合增加了内部函数/代码的依赖性。这意味着如果我们只是希望获取一次性获取结果集,可以将请求后 的逻辑代码 硬编码在回调函数里面,这种方式可以正常工作,但是当我们想要对相同的数据源(不同的最终行为)做更多的Ajax调用的时候,这种方式就不适合了,我们必须要多次重写部分代码。与其回溯调用相同数据源的每一层,然后在将它们泛化,不如一开始就使用发布/订阅模式来节约时间。
<form id="flickrSearch"> <input type="text" name="tag" id="query"/> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit"/> </form> <div id="lastQuery"></div> <div id="searchResults"></div> <script id="resultTemplate" type="text/html"> <% _.each(items, function( item ){ %> <li><p><img src="<%= item.media.m %>"/></p></li> <% });%> </script>
;(function( $ ) { // Pre-compile template and "cache" it using closure var resultTemplate = _.template($( "#resultTemplate" ).html()); // Subscribe to the new search tags topic $.subscribe( "/search/tags" , function( tags ) { $( "#searchResults" ) .html(" <p> Searched for:<strong>" + tags + "</strong> </p> "); }); // Subscribe to the new results topic $.subscribe( "/search/resultSet" , function( results ){ $( "#searchResults" ).append(resultTemplate( results )); }); // Submit a search query and publish tags on the /search/tags topic $( "#flickrSearch" ).submit( function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); var tags = $(this).find( "#query").val(); if ( !tags ){ return; } $.publish( "/search/tags" , [ $.trim(tags) ]); }); // Subscribe to new tags being published and perform // a search query using them. Once data has returned // publish this data for the rest of the application // to consume $.subscribe("/search/tags", function( tags ) { $.getJSON( "http://api.flickr.com/services/feeds/photos_public.gne?jsoncallback=?", { tags: tags, tagmode: "any", format: "json" }, function( data ){ if( !data.items.length ) { return; } $.publish( "/search/resultSet" , data.items ); }); }); })()