
授权协议 View license
开发语言 Java
所属分类 手机/移动开发、 Android UI 组件
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 柳修平
操作系统 Android
适用人群 未知

Material Design for Bootstrap

The most popular UI KIT for building responsive, mobile-first websites and apps - free for personal & commercial use. Available jQuery, Angular, React and Vue versions.

Trusted by 2 000 000+ developers & designers. Used by companies like

Our impressive collection of beautiful, 500+ material UI elements, 600+ material icons, 77+ CSS animations, 9+ useful plugins, SASS files, templates, tutorials and many more allows you to develop any kind of project.

We're maintaining a dedicated Support Forum for this purpose. This is also a go-to place for every suggestion, opinion, bug, and issue report if you'd like to receive help as soon as possible. Reports posted on Support Forum are prior to GitHub issues

Please read contribution rules before starting your improvements in order to help us make the cooperation and reviewing experience as pleasant and effective as possible

More Web Development Technologies

⠀ MDBootstrap Angular⠀ ⠀ MDBootstrap React ⠀­ ⠀ ­ MDBootstrap Vue⠀ ­ ­­ MDBootstrap 5 ­­
­­­ ­­­ ­­­ ­­­ ­­­ ­­­ ­­­ ­­­ ­­­­ MDB Angular ­­ ­­­­ ­­­ ⠀ ­­ ­­­ ­­­ ­­­ ­­­ ­­­ MDB React ⠀­­ ­­­ ­­­ ­­­ ­­­ ­­­ ⠀ ­­ ­­­ ­­­ ­­­ ­­­ ­­­ MDB Vue ­­ ­­­ ­­­ ­­­ ­­­ ­­­ ­­­ ­­­ ­­­ ­­­ ­­­ ­­­ MDB 5 ⠀ ­­ ­­­ ­­­ ­­­ ­­­ ­­­

Quick Start Video

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Also, you can install MDB Free using NPM installation guide

MDB CLI - the fastest way to create and host MDB projects

With MDB CLI you can start a new project within seconds! Use mdb init command and start with a pre-set configuration!
Publish and host
Make your project visible with mdb publish, no need to store your code, simply get the link and share it with the world!
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A slideshow component for cycling through elements—images or slides of text—like a carousel.

Loader / Spinner


You can use Bootstrap’s custom button styles for actions in forms, dialogs, and more with support for multiple sizes, states, and more...


Bootstrap cards are components which display content built of different elements with characteristic shadows, depth and hover effects.


Bootstrap alerts are feedback messages that are displayed after specific actions performed by the user. The length of the text is unlimited.

Hamburger Menu

Bootstrap alerts are feedback messages that are displayed after specific actions performed by the user. The length of the text is unlimited.


A footer is an additional navigation component. It can hold links, buttons, company info, copyrights, forms, and many other elements.


Bootstrap's sidenav is a vertical navigation component which apart from traditional, text links, might embed icons, dropdowns, avatars or search forms.

Use MDB modal plugin to add dialogs to your site for lightboxes, user notifications, or completely custom content.

Supported browsers

MDBootstrap supports the latest, stable releases of all major browsers and platforms.

Alternative browsers which use the latest version of WebKit, Blink, or Gecko, whether directly or via the platform’s web view API, are not explicitly supported. However, MDBootstrap should (in most cases) display and function correctly in these browsers as well.

Mobile devices

Generally speaking, MDBootstrap supports the latest versions of each major platform’s default browsers. Note that proxy browsers (such as Opera Mini, Opera Mobile’s Turbo mode, UC Browser Mini, Amazon Silk) are not supported.

Android Browser & WebView IE / Edge
Miscrosoft Edge
⠀Android⠀ ⠀Supported⠀ ⠀Supported⠀ ⠀N/A⠀ Android v5.0+ supported Supported
⠀iOS⠀ ⠀Supported⠀ ⠀Supported⠀ ⠀Supported N/A Supported
⠀Windows 10 Mobile⠀ ⠀N/A⠀ ⠀N/A⠀ ⠀N/A⠀ N/A⠀ Supported

Desktop browsers

Similarly, the latest versions of most desktop browsers are supported.

IE / Edge
Internet Explorer
Internet Explorer / Edge
⠀⠀⠀Mac⠀⠀ Supported Supported N/A N/A ⠀Supported⠀ ⠀Supported⠀⠀
⠀⠀⠀Windows⠀ Supported Supported N/A ⠀Supported⠀ ⠀Supported⠀ ⠀Not supported⠀


You can explore huge, detailed documentation on our website. You can also use sitemap where each component is located


Additional tutorials for those with insatiable appetite for knowledge made by us & our users can be found in our education section & in miscellaneous

Useful resources

Here you'll find more useful resources, like Getting Started, Freebies, Premium Templates & snippet editor

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Material Design for Bootstrap PRO

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  • Create pull requests, submit bugs, suggest new features or documentation updates
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  • Like our page on Facebook

A big ❤️ thank you to all our users ❤️ who are working with us to improve the software. We wouldn't be where we are without you.

  • 一,使用图标组件 如需使用图标,只需要简单地使用下面的代码即可。请在图标和文本之间保留适当的空间。 <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-search"></span> 使用简单,需要哪个图标就引用对应的类即可。 设置图标组件大小,font-size即可。 二,使用下拉菜单组件 下拉菜单是可切换的,是以列表格式显示链接的上下文菜单。 <div class="dropd

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  •                                                 A simple bootstrap                                                                     -----2004.11.1 (C) Gr1x To make a long story short, and enough ma

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