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授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 JavaScript
所属分类 Web应用开发
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 丁沛
操作系统 未知
适用人群 未知

Jekyll Material Design

Publish your static website/blog on GitHub Pages using Jekyll and Bootstrap 3 with a "materialized" style.

This project is based on Jekyll-Bootrap-3. It also includes the Paper theme from Bootswatch.com.

Jekyll-material-design Thumbnail

How it works


1. Create a Repo

2. Install Jekyll-Bootstrap-3

    $ git clone https://github.com/sentenza/jekyll-material-design USERNAME.github.io
    $ cd USERNAME.github.io
    $ git remote set-url origin git@github.com:USERNAME/USERNAME.github.io.git
    $ git push origin master  

3. Edit your website configuration

Edit _includes/themes/bootstrap/ to change information about your new website and also to remove the GitHub red ribbon (default.html#26).

Please, take a look at Jekyll intro to understand how GitHub and Jekyll work together to serve your pages.

4. Testing your website locally

To construct and test your site locally, go into the directory andtype

jekyll build

This will create (or modify) a _site/ directory, containingeverything from assets/, and then the index.md and allpages/*.md files, converted to html. (So there'll be_site/index.html and the various _site/pages/*.html.)

Type the following in order to “serve” the site.This will first run build, and so it does not need to bepreceded by jekyll build.

jekyll serve

To make jekyll automatically re-build your changes you can also add the --watch option:

jekyll serve --watch

Now open your browser and go to http://localhost:4000.

Read the complete tutorial on http://jekyllrb.com/docs/usage/.

4. Enjoy !

  • After giving 10 mins to GitHub of course.

For original project's usage and documentation please see the Wiki of this project.


Visit jekyll-material-design on GitHub Pages

Further resources

  • Prose.io, a web-based content editor specifically designed to make it simple for content creators to publish to Jekyll



  • material-jekyll-theme Demo Getting started git clone https://github.com/alexcarpenter/material-jekyll-theme.git cd material-jekyll-theme Configure the _config.yml file as needed bundle install bundle

  • Material Theme for Jekyll! DEMO: code.liquidthink.net created with React, Redux, React-Router and transpiled with Webpack. Made with React and served statically and dynamically in order to build: for

  • Material Design for AngularJS Apps Material Design is a specification for aunified system of visual, motion, and interaction design that adapts across different devices. Ourgoal is to deliver a lean,

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