
授权协议 Apache-2.0 License
开发语言 Java
所属分类 手机/移动开发、 Android UI 组件
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 訾渝
操作系统 Android
适用人群 未知

Material Design Dimens

Default colors and dimens per Material Design guidelines and Android Design guidelines inside one library.






Just add the dependency to your build.gradle:

compile ''



Name Dimens Values
Padding around content area @dimen/material_component_dialogs_padding_around_content_area 24dp
Padding between title and body text @dimen/material_component_dialogs_padding_between_title_and_body_text 20dp
Padding around buttons @dimen/material_component_dialogs_padding_around_buttons 8dp
Action area height @dimen/material_component_dialogs_action_area_height 52dp
Dialog elevation @dimen/material_component_dialogs_elevation 24dp

Metrics & Keylines

Name Dimens Values
Screen edge left and right margins @dimen/material_layout_keylines_screen_edge_margin 16dp
Content associated with an icon or avatar left margin @dimen/material_layout_keylines_content_left_margin_from_screen_edge 72dp
Horizontal margins on mobile @dimen/material_layout_keylines_horizontal_mobile_margin 16dp


Name Dimens Values
Primary title top padding @dimen/material_component_cards_primary_title_top_padding 24dp
Primary title bottom padding @dimen/material_component_cards_primary_title_bottom_padding 16dp
Action button row padding @dimen/material_component_cards_action_button_row_padding 8dp
Supporting text top padding @dimen/material_component_cards_supporting_text_top_padding 16dp
Supporting text bottom padding @dimen/material_component_cards_supporting_text_bottom_padding 24dp

Floating Action Buttons

Dimens Values
@dimen/material_component_floating_action_button_margin 16dp
@dimen/material_component_button_height 36dp
@dimen/material_component_button_touchable_target_height 48dp

Color Palette

Colors Value
@color/material_indigo_100 #C5CAE9
@color/material_indigo_500 #3F51B5
@color/material_indigo_700 #303F9F


  • Keylines
  • Spacing
  • ... (More comming soon)


  • Bottom sheets
  • Buttons
  • Floating Action Buttons
  • Cards
  • Dialogs
  • Grid lists
  • Lists
  • Text fields
  • Toolbars
  • ... (More comming soon)


  • Font sizes



Want to add your favorites dimens, just make pull request!

External contributors


Copyright 2016 Dmitry Malkovich

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, softwaredistributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.See the License for the specific language governing permissions andlimitations under the License.

  • 新用户头像一个是个麻烦事,很多网站直接放个灰色头像,一点美感都没有。 正好觉得Android上的Gmail和Messager的生成的头像挺不错的,我就自己写了一个生成这种头像的PHP类,字体用的Adobe的两个开源字体,色彩参考Android官方关于Material Design的文档。 在线演示地址: 项目文

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  • 最全面的 Material Design 学习资料 本人目前正在找工作,想了解我的详细情况请移步到我的 网页版简历 ,希望能得到各位的推荐,谢谢! 关于 Material Design 在这里我就不在多做介绍了,想必做Android开发的 都听过它的大名 ,甚至用过无数次了。Material Design 是以后 Android 的主流设计风格,现在已经越来越多的APP遵循 Material De