var computerRandomNumberOne = Math.floor((Math.random() * 10) + 1);
var computerRandomNumberTwo = Math.floor((Math.random() * 10) + 1);
var userRandomNumberOne = Math.floor((Math.random() * 10) + 1);
var userRandomNumberTwo = Math.floor((Math.random() * 10) + 1);
var userPoints;
var computerPoints;
var userTotal;
var computerTotal;
var userWin = 0;
var computerWin = 0;
alert("Let's shake some dice!");
userTotal = userRandomNumberOne + userRandomNumberTwo;
computerTotal = computerRandomNumberOne + computerRandomNumberTwo;
while(userPoints || computerPoints != 5)
alert("Your turn to roll \n\nYou shook a " + userRandomNumberOne + " and a " + userRandomNumberTwo + ", so you have " + userTotal);
alert("My turn to roll \n\nI shook a " + computerRandomNumberOne + " and a " + computerRandomNumberTwo + ", so I have " + computerTotal);
if(computerTotal > userTotal)
alert("I win " + computerTotal + " to " + userTotal + "\n\nI am winning " + computerWin + " to " + userWin);
else if(computerTotal < userTotal)
alert("You win " + userTotal + " to " + computerTotal+ "\n\nYou win " + computerTotal + " to " + userTotal + "\n\nYou are winning " + computerWin + " to " + userWin);
if(computerTotal == userTotal)
alert("Tie! Roll Again! \n\n");
if(userPoints == 5)
alert("You win the game!");
else if(computerPoints == 5)
alert("The computer wins the game!");
var userWin = 0;
var computerWin = 0;
function play(){
var userTotal = 0;
var computerTotal = 0;
var userPoints = 0;
var computerPoints = 0;
alert("Let's shake some dice!");
while(userPoints < 5 && computerPoints < 5){
var computerRandomNumberOne = Math.floor((Math.random() * 10) + 1);
var computerRandomNumberTwo = Math.floor((Math.random() * 10) + 1);
var userRandomNumberOne = Math.floor((Math.random() * 10) + 1);
var userRandomNumberTwo = Math.floor((Math.random() * 10) + 1);
userTotal = userRandomNumberOne + userRandomNumberTwo;
computerTotal = computerRandomNumberOne + computerRandomNumberTwo;
alert("Your turn to roll \n\nYou shook a " + userRandomNumberOne + " and a " + userRandomNumberTwo + ", so you have " + userTotal);
alert("My turn to roll \n\nI shook a " + computerRandomNumberOne + " and a " + computerRandomNumberTwo + ", so I have " + computerTotal);
if(computerTotal > userTotal){
var winningMessage = "You are winning " + userWin + " to " + computerWin;
var computerIsWinning = (computerWin > userWin);
if(computerWin == userWin){
winningMessage = "We are tied " + userWin + " to " + computerWin;
else if(computerIsWinning){
winningMessage = "I am winning " + computerWin + " to " + userWin;
alert("I win " + computerTotal + " to " + userTotal + "\n\n" + winningMessage);
else if(computerTotal < userTotal){
var winningMessage = "You are winning " + userWin + " to " + computerWin;
var computerIsWinning = (computerWin > userWin);
if(computerWin == userWin){
winningMessage = "We are tied " + userWin + " to " + computerWin;
else if(computerIsWinning){
winningMessage = "I am winning " + computerWin + " to " + userWin;
alert("You win " + userTotal + " to " + computerTotal + "\n\n" + winningMessage);
alert("Tie! Roll Again! \n\n");
if(userPoints == 5){
alert("You win the game!");
else if(computerPoints == 5){
alert("The computer wins the game!");
userPoints = 0;
computerPoints = 0;
rando(1, 10)
Math.floor((Math.random() * 10) + 1)
<script src="https://randojs.com/1.0.0.js"></script>
var userWin = 0;
var computerWin = 0;
function play(){
var userTotal = 0;
var computerTotal = 0;
var userPoints = 0;
var computerPoints = 0;
alert("Let's shake some dice!");
while(userPoints < 5 && computerPoints < 5){
var computerRandomNumberOne = rando(1, 10);
var computerRandomNumberTwo = rando(1, 10);
var userRandomNumberOne = rando(1, 10);
var userRandomNumberTwo = rando(1, 10);
userTotal = userRandomNumberOne + userRandomNumberTwo;
computerTotal = computerRandomNumberOne + computerRandomNumberTwo;
alert("Your turn to roll \n\nYou shook a " + userRandomNumberOne + " and a " + userRandomNumberTwo + ", so you have " + userTotal);
alert("My turn to roll \n\nI shook a " + computerRandomNumberOne + " and a " + computerRandomNumberTwo + ", so I have " + computerTotal);
if(computerTotal > userTotal){
var winningMessage = "You are winning " + userWin + " to " + computerWin;
var computerIsWinning = (computerWin > userWin);
if(computerWin == userWin){
winningMessage = "We are tied " + userWin + " to " + computerWin;
else if(computerIsWinning){
winningMessage = "I am winning " + computerWin + " to " + userWin;
alert("I win " + computerTotal + " to " + userTotal + "\n\n" + winningMessage);
else if(computerTotal < userTotal){
var winningMessage = "You are winning " + userWin + " to " + computerWin;
var computerIsWinning = (computerWin > userWin);
if(computerWin == userWin){
winningMessage = "We are tied " + userWin + " to " + computerWin;
else if(computerIsWinning){
winningMessage = "I am winning " + computerWin + " to " + userWin;
alert("You win " + userTotal + " to " + computerTotal + "\n\n" + winningMessage);
alert("Tie! Roll Again! \n\n");
if(userPoints == 5){
alert("You win the game!");
else if(computerPoints == 5){
alert("The computer wins the game!");
userPoints = 0;
computerPoints = 0;
rollDice( )应使用兰德( )随机生成介于1-6之间的数字 返回兰德( )生成的数字 3)实现一个功能,功能原型为Int ;Playgame( Void ;); 根据用户的赢或输的次数给用户一个适当的消息 返回值为EXIT_SUCCESS 这里是我现在拥有的,但它告诉我有错误。有谁能帮我完成这个任务吗? ^ X.C:10:1:错误:程序中杂散“\240” X.C:12:1:错误:程序中杂
我是一个C++初学者,我需要创建一个骰子游戏模拟掷两个骰子。我对头文件的使用感到很困惑。但首先,为什么我需要返回骰子的票面号码?其次,int roll函数做什么?来重置价值观和面孔?如果是,默认值是多少?而最后一个函数骰子(int n),我是否使用这个函数来控制骰子值的最大总和?函数必须有一个具有以下函数的类头文件:
我正在创建一个骰子游戏,其中2个玩家有他们自己的骰子,每个人都有自己的轮到扔他的骰子,玩家可以完全失去分数或获得分数取决于他们站在窗口的位置,游戏结束时,任何一个玩家首先站在终点车道上,获胜者是得分最高的玩家,我已经在游戏的设计到目前为止,但还没有在逻辑上工作。 这个链接是游戏应该是什么样子的图片: 我想知道我如何才能添加球员1和球员2在每个瓷砖上面的照片,所以基本上每次当一个球员玩他的回合,我希