什么我 喜欢
#include <pthread.h>
#include <memory>
#include <list>
// Use RAII to do the lock/unlock
struct MutexLock
MutexLock(pthread_mutex_t& m) : mutex(m) { pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex); }
~MutexLock() { pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); }
pthread_mutex_t& mutex;
// The base class of all work we want to do.
struct Job
virtual void doWork() = 0;
// pthreads is a C library the call back must be a C function.
extern "C" void* threadPoolThreadStart(void*);
// The very basre minimal part of a thread pool
// It does not create the workers. You need to create the work threads
// then make them call workerStart(). I leave that as an exercise for you.
class ThreadPool
ThreadPool(unsigned int threadCount=1);
void addWork(std::auto_ptr<Job> job);
friend void* threadPoolThreadStart(void*);
void workerStart();
std::auto_ptr<Job> getJob();
bool finished; // Threads will re-wait while this is true.
pthread_mutex_t mutex; // A lock so that we can sequence accesses.
pthread_cond_t cond; // The condition variable that is used to hold worker threads.
std::list<Job*> workQueue; // A queue of jobs.
// Create the thread pool
ThreadPool::ThreadPool(int unsigned threadCount)
: finished(false)
, threads(threadCount)
// If we fail creating either pthread object than throw a fit.
if (pthread_mutex_init(&mutex, NULL) != 0)
{ throw int(1);
if (pthread_cond_init(&cond, NULL) != 0)
throw int(2);
for(unsigned int loop=0; loop < threadCount;++loop)
if (pthread_create(threads[loop], NULL, threadPoolThreadStart, this) != 0)
// One thread failed: clean up
for(unsigned int kill = loop -1; kill < loop /*unsigned will wrap*/;--kill)
pthread_kill(threads[kill], 9);
throw int(3);
// Cleanup any left overs.
// Note. This does not deal with worker threads.
// You need to add a method to flush all worker threads
// out of this pobject before you let the destructor destroy it.
finished = true;
for(std::vector<pthread_t>::iterator loop = threads.begin();loop != threads.end(); ++loop)
// Send enough signals to free all threads.
for(std::vector<pthread_t>::iterator loop = threads.begin();loop != threads.end(); ++loop)
// Wait for all threads to exit (they will as finished is true and
// we sent enough signals to make sure
// they are running).
void* result;
pthread_join(*loop, &result);
// Destroy the pthread objects.
// Delete all re-maining jobs.
// Notice how we took ownership of the jobs.
for(std::list<Job*>::const_iterator loop = workQueue.begin(); loop != workQueue.end();++loop)
delete *loop;
// Add a new job to the queue
// Signal the condition variable. This will flush a waiting worker
// otherwise the job will wait for a worker to finish processing its current job.
void ThreadPool::addWork(std::auto_ptr<Job> job)
MutexLock lock(mutex);
// Start a thread.
// Make sure no exceptions escape as that is bad.
void* threadPoolThreadStart(void* data)
ThreadPool* pool = reinterpret_cast<ThreadPool*>(workerStart);
return NULL;
// This is the main worker loop.
void ThreadPool::workerStart()
std::auto_ptr<Job> job = getJob();
if (job.get() != NULL)
// The workers come here to get a job.
// If there are non in the queue they are suspended waiting on cond
// until a new job is added above.
std::auto_ptr<Job> ThreadPool::getJob()
MutexLock lock(mutex);
while((workQueue.empty()) && (!finished))
pthread_cond_wait(&cond, &mutex);
// The wait releases the mutex lock and suspends the thread (until a signal).
// When a thread wakes up it is help until it can acquire the mutex so when we
// get here the mutex is again locked.
// Note: You must use while() here. This is because of the situation.
// Two workers: Worker A processing job A.
// Worker B suspended on condition variable.
// Parent adds a new job and calls signal.
// This wakes up thread B. But it is possible for Worker A to finish its
// work and lock the mutex before the Worker B is released from the above call.
// If that happens then Worker A will see that the queue is not empty
// and grab the work item in the queue and start processing. Worker B will
// then lock the mutext and proceed here. If the above is not a while then
// it would try and remove an item from an empty queue. With a while it sees
// that the queue is empty and re-suspends on the condition variable above.
std::auto_ptr<Job> result;
if (!finished)
{ result.reset(workQueue.front());
return result;
问题内容: 我有以下情况: 为了运行算法,我必须运行多个线程,并且每个线程都会在死之前设置一个实例变量x。问题是这些线程不会立即返回: 我应该使用等待通知吗?还是我应该嵌入一个while循环并检查是否终止? 感谢大家! 问题答案: 创建一些共享存储来保存每个线程的值,或者如果足够的话,只存储总和。使用a 等待线程终止。每个线程完成后都会调用,您的方法将使用该方法来等待它们。 编辑: 这是我建议的方
嗨,我正在做一个项目,我已经达到了我非常困的部分。我试图寻找方法来学习如何在繁忙的等待中编写 while 循环,但我没有找到任何东西,我的代码只是作为无限循环运行。有人可以帮助我解释一个繁忙的等待循环应该如何工作,并帮助我打破这个无限循环吗? 该项目希望做到以下几点:早上,学生醒来后(这需要一段随机的时间),他会去洗手间为新的上学日做准备。如果浴室已经客满,学生需要Rest一下(使用yield()
这可能是在类似的背景下问的,但我在搜索了大约20分钟后找不到答案,所以我会问。 我已经编写了一个Python脚本(比如说:scriptA.py)和一个脚本(比如说scriptB.py) 在scriptB中,我想用不同的参数多次调用scriptA,每次运行大约需要一个小时,(这是一个巨大的脚本,做了很多事情……不用担心),我希望能够同时使用所有不同的参数运行scriptA,但我需要等到所有参数都完成
Java 8的promise实现,即CompletableFuture,提供了应用(…)和get()方法。 其中,在必要时等待promise完成,然后返回其结果。 现在假设我们使用(或)链接一些代码以在UI线程上运行(请参见stackoverflow.com/thenApply和thenApplyAsync之间的差异)。 如果我们在UI线程中调用,比如Java以某种方式处理这种情况,或者它会导致所
问题内容: 问题描述 : - 步骤1: 在主线程中从用户那里获取输入FILE_NAME。 步骤2: 对该文件执行10个操作(即,计数字符,计数行等。),所有这10个操作必须位于单独的线程中。这意味着必须有10个子线程。 步骤3: 主线程等待,直到所有那些子线程完成。 步骤4: 打印结果。 我做了什么 :- 我用3个线程做了一个示例代码。 我不希望您遇到文件操作代码。 问题:- 我上面的代码没有给出
问题内容: 我的问题: 当线程处于状态(非休眠)> 99.9%的时间时,JVM中的大量线程是否会消耗大量资源(内存,CPU)吗?当线程正在等待时,如果根本需要维护它们,需要花费多少CPU开销? 答案是否也适用于与非JVM相关的环境(例如linux内核)? 内容: 我的程序收到大量占用空间的程序包。它在不同的程序包中存储相似属性的计数。在收到包裹后的给定时间(可能是数小时或数天)之后,该特定包裹将过