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使用自定义 WDA 服务器


Appium 的 iOS 版本的后端用的是Facebook's WebDriverAgent。该后端是基于苹果公司的 XCTest 框架,所以也有所有XCTest 框架已知的问题。其中有些问题我们正在设法解决,有一些在现阶段可能无法解决。本文中描述的方法已经能够使您完全掌握在设备上如何构建、管理和运行WDA。通过这种方式,您可以在CI环境中对您的自动化测试进行微调,并使其在长期运行的情况下更加稳定。

重点: * 如果使用了Appium的默认设置,则不需要如下的步骤。服务器将为您搞定一切,当然你也不能对WDA做太多控制。 * 对连接的被测设备必须有SSH或物理访问权限。


cd /usr/local/lib/node_modules/appium/node_modules/appium-xcuitest-driver/WebDriverAgent
./Scripts/bootstrap.sh -d


如果是在真机上进行测试的话,则需要做更多的设置。参考real device configuration documentation 设置代码签名。另外,你还需要安装iproxy工具。

npm install -g iproxy

为了确保 WDA 源代码配置正确,请执行以下操作:

  • 用Xcode打开/usr/local/lib/node_modules/appium/node_modules/appium-xcuitest-driver/WebDriverAgent/WebDriverAgent.xcodeproj
  • 选择 "WebDriverAgentRunner" 工程
  • 选择要运行自动化测试的真机/模拟器作为构建目标机
  • 在主菜单中选择 Product -> Test

Xcode 会成功构建项目并安装到真机/模拟器上,所以您将在苹果系统的桌面上看到 WebDriverAgentRunner 应用程序的图标。


WebDriverAgent 应用程序扮演一个 REST 服务的角色,接收外部 API 请求,然后传递给被测应用的原生 XCTest 调用。如果在模拟器上运行你的测试,REST 服务的地址将是localhost,如果在有实际的 IP 地址的真实设备上运行,REST 服务的地址将是实际的 ip 地址。我们使用 iproxy 将网络请求路由到通过 USB 连接的真实设备上,这意味着可以使用这个工具将模拟器和真实设备上的 WDA 网络地址统一。


public class WDAServer {
private static final Logger log = ZLogger.getLog(WDAServer.class.getSimpleName());

private static final int MAX_REAL_DEVICE_RESTART_RETRIES = 1;
private static final Timedelta REAL_DEVICE_RUNNING_TIMEOUT = Timedelta.ofMinutes(4);
private static final Timedelta RESTART_TIMEOUT = Timedelta.ofMinutes(1);

// These settings are needed to properly sign WDA for real device tests
// See https://github.com/appium/appium-xcuitest-driver for more details
private static final File KEYCHAIN = new File(String.format("%s/%s",
        System.getProperty("user.home"), "/Library/Keychains/MyKeychain.keychain"));
private static final String KEYCHAIN_PASSWORD = "******";

private static final File IPROXY_EXECUTABLE = new File("/usr/local/bin/iproxy");
private static final File XCODEBUILD_EXECUTABLE = new File("/usr/bin/xcodebuild");
private static final File WDA_PROJECT =
        new File("/usr/local/lib/node_modules/appium/node_modules/appium-xcuitest-driver/" +
private static final String WDA_SCHEME = "WebDriverAgentRunner";
private static final String WDA_CONFIGURATION = "Debug";
private static final File XCODEBUILD_LOG = new File("/usr/local/var/log/appium/build.log");
private static final File IPROXY_LOG = new File("/usr/local/var/log/appium/iproxy.log");

private static final int PORT = 8100;
public static final String SERVER_URL = String.format("", PORT);

private static final String[] IPROXY_CMDLINE = new String[]{
        String.format("> %s 2>&1 &", IPROXY_LOG.getAbsolutePath())

private static WDAServer instance = null;
private final boolean isRealDevice;
private final String deviceId;
private final String platformVersion;
private int failedRestartRetriesCount = 0;

private WDAServer() {
    try {
        this.isRealDevice = !getIsSimulatorFromConfig(getClass());
        final String udid;
        if (isRealDevice) {
            udid = IOSRealDeviceHelpers.getUDID();
        } else {
            udid = IOSSimulatorHelpers.getId();
        this.deviceId = udid;
        this.platformVersion = getPlatformVersionFromConfig(getClass());
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);

public synchronized static WDAServer getInstance() {
    if (instance == null) {
        instance = new WDAServer();
    return instance;

private boolean waitUntilIsRunning(Timedelta timeout) throws Exception {
    final URL status = new URL(SERVER_URL + "/status");
    try {
        if (timeout.asSeconds() > 5) {
            log.debug(String.format("Waiting max %s until WDA server starts responding...", timeout));
        new UrlChecker().waitUntilAvailable(timeout.asMillis(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, status);
        return true;
    } catch (UrlChecker.TimeoutException e) {
        return false;

private static void ensureParentDirExistence() {
    if (!XCODEBUILD_LOG.getParentFile().exists()) {
        if (!XCODEBUILD_LOG.getParentFile().mkdirs()) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(String.format(
                    "The script has failed to create '%s' folder for Appium logs. " +
                            "Please make sure your account has correct access permissions on the parent folder(s)",

private void ensureToolsExistence() {
    if (isRealDevice && !IPROXY_EXECUTABLE.exists()) {
        throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("%s tool is expected to be installed (`npm install -g iproxy`)",
    if (!XCODEBUILD_EXECUTABLE.exists()) {
        throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("xcodebuild tool is not detected on the current system at %s",
    if (!WDA_PROJECT.exists()) {
        throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("WDA project is expected to exist at %s",

private List<String> generateXcodebuildCmdline() {
    final List<String> result = new ArrayList<>();
    result.add("clean build test");
    result.add(String.format("-project %s", WDA_PROJECT.getAbsolutePath()));
    result.add(String.format("-scheme %s", WDA_SCHEME));
    result.add(String.format("-destination id=%s", deviceId));
    result.add(String.format("-configuration %s", WDA_CONFIGURATION));
    result.add(String.format("IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=%s", platformVersion));
    result.add(String.format("> %s 2>&1 &", XCODEBUILD_LOG.getAbsolutePath()));
    return result;

private static List<String> generateKeychainUnlockCmdlines() throws Exception {
    final List<String> result = new ArrayList<>();
    result.add(String.format("/usr/bin/security -v list-keychains -s %s", KEYCHAIN.getAbsolutePath()));
    result.add(String.format("/usr/bin/security -v unlock-keychain -p %s %s",
            KEYCHAIN_PASSWORD, KEYCHAIN.getAbsolutePath()));
    result.add(String.format("/usr/bin/security set-keychain-settings -t 3600 %s", KEYCHAIN.getAbsolutePath()));
    return result;

public synchronized void restart() throws Exception {
    if (isRealDevice && failedRestartRetriesCount >= MAX_REAL_DEVICE_RESTART_RETRIES) {
        throw new IllegalStateException(String.format(
                "WDA server cannot start on the connected device with udid %s after %s retries. " +
                        "Reboot the device manually and try again", deviceId, MAX_REAL_DEVICE_RESTART_RETRIES));

    final String hostname = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName();
    log.info(String.format("Trying to (re)start WDA server on %s:%s...", hostname, PORT));
    UnixProcessHelpers.killProcessesGracefully(IPROXY_EXECUTABLE.getName(), XCODEBUILD_EXECUTABLE.getName());

    final File scriptFile = File.createTempFile("script", ".sh");
    try {
        final List<String> scriptContent = new ArrayList<>();
        if (isRealDevice && isRunningInJenkinsNetwork()) {
            scriptContent.add(String.join("\n", generateKeychainUnlockCmdlines()));
        if (isRealDevice) {
            scriptContent.add(String.join(" ", IPROXY_CMDLINE));
        final String wdaBuildCmdline = String.join(" ", generateXcodebuildCmdline());
        log.debug(String.format("Building WDA with command line:\n%s\n", wdaBuildCmdline));
        try (Writer output = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(scriptFile))) {
            output.write(String.join("\n", scriptContent));
        new ProcessBuilder("/bin/chmod", "u+x", scriptFile.getCanonicalPath())
                .redirectErrorStream(true).start().waitFor(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
        final ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder("/bin/bash", scriptFile.getCanonicalPath());
        final Map<String, String> env = pb.environment();
        // This is needed for Jenkins
        env.put("BUILD_ID", "dontKillMe");
        log.info(String.format("Waiting max %s for WDA to be (re)started on %s:%s...", RESTART_TIMEOUT.toString(),
                hostname, PORT));
        final Timedelta started = Timedelta.now();
        pb.redirectErrorStream(true).start().waitFor(RESTART_TIMEOUT.asMillis(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
        if (!waitUntilIsRunning(RESTART_TIMEOUT)) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(
                    String.format("WDA server has failed to start after %s timeout on server '%s'.\n"
                                    + "Please make sure that iDevice is properly connected and you can build "
                                    + "WDA manually from XCode.\n"
                                    + "Xcodebuild logs:\n\n%s\n\n\niproxy logs:\n\n%s\n\n\n",
                            RESTART_TIMEOUT, hostname,
                            getLog(XCODEBUILD_LOG).orElse("EMPTY"), getLog(IPROXY_LOG).orElse("EMPTY"))

        log.info(String.format("WDA server has been successfully (re)started after %s " +
                "and now is listening on %s:%s", Timedelta.now().diff(started).toString(), hostname, PORT));
    } finally {

public boolean isRunning() throws Exception {
    if (!isProcessRunning(XCODEBUILD_EXECUTABLE.getName())
            || (isRealDevice && !isProcessRunning(IPROXY_EXECUTABLE.getName()))) {
        return false;
    return waitUntilIsRunning(isRealDevice ? REAL_DEVICE_RUNNING_TIMEOUT : Timedelta.ofSeconds(3));

public Optional<String> getLog(File logFile) {
    if (logFile.exists()) {
        try {
            return Optional.of(new String(Files.readAllBytes(logFile.toPath()), Charset.forName("UTF-8")));
        } catch (IOException e) {
    return Optional.empty();

public void resetLogs() {
    for (File logFile : new File[]{XCODEBUILD_LOG, IPROXY_LOG}) {
        if (logFile.exists()) {
            try {
                final PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(logFile);
            } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {

之前应该调用这段代码来启动 Appium iOS 驱动,例如,在 setUp 方法中:

   if (!WDAServer.getInstance().isRunning()) {

为 Appium 驱动程序设置 webDriverAgentUrl 非常重要,让它知道我们的 WDA 驱动程序可以使用:

    capabilities.setCapability("webDriverAgentUrl", WDAServer.SERVER_URL);


  • 如果是 jenkins agent 执行的,该进程不能直接访问钥匙串(Keychain),所以我们需要在为真实设备编译 WDA 之前准备钥匙串,否则编码将失败。
  • 如果 xcodebuild 和 iproxy 进程已经被冻结,我们在重新启动之前杀死这些进程,以确保编译成功,
  • 我们准备一个单独的 bash 脚本并独立于 iproxy / xcodebuild 进程,所以即使在实际的代码执行完成后,它们也可以在后台继续运行。如果在自动化实验室中的同一机器/节点上执行多个测试/套件,最少的人工干预是非常重要的。
  • 更改 BUILD_ID 环境变量的值以避免在作业完成后由 Jenkins agent 程序杀死后台进程。
  • isRunning 检查是通过验证实际的网络终端来完成的.
  • 守护进程的输出会存入日志,因此可以跟踪错误和意外的故障。如果服务器无法启动/重启,日志文件的内容会自动添加到实际的错误消息中。
  • 真机设备ID可以从 system_profiler SPUSBDataType 输出中解析
  • 模拟器ID可以从 xcrun simctl list 输出中解析
  • UrlChecker 类是从 org.openqa.selenium.net 包导入的