Akka 与 OSGi
Configuring the OSGi Framework
To use Akka in an OSGi environment, the org.osgi.framework.bootdelegation
property must be set to always delegate the sun.misc
package to the boot classloader instead of resolving it through the normal OSGi class space.
To bootstrap Akka inside an OSGi environment, you can use the akka.osgi.ActorSystemActivator
class to conveniently set up the ActorSystem.
import akka.actor.{ Props, ActorSystem }
import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext
import akka.osgi.ActorSystemActivator
class Activator extends ActorSystemActivator {
def configure(context: BundleContext, system: ActorSystem) {
// optionally register the ActorSystem in the OSGi Service Registry
registerService(context, system)
val someActor = system.actorOf(Props[SomeActor], name = "someName")
someActor ! SomeMessage
The ActorSystemActivator
creates the actor system with a class loader that finds resources (reference.conf
files) and classes from the application bundle and all transitive dependencies.
The ActorSystemActivator
class is included in the akka-osgi
A complete sample project is provided in akka-sample-osgi-dining-hakkers.