bucket 操作
PUT Bucket
创建一个新的 bucket。要创建一个 bucket,你必须有一个用户 ID 和一个有效的 AWS 访问密钥 ID 来进行身份验证请求。匿名用户不能创建 bucket。
当前版本我们不支持通过 PUT /{bucket} 来请求实例。
一般而言,bucket 名称应该遵循下述域名命名约束条件
- Bucket 名必须是唯一的
- Bucket 名必须以小写字母开始和结尾
- Bucket 名可以包含破折号 (-).
PUT /{bucket} HTTP/1.1 Host: cname.domain.com x-amz-acl: public-read-write Authorization: AWS {access-key}:{hash-of-header-and-secret}
Name | Description | Valid Values | Required |
x-amz-acl | Canned ACLs. | private, public-read, public-read-write, authenticated-read | No |
如果 bucket 的名称是独一无二的,满足约束条件并且没有被使用,操作就会成功的。 如果已经存在同名的 bucket,并且 bucket 的所有者就是当前请求用户,操作也会返回成功的。 如果 bucket 名称已经被使用,操作将会返回失败。
HTTP Status | Status Code | Description |
409 | BucketAlreadyExists | Bucket already exists under different user’s ownership. |
删除 Bucket
删除一个 bucket,得到成功删除 bucket 的返回信息后就可以重用该 bucket 名。
DELETE /{bucket} HTTP/1.1 Host: cname.domain.com Authorization: AWS {access-key}:{hash-of-header-and-secret}
HTTP Status | Status Code | Description |
204 | No Content | Bucket removed. |
获取 Bucket
返回 bucket 中的对象列表
GET /{bucket}?max-keys=25 HTTP/1.1 Host: cname.domain.com
Name | Type | Description |
prefix | String | Only returns objects that contain the specified prefix. |
delimiter | String | The delimiter between the prefix and the rest of the object name. |
marker | String | A beginning index for the list of objects returned. |
max-keys | Integer | The maximum number of keys to return. Default is 1000. |
HTTP Status | Status Code | Description |
200 | OK | Buckets retrieved |
Bucket 响应实例
GET /{bucket} 返回一个容器,包含 bucket 的下列字段
Name | Type | Description |
ListBucketResult | Entity | The container for the list of objects. |
Name | String | The name of the bucket whose contents will be returned. |
Prefix | String | A prefix for the object keys. |
Marker | String | A beginning index for the list of objects returned. |
MaxKeys | Integer | The maximum number of keys returned. |
Delimiter | String | If set, objects with the same prefix will appear in the CommonPrefixes list. |
IsTruncated | Boolean | If true, only a subset of the bucket’s contents were returned. |
CommonPrefixes | Container | If multiple objects contain the same prefix, they will appear in this list. |
ListBucketResult 包含很多对象,每个对象都包含一个 Contents 容器.
Name | Type | Description |
Contents | Object | A container for the object. |
Key | String | The object’s key. |
LastModified | Date | The object’s last-modified date/time. |
ETag | String | An MD-5 hash of the object. (entity tag) |
Size | Integer | The object’s size. |
StorageClass | String | Should always return STANDARD. |
获取 Bucket 位置
获取 bucket 的 region。只有 bucket 的所有者才能发起这个请求。一个 bucket 可以在发起 PUT 请求的时候通过指定 LocationConstraint 参数来限制它的 region。
如下所示在 bucket 资源后面添加 location 子资源
GET /{bucket}?location HTTP/1.1 Host: cname.domain.com Authorization: AWS {access-key}:{hash-of-header-and-secret}
Name | Type | Description |
LocationConstraint | String | The region where bucket resides, empty string for defult region |
获取 Bucket ACL
获取 bucket 的访问控制列表。请求用户需要是该 bucket 的所有者或者已经针对这个 bucket 授权了 READ_ACP 权限的用户.
如下所示,在 bucket 请求后面添加 acl 子资源.
GET /{bucket}?acl HTTP/1.1 Host: cname.domain.com Authorization: AWS {access-key}:{hash-of-header-and-secret}
Name | Type | Description |
AccessControlPolicy | Container | A container for the response. |
AccessControlList | Container | A container for the ACL information. |
Owner | Container | A container for the bucket owner’s ID and DisplayName. |
ID | String | The bucket owner’s ID. |
DisplayName | String | The bucket owner’s display name. |
Grant | Container | A container for Grantee and Permission. |
Grantee | Container | A container for the DisplayName and ID of the user receiving a grant of permission. |
Permission | String | The permission given to the Grantee bucket. |
设置 Bucket ACL
为一个已经存在的 bucket 设置一个访问控制。请求用户需要是该 bucket 的所有者或者已经针对 这个 bucket 授权了 WRITE_ACP 权限的用户.
如下所示,在 bucket 请求后面添加 acl 子资源.
PUT /{bucket}?acl HTTP/1.1
Name | Type | Description |
AccessControlPolicy | Container | A container for the request. |
AccessControlList | Container | A container for the ACL information. |
Owner | Container | A container for the bucket owner’s ID and DisplayName. |
ID | String | The bucket owner’s ID. |
DisplayName | String | The bucket owner’s display name. |
Grant | Container | A container for Grantee and Permission. |
Grantee | Container | A container for the DisplayName and ID of the user receiving a grant of permission. |
Permission | String | The permission given to the Grantee bucket. |
列出 Bucket 的分块上传
GET /?uploads 返回当前正在进行中的分块上传的列表。比如:应用 程序启动了一个分块上传,但是服务尚未完成所有块的上传。
GET /{bucket}?uploads HTTP/1.1
你可以为 GET /{bucket}?uploads 指定一些参数,但下面这些参数都不是必须的.
Name | Type | Description |
prefix | String | Returns in-progress uploads whose keys contains the specified prefix. |
delimiter | String | The delimiter between the prefix and the rest of the object name. |
key-marker | String | The beginning marker for the list of uploads. |
max-keys | Integer | The maximum number of in-progress uploads. The default is 1000. |
max-uploads | Integer | The maximum number of multipart uploads. The range from 1-1000. The default is 1000. |
upload-id-marker | String | Ignored if key-marker isn’t specified. Specifies the ID of first upload to list in lexicographical order at or following the ID. |
Name | Type | Description |
ListMultipartUploadsResult | Container | A container for the results. |
ListMultipartUploadsResult.Prefix | String | The prefix specified by the prefix request parameter (if any). |
Bucket | String | The bucket that will receive the bucket contents. |
KeyMarker | String | The key marker specified by the key-marker request parameter (if any). |
UploadIdMarker | String | The marker specified by the upload-id-marker request parameter (if any). |
NextKeyMarker | String | The key marker to use in a subsequent request if IsTruncated is true. |
NextUploadIdMarker | String | The upload ID marker to use in a subsequent request if IsTruncated is true. |
MaxUploads | Integer | The max uploads specified by the max-uploads request parameter. |
Delimiter | String | If set, objects with the same prefix will appear in the CommonPrefixes list. |
IsTruncated | Boolean | If true, only a subset of the bucket’s upload contents were returned. |
Upload | Container | A container for Key, UploadId, InitiatorOwner, StorageClass, and Initiated elements. |
Key | String | The key of the object once the multipart upload is complete. |
UploadId | String | The ID that identifies the multipart upload. |
Initiator | Container | Contains the ID and DisplayName of the user who initiated the upload. |
DisplayName | String | The initiator’s display name. |
ID | String | The initiator’s ID. |
Owner | Container | A container for the ID and DisplayName of the user who owns the uploaded object. |
StorageClass | String | The method used to store the resulting object. STANDARD or REDUCED_REDUNDANCY |
Initiated | Date | The date and time the user initiated the upload. |
CommonPrefixes | Container | If multiple objects contain the same prefix, they will appear in this list. |
CommonPrefixes.Prefix | String | The substring of the key after the prefix as defined by the prefix request parameter. |
启用/禁用 BUCKET 版本
PUT /?versioning 这个子资源用于设置已有 bucket 的版本化状态。只有 bucket 所有者才能设置这个版本状态。
- Enabled : 为 bucket 内的对象启用版本,放入 bucket 内的对象都会收到一个唯一的版本 ID 。
- Suspended : 为 bucket 内的对象禁用版本,放入 bucket 内的对象其版本 ID 都是 null 。
如果从没给某一个 bucket 设置过版本状态,那它就没有版本状态;获取版本的 GET 请求就不会返回版本的状态值。
PUT /{bucket}?versioning HTTP/1.1
Name | Type | Description |
VersioningConfiguration | Container | A container for the request. |
Status | String | Sets the versioning state of the bucket. Valid Values: Suspended/Enabled |