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When you create a cluster and your cluster remains in active, active+remapped or active+degraded status and never achieve an active+clean status, you likely have a problem with your configuration.

You may need to review settings in the 存储池、归置组和 CRUSH 配置参考 and make appropriate adjustments.

As a general rule, you should run your cluster with more than one OSD and a pool size greater than 1 object replica.

One Node Cluster

Ceph no longer provides documentation for operating on a single node, because you would never deploy a system designed for distributed computing on a single node. Additionally, mounting client kernel modules on a single node containing a Ceph daemon may cause a deadlock due to issues with the Linux kernel itself (unless you use VMs for the clients). You can experiment with Ceph in a 1-node configuration, in spite of the limitations as described herein.

If you are trying to create a cluster on a single node, you must change the default of the osd crush chooseleaf type setting from 1 (meaning host or node) to 0 (meaning osd) in your Ceph configuration file before you create your monitors and OSDs. This tells Ceph that an OSD can peer with another OSD on the same host. If you are trying to set up a 1-node cluster and osd crush chooseleaf type is greater than 0, Ceph will try to peer the PGs of one OSD with the PGs of another OSD on another node, chassis, rack, row, or even datacenter depending on the setting.


DO NOT mount kernel clients directly on the same node as your Ceph Storage Cluster, because kernel conflicts can arise. However, you can mount kernel clients within virtual machines (VMs) on a single node.

If you are creating OSDs using a single disk, you must create directories for the data manually first. For example:

mkdir /var/local/osd0 /var/local/osd1
ceph-deploy osd prepare {localhost-name}:/var/local/osd0 {localhost-name}:/var/local/osd1
ceph-deploy osd activate {localhost-name}:/var/local/osd0 {localhost-name}:/var/local/osd1

Fewer OSDs than Replicas

If you’ve brought up two OSDs to an up and in state, but you still don’t see active + clean placement groups, you may have an osd pool default size set to greater than 2.

There are a few ways to address this situation. If you want to operate your cluster in an active + degraded state with two replicas, you can set the osd pool default min size to 2 so that you can write objects in an active + degraded state. You may also set the osd pool default size setting to 2 so that you only have two stored replicas (the original and one replica), in which case the cluster should achieve an active + clean state.


You can make the changes at runtime. If you make the changes in your Ceph configuration file, you may need to restart your cluster.

Pool Size = 1

If you have the osd pool default size set to 1, you will only have one copy of the object. OSDs rely on other OSDs to tell them which objects they should have. If a first OSD has a copy of an object and there is no second copy, then no second OSD can tell the first OSD that it should have that copy. For each placement group mapped to the first OSD (see ceph pg dump), you can force the first OSD to notice the placement groups it needs by running:

ceph pg force_create_pg <pgid>


Another candidate for placement groups remaining unclean involves errors in your CRUSH map.


有失败时归置组会进入“degraded”(降级)或“peering”(连接建立中)状态,这事时有发生,通常这些状态意味着正常的失败恢复正在进行。然而,如果一个归置组长时间处于某个这些状态就意味着有更大的问题,因此监视器在归置组卡 (stuck) 在非最优状态时会警告。我们具体检查:

  • inactive (不活跃)——归置组长时间无活跃(即它不能提供读写服务了);
  • unclean (不干净)——归置组长时间不干净(例如它未能从前面的失败完全恢复);
  • stale (不新鲜)——归置组状态没有被 ceph-osd 更新,表明存储这个归置组的所有节点可能都挂了。


ceph pg dump_stuck stale
ceph pg dump_stuck inactive
ceph pg dump_stuck unclean

卡在 stale 状态的归置组通过修复 ceph-osd 进程通常可以修复;卡在 inactive 状态的归置组通常是互联问题(参见 归置组挂了——互联失败 );卡在 unclean 状态的归置组通常是由于某些原因阻止了恢复的完成,像未找到的对象(参见 未找到的对象 )。


在某些情况下, ceph-osd 连接建立进程会遇到问题,使 PG 不能活跃、可用,例如 ceph health 也许显示:

ceph health detail
HEALTH_ERR 7 pgs degraded; 12 pgs down; 12 pgs peering; 1 pgs recovering; 6 pgs stuck unclean; 114/3300 degraded (3.455%); 1/3 in osds are down
pg 0.5 is down+peering
pg 1.4 is down+peering
osd.1 is down since epoch 69, last address

可以查询到 PG 为何被标记为 down

ceph pg 0.5 query
{ "state": "down+peering",
  "recovery_state": [
       { "name": "Started\/Primary\/Peering\/GetInfo",
         "enter_time": "2012-03-06 14:40:16.169679",
         "requested_info_from": []},
       { "name": "Started\/Primary\/Peering",
         "enter_time": "2012-03-06 14:40:16.169659",
         "probing_osds": [
         "blocked": "peering is blocked due to down osds",
         "down_osds_we_would_probe": [
         "peering_blocked_by": [
               { "osd": 1,
                 "current_lost_at": 0,
                 "comment": "starting or marking this osd lost may let us proceed"}]},
       { "name": "Started",
         "enter_time": "2012-03-06 14:40:16.169513"}

recovery_state 段告诉我们连接建立因 ceph-osd 进程挂了而被阻塞,本例是 osd.1 挂了,启动这个进程应该就可以恢复。

另外,如果 osd.1 是灾难性的失败(如硬盘损坏),我们可以告诉集群它丢失( lost )了,让集群尽力完成副本拷贝。



让 Ceph 无论如何都继续:

ceph osd lost 1



某几种失败相组合可能导致 Ceph 抱怨有找不到( unfound )的对象:

ceph health detail
HEALTH_WARN 1 pgs degraded; 78/3778 unfound (2.065%)
pg 2.4 is active+degraded, 78 unfound

这意味着存储集群知道一些对象(或者存在对象的较新副本)存在,却没有找到它们的副本。下例展示了这种情况是如何发生的,一个 PG 的数据存储在 ceph-osd 1 和 2 上:

  • 1 挂了;
  • 2 独自处理一些写动作;
  • 1 起来了;
  • 1 和 2 重新互联, 1 上面丢失的对象加入队列准备恢复;
  • 新对象还未拷贝完, 2 挂了。

这时, 1 知道这些对象存在,但是活着的 ceph-osd 都没有副本,这种情况下,读写这些对象的 IO 就会被阻塞,集群只能指望节点早点恢复。这时我们假设用户希望先得到一个 IO 错误。


ceph pg 2.4 list_missing [starting offset, in json]
{ "offset": { "oid": "",
     "key": "",
     "snapid": 0,
     "hash": 0,
     "max": 0},
 "num_missing": 0,
 "num_unfound": 0,
 "objects": [
    { "oid": "object 1",
      "key": "",
      "hash": 0,
      "max": 0 },
 "more": 0}

如果在一次查询里列出的对象太多, more 这个字段将为 true ,因此你可以查询更多。(命令行工具可能隐藏了,但这里没有)

其次,你可以找出哪些 OSD 上探测到、或可能包含数据:

ceph pg 2.4 query
"recovery_state": [
     { "name": "Started\/Primary\/Active",
       "enter_time": "2012-03-06 15:15:46.713212",
       "might_have_unfound": [
             { "osd": 1,
               "status": "osd is down"}]},

本例中,集群知道 osd.1 可能有数据,但它挂了( down )。所有可能的状态有:

  • 已经探测到了
  • 在查询
  • OSD 挂了
  • 尚未查询


还有一种可能性,对象存在于其它位置却未被列出,例如,集群里的一个 ceph-osd 停止且被剔出,然后完全恢复了;后来的失败、恢复后仍有未找到的对象,它也不会觉得早已死亡的 ceph-osd 上仍可能包含这些对象。(这种情况几乎不太可能发生)。

如果所有位置都查询过了仍有对象丢失,那就得放弃丢失的对象了。这仍可能是罕见的失败组合导致的,集群在写入完成前,未能得知写入是否已执行。以下命令把未找到的( unfound )对象标记为丢失( lost )。

ceph pg 2.5 mark_unfound_lost revert|delete


delete 选项将导致完全删除它们。

revert 选项(纠删码存储池不可用)会回滚到前一个版本或者(如果它是新对象的话)删除它。要慎用,它可能迷惑那些期望对象存在的应用程序。


拥有归置组拷贝的 OSD 都可以失败,在这种情况下,那一部分的对象存储不可用,监视器就不会收到那些归置组的状态更新了。为检测这种情况,监视器把任何主 OSD 失败的归置组标记为 stale (不新鲜),例如:

ceph health
HEALTH_WARN 24 pgs stale; 3/300 in osds are down

你能找出哪些归置组 stale 、和存储这些归置组的最新 OSD ,命令如下:

ceph health detail
HEALTH_WARN 24 pgs stale; 3/300 in osds are down
pg 2.5 is stuck stale+active+remapped, last acting [2,0]
osd.10 is down since epoch 23, last address
osd.11 is down since epoch 13, last address
osd.12 is down since epoch 24, last address

如果想使归置组 2.5 重新在线,例如,上面的输出告诉我们它最后由 osd.0osd.2 处理,重启这些 ceph-osd 将恢复之(还有其它的很多 PG )。

只有几个 OSD 接收数据

如果你的集群有很多节点,但只有其中几个接收数据,检查下存储池里的归置组数量。因为归置组是映射到多个 OSD 的,这样少量的归置组将不能分布于整个集群。试着创建个新存储池,其归置组数量是 OSD 数量的若干倍。详情见归置组,存储池的默认归置组数量没多大用,你可以参考这里更改它。


如果你的集群已启动,但一些 OSD 没起来,导致不能写入数据,确认下运行的 OSD 数量满足归置组要求的最低 OSD 数。如果不能满足, Ceph 就不会允许你写入数据,因为 Ceph 不能保证复制能如愿进行。详情参见存储池、归置组和 CRUSH 配置参考里的 osd pool default min size


If you receive an active + clean + inconsistent state, this may happen due to an error during scrubbing. If the inconsistency is due to disk errors, check your disks.

You can repair the inconsistent placement group by executing:

ceph pg repair {placement-group-ID}

If you receive active + clean + inconsistent states periodically due to clock skew, you may consider configuring your NTP daemons on your monitor hosts to act as peers. See 网络时间协议 and Ceph 时钟选项 for additional details.

纠删编码的归置组不是 active+clean

CRUSH 找不到足够多的 OSD 映射到某个 PG 时,它会显示为 2147483647 ,意思是 ITEM_NONE 或 no OSD found ,例如:


OSD 不够多

如果 Ceph 集群仅有 8 个 OSD ,但是纠删码存储池需要 9 个,就会显示上面的错误。这时候,你仍然可以另外创建需要较少 OSD 的纠删码存储池:

ceph osd erasure-code-profile set myprofile k=5 m=3
ceph osd pool create erasurepool 16 16 erasure myprofile

或者新增一个 OSD ,这个 PG 会自动用上的。

CRUSH 条件不能满足

即使集群拥有足够多的 OSD , CRUSH 规则集的强制要求仍有可能无法满足。假如有 10 个 OSD 分布于两个主机上,且 CRUSH 规则集要求相同归置组不得使用位于同一主机的两个 OSD ,这样映射就会失败,因为只能找到两个 OSD ,你可以从规则集里查看必要条件:

$ ceph osd crush rule ls
$ ceph osd crush rule dump erasurepool
{ "rule_id": 1,
  "rule_name": "erasurepool",
  "ruleset": 1,
  "type": 3,
  "min_size": 3,
  "max_size": 20,
  "steps": [
        { "op": "take",
          "item": -1,
          "item_name": "default"},
        { "op": "chooseleaf_indep",
          "num": 0,
          "type": "host"},
        { "op": "emit"}]}

可以这样解决此问题,创建新存储池,其内的 PG 允许多个 OSD 位于同一主机,命令如下:

ceph osd erasure-code-profile set myprofile ruleset-failure-domain=osd
ceph osd pool create erasurepool 16 16 erasure myprofile

CRUSH 过早中止

假设集群拥有的 OSD 足以映射到 PG (比如有 9 个 OSD 和一个纠删码存储池的集群,每个 PG 需要 9 个 OSD ), CRUSH 仍然有可能在找到映射前就中止了。可以这样解决:

  • 降低纠删存储池内 PG 的要求,让它使用较少的 OSD (需创建另一个存储池,因为纠删码配置不支持动态修改)。
  • 向集群添加更多 OSD (无需修改纠删存储池,它会自动回到清洁状态)。
  • 通过手工打造的 CRUSH 规则集,让它多试几次以找到合适的映射。把 set_choose_tries 设置得高于默认值即可。

你从集群中提取出 crushmap 之后,应该先用 crushtool 校验一下是否有问题,这样你的试验就无需触及 Ceph 集群,只要在一个本地文件上测试即可:

$ ceph osd crush rule dump erasurepool
{ "rule_name": "erasurepool",
  "ruleset": 1,
  "type": 3,
  "min_size": 3,
  "max_size": 20,
  "steps": [
        { "op": "take",
          "item": -1,
          "item_name": "default"},
        { "op": "chooseleaf_indep",
          "num": 0,
          "type": "host"},
        { "op": "emit"}]}
$ ceph osd getcrushmap > crush.map
got crush map from osdmap epoch 13
$ crushtool -i crush.map --test --show-bad-mappings \
   --rule 1 \
   --num-rep 9 \
   --min-x 1 --max-x $((1024 * 1024))
bad mapping rule 8 x 43 num_rep 9 result [3,2,7,1,2147483647,8,5,6,0]
bad mapping rule 8 x 79 num_rep 9 result [6,0,2,1,4,7,2147483647,5,8]
bad mapping rule 8 x 173 num_rep 9 result [0,4,6,8,2,1,3,7,2147483647]

其中 --num-rep 是纠删码 crush 规则集所需的 OSD 数量, --ruleceph osd crush rule dump 命令结果中 ruleset 字段的值。此测试会尝试映射一百万个值(即 [--min-x,--max-x] 所指定的范围),且必须至少显示一个坏映射;如果它没有任何输出,说明所有映射都成功了,你可以就此打住:问题的根源不在这里。

反编译 crush 图后,你可以手动编辑其规则集:

$ crushtool --decompile crush.map > crush.txt


step set_choose_tries 100

然后 crush.txt 文件内的这部分大致如此:

rule erasurepool {
        ruleset 1
        type erasure
        min_size 3
        max_size 20
        step set_chooseleaf_tries 5
        step set_choose_tries 100
        step take default
        step chooseleaf indep 0 type host
        step emit


$ crushtool --compile crush.txt -o better-crush.map

所有映射都成功时,用 crushtool--show-choose-tries 选项能看到成功映射的尝试次数直方图:

$ crushtool -i better-crush.map --test --show-bad-mappings \
   --show-choose-tries \
   --rule 1 \
   --num-rep 9 \
   --min-x 1 --max-x $((1024 * 1024))
11:        42
12:        44
13:        54
14:        45
15:        35
16:        34
17:        30
18:        25
19:        19
20:        22
21:        20
22:        17
23:        13
24:        16
25:        13
26:        11
27:        11
28:        13
29:        11
30:        10
31:         6
32:         5
33:        10
34:         3
35:         7
36:         5
37:         2
38:         5
39:         5
40:         2
41:         5
42:         4
43:         1
44:         2
45:         2
46:         3
47:         1
48:         0
102:         0
103:         1
104:         0

有 42 个归置组需 11 次重试、 44 个归置组需 12 次重试,以此类推。这样,重试的最高次数就是防止坏映射的最低值,也就是 set_choose_tries 的取值(即上面输出中的 103 ,因为任意归置组成功映射的重试次数都没有超过 103 )。