Updating For Beta 14


This release brings a large chunk of breaking changes - hopefully the last chunk of this size before our stable release. In order to prepare the codebase for the upcoming stable release, we decided it was time to modernize / upgrade / exchange some of the underlying JavaScript libraries that are used in the frontend. Due to the nature and size of these upgrades, we have to pass on some of the breaking changes to you, our extension developers.

On the bright side, this overdue upgrade brings us closer to the conventions of best practices of Mithril.js, the mini-framework used for Flarum's UI. Mithril's 2.0 release sports a more consistent component interface, which should be a solid foundation for years to come. Where possible, we replicated old APIs, to ease the upgrade and give you time to do the full transition. Quite a few breaking changes remain, though - read more below.


If you need help with the upgrade, our friendly community will gladly help you out either on the forum or in chat.

To ease the process, we've clearly separated the changes to the frontend (JS) from those in the backend (PHP) below. If your extension does not change the UI, consider yourself lucky. :-)

A summary of the frontend changes is available towards the end of this guide.

Most breaking changes required by beta 14 are prompted by changes in Mithril 2. Mithril's upgrade guide is an extremely useful resource, and should be consulted for more detailed information. A few key changes are explained below:

Props passed into component are now referred to as attrs, and can be accessed via this.attrs where you would prior use this.props. This was done to be closer to Mithril's preferred terminology. We have provided a temporary backwards compatibility layer for this.props, but recommend using this.attrs.

Accordingly, initProps has been replaced with initAttrs, with a similar BC layer.

Mithril streams, which were available via m.prop in Mithril 0.2, are now available via flarum/utils/Stream. m.prop will still work for now due to a temporary BC layer.

The m.withAttr util has been removed from Mithril. We have provided flarum/utils/withAttr, which does the same thing. A temporary BC layer has been added for m.withAttr.

In mithril 0.2, we had 2 "lifecycle hooks":

init, an unofficial hook which ran when the component instance was initialized.

config, which ran when components were created, and on every redraw.

Mithril 2 has the following hooks; each of which take vnode as an argument:

  • oninit
  • oncreate
  • onbeforeupdate
  • onupdate
  • onbeforeremove
  • onremove

Please note that if your component is extending Flarum's helper Component class, you must call super.METHOD(vnode) if using oninit, oncreate, and onbeforeupdate.

More information about what each of these do can be found in Mithril's documentation.

A trivial example of how the old methods map to the new is:

class OldMithrilComponent extends Component {
  init() {
    console.log('Code to run when component instance created, but before attached to the DOM.');

  config(element, isInitialized) {
    console.log('Code to run on every redraw AND when the element is first attached');

    if (isInitialized) return;

    console.log('Code to execute only once when components are first created and attached to the DOM');

    context.onunload = () => {
      console.log('Code to run when the component is removed from the DOM');

  view() {
    // In mithril 0, you could skip redrawing a component (or part of a component) by returning a subtree retain directive.
    // See https://mithril.js.org/archive/v0.2.5/mithril.render.html#subtree-directives
    // dontRedraw is a substitute for logic; usually, this is used together with SubtreeRetainer.
    if (dontRedraw()) return { subtree: 'retain' };

    return <p>Hello World!</p>;

class NewMithrilComponent extends Component {
  oninit(vnode) {

    console.log('Code to run when component instance created, but before attached to the DOM.');

  oncreate(vnode) {

    console.log('Code to run when components are first created and attached to the DOM');

  onbeforeupdate(vnode, oldVnode) {

    console.log('Code to run BEFORE diffing / redrawing components on every redraw');

    // In mithril 2, if we want to skip diffing / redrawing a component, we return "false" in its onbeforeupdate lifecycle hook.
    // See https://mithril.js.org/lifecycle-methods.html#onbeforeupdate
    // This is also typically used with SubtreeRetainer.
    if (dontRedraw()) return false;

  onupdate(vnode) {
    // Unlike config, this does NOT run when components are first attached.
    // Some code might need to be replicated between oncreate and onupdate.
    console.log('Code to run on every redraw AFTER the DOM is updated.');

  onbeforeremove(vnode) {
    // This is run before components are removed from the DOM.
    // If a promise is returned, the DOM element will only be removed when the
    // promise completes. It is only called on the top-level component that has
    // been removed. It has no equivalent in Mithril 0.2.
    // See https://mithril.js.org/lifecycle-methods.html#onbeforeremove
    return Promise.resolve();

  onremove(vnode) {
      console.log('Code to run when the component is removed from the DOM');

In Mithril 0.2, every child of a vnode is another vnode, stored in vnode.children. For Mithril 2, as a performance optimization, vnodes with a single text child now store that text directly in vnode.text. For developers, that means that vnode.children might not always contain the results needed. Luckily, text being stored in vnode.text vs vnode.children will be the same each time for a given component, but developers should be aware that at times, they might need to use vnode.text and not vnode.children.

Please see the mithril documentation for more information on vnode structure.

Mithril 2 introduces a few changes in the routing API. Most of these are quite simple:

  • m.route() to get the current route has been replaced by m.route.get()
  • m.route(NEW_ROUTE) to set a new route has been replaced by m.route.set(NEW_ROUTE)
  • When registering new routes, a component class should be provided, not a component instance.

For example:

// Mithril 0.2
app.routes.new_page = { path: '/new', component: NewPage.component() }

// Mithril 2.0
app.routes.new_page = { path: '/new', component: NewPage }

Additionally, the preferred way of defining an internal (doesn't refresh the page when clicked) link has been changed. The Link component should be used instead.

// Mithril 0.2
<a href="/path" config={m.route}>Link Content</a>

// Mithril 2
import Link from 'flarum/components/Link';

<Link href="/path">Link Content</Link>

You can also use Link to define external links, which will just render as plain <a href="url">Children</a> html links.

For a full list of routing-related changes, please see the mithril documentation.

Mithril 2 introduces a few changes in the redraw API. Most of these are quite simple:

  • Instead of m.redraw(true) for synchronous redraws, use m.redraw.sync()
  • Instead of m.lazyRedraw(), use m.redraw()

Remember that Mithril automatically triggers a redraw after DOM event handlers. The API for preventing a redraw has also changed:

// Mithril 0.2
<button onclick={() => {
  console.log("Hello world");
  Click Me!

// Mithril 2
<button onclick={e => {
  console.log("Hello world");
  e.redraw = false;
  Click Me!

The data parameter of m.request({...}) has been split up into body and params.

For examples and other AJAX changes, see the mithril documentation.

m.deferred has been removed, native promises should be used instead. For instance:

// Mithril 0.2
const deferred = m.deferred();

app.store.find('posts').then(result => deferred.resolve(result));

return deferred.promise;

// Mithril 2
return app.store.find('posts');

Due to optimizations in Mithril's redrawing algorithms, component instances should not be stored.

So whereas before, you might have done something like:

class ChildComponent extends Component {
  oninit(vnode) {
    this.counter = 0;

  view() {
    return <p>{this.counter}</p>;
class ParentComponent extends Component {
  oninit(vnode) {
    this.child = new ChildComponent();

  view() {
    return (
        <button onclick={() => this.child.counter += 1}></button>

That will no longer work. In fact; the Component class no longer has a render method.

Instead, any data needed by a child component that is modified by a parent component should be passed in as an attr. For instance:

class ChildComponent extends Component {
  view() {
    return <p>{this.attrs.counter}</p>;

class ParentComponent extends Component {
  oninit(vnode) {
    this.counter = 0;

  view() {
    return (
        <button onclick={() => this.counter += 1}></button>
        <ChildComponent counter={this.counter}></ChildComponent>

For more complex components, this might require some reorganization of code. For instance, let's say you have data that can be modified by several unrelated components. In this case, it might be preferable to create a POJO "state instance' for this data. These states are similar to "service" singletons used in Angular and Ember. For instance:

class Counter {
  constructor() {
    this._counter = 0;

  increaseCounter() {
    this._counter += 1;

  getCount() {
    return this._counter;

app.counter = new Counter();

extend(HeaderSecondary.prototype, 'items', function(items) {
      <p>Counter: {app.counter.getCount()}</p>

extend(HeaderPrimary.prototype, 'items', function(items) {
      <button onclick={() => app.counter.increaseCounter()}>Increase Counter</button>

This "state pattern" can be found throughout core. Some non-trivial examples are:

  • PageState
  • SearchState and GlobalSearchState
  • NotificationListState
  • DiscussionListState

Previously, modals could be opened by providing a Modal component instance:

app.modal.show(new LoginModal(identification: 'prefilledUsername'));

Since we don't store component instances anymore, we pass in the component class and any attrs separately.

app.modal.show(LoginModal, {identification: 'prefilledUsername'});

The show and close methods are still available through app.modal, but app.modal now points to an instance of ModalManagerState, not of the ModalManager component. Any modifications by extensions should accordingly be done to ModalManagerState.

Previously, alerts could be opened by providing an Alert component instance:

app.alerts.show(new Alert(type: 'success', children: 'Hello, this is a success alert!'));

Since we don't store component instances anymore, we pass in a component class, attrs, children separately. The show method has 3 overloads:

app.alerts.show('Hello, this is a success alert!');
app.alerts.show({type: 'success'}, 'Hello, this is a success alert!');
app.alerts.show(Alert, {type: 'success'}, 'Hello, this is a success alert!');

Additionally, the show method now returns a unique key, which can then be passed into the dismiss method to dismiss that particular alert. This replaces the old method of passing the alert instance itself to dismiss.

The show, dismiss, and clear methods are still available through app.alerts, but app.alerts now points to an instance of AlertManagerState, not of the AlertManager component. Any modifications by extensions should accordingly be done to AlertManagerState.

Since we don't store a component instances anymore, a number of util methods from Composer, ComposerBody (and it's subclasses), and TextEditor have been moved onto ComposerState.

For forum/components/Composer, isFullScreen, load, clear, show, hide, close, minimize, fullScreen, and exitFullScreen have been moved to forum/states/ComposerState. They all remain accessible via app.composer.METHOD

A bodyMatches method has been added to forum/states/ComposerState, letting you check whether a certain subclass of ComposerBody is currently open.

Various input fields are now stored as Mithril Streams in app.composer.fields. For instance, to get the current composer content, you could use app.composer.fields.content(). Previously, it was available on app.composer.component.content(). This is a convention that ComposerBody subclasses that add inputs should follow.

app.composer.component is no longer available.

  • Instead of app.composer.component instanceof X, use app.composer.bodyMatches(X).
  • Instead of app.composer.component.props, use app.composer.body.attrs.
  • Instead of app.composer.component.editor, use app.composer.editor.

For forum/components/TextEditor, the setValue, moveCursorTo, getSelectionRange, insertAtCursor, insertAt, insertBetween, replaceBeforeCursor, insertBetween methods have been moved to forum/components/SuperTextarea.

Also for forum/components/TextEditor, this.disabled is no longer used; disabled is passed in as an attr instead. It may be accessed externally via app.composer.body.attrs.disabled.

Similarly to Modals and Alerts, app.composer.load no longer accepts a component instance. Instead, pass in the body class and any attrs. For instance,

// Mithril 0.2
app.composer.load(new DiscussionComposer({user: app.session.user}));

// Mithril 2
app.composer.load(DiscussionComposer, {user: app.session.user})

Finally, functionality for confirming before unloading a page with an active composer has been moved into the common/components/ConfirmDocumentUnload component.

The redundant admin/components/Widget component has been removed. admin/components/DashboardWidget should be used instead.

For forum/components/NotificationList, the clear, load, loadMore, parseResults, and markAllAsRead methods have been moved to forum/states/NotificationListState.

Methods for isLoading and hasMoreResults have been added to forum/states/NotificationListState.

app.cache.notifications is no longer available; app.notifications (which points to an instance of NotificationListState) should be used instead.

Loading state in the common/components/Checkbox component is no longer managed through this.loading; it is now passed in as a prop (this.attrs.loading).

The preferenceSaver method of forum/components/SettingsPage has been removed without replacement. This is done to avoid saving component instances. Instead, preferences should be directly saved. For instance:

// Old way
  children: app.translator.trans('core.forum.settings.privacy_disclose_online_label'),
  state: this.user.preferences().discloseOnline,
  onchange: (value, component) => {
    this.user.pushAttributes({ lastSeenAt: null });
    this.preferenceSaver('discloseOnline')(value, component);

// Without preferenceSaver
  children: app.translator.trans('core.forum.settings.privacy_disclose_online_label'),
  state: this.user.preferences().discloseOnline,
  onchange: (value) => {
    this.discloseOnlineLoading = true;

    this.user.savePreferences({ discloseOnline: value }).then(() => {
      this.discloseOnlineLoading = false;
  loading: this.discloseOnlineLoading,

A replacement will eventually be introduced.

For forum/components/DiscussionList, the requestParams, sortMap, refresh, loadResults, loadMore, parseResults, removeDiscussion, and addDiscussion methods have been moved to forum/states/DiscussionListState.

Methods for hasDiscussions, isLoading, isSearchResults, and empty have been added to forum/states/DiscussionListState.

app.cache.discussions is no longer available; app.discussions (which points to an instance of DiscussionListState) should be used instead.

app.current and app.previous no longer represent component instances, they are now instances of the common/states/PageState class. This means that:

  • Instead of app.current instanceof X, use app.current.matches(X)
  • Instead of app.current.PROPERTY, use app.current.get('PROPERTY'). Please note that all properties must be exposed EXPLICITLY via app.current.set('PROPERTY', VALUE).

Logic from forum/components/PostStreamScrubber's update method has been moved to forum/components/PostStream's updateScrubber method.

For forum/components/PostStream, the update, goToFirst, goToLast, goToNumber, goToIndex, loadNearNumber, loadNearIndex, loadNext, loadPrevious, loadPage, loadRange, show, posts, reset, count, and sanitizeIndex methods have been moved to forum/states/PostStreamState.

Methods for disabled and viewingEnd have been added to forum/states/PostStreamState.

As with other components, we no longer store instances of forum/components/Search. As such, every Search component instance should be paired with a forum/states/SearchState instance.

At the minimum, SearchState contains the following methods:

  • getValue
  • setValue
  • clear
  • cache (adds a searched value to cache, meaning that we don't need to search for its results again)
  • isCached (checks if a value has been searched for before)

All of these methods have been moved from Search to SearchState. Additionally, Search's stickyParams, params, changeSort, getInitialSearch, and clearInitialSearch methods have been moved to forum/states/GlobalSearchState, which is now available via app.search.

To use a custom search, you'll want to:

  1. Possibly create a custom subclass of SearchState
  2. Create a custom subclass of Search, which overrides the selectResult method to handle selecting results as needed by your use case, and modify the sourceItems methods to contain the search sources you need.

The moment library has been removed, and replaced by the dayjs library. The global moment can still be used for now, but is deprecated. moment and dayjs have very similar APIs, so very few changes will be needed. Please see the dayjs documentation for more information on how to use it.

SubtreeRetainer is a util class that makes it easier to avoid unnecessary redraws by keeping track of some pieces of data. When called, it checks if any of the data has changed; if not, it indicates that a redraw is not necessary.

In mithril 0.2, its retain method returned a subtree retain directive if no redraw was necessary.

In mithril 2, we use its needsRebuild method in combination with onbeforeupdate. For instance:

class CustomComponent extends Component {
  oninit(vnode) {

    this.showContent = false;

    this.subtree = new SubtreeRetainer(
      () => this.showContent,

  onbeforeupdate() {
    // If needsRebuild returns true, mithril will diff and redraw the vnode as usual. Otherwise, it will skip this redraw cycle.
    // In this example, this means that this component and its children will only be redrawn when extra content is toggled.
    return this.subtree.needsRebuild();

  view(vnode) {
    return <div>
      <button onclick={() => this.showContent = !this.showContent}>Toggle Extra Content</button>
      <p>Hello World!{this.showContent ? ' Extra Content!' : ''}</p>

Previously, some components would have an attrs() method, which provided an extensible way to provide attrs to the top-level child vnode returned by view(). For instance,

class CustomComponent extends Component {
  view() {
    return <div {...this.attrs()}><p>Hello World!</p></div>;

  attrs() {
    return {
      className: 'SomeClass',
      onclick: () => console.log('click'),

Since this.attrs is now used for attrs passed in from parent components, attrs methods have been renamed to elementAttrs.

Previously, an element could be created with child elements by passing those in as the children prop:

  className: 'Button Button--primary',
  children: 'Button Text'

This will no longer work, and will actually result in errors. Instead, the 2nd argument of the component method should be used:

  className: 'Button Button--primary'
}, 'Button Text');

Children can still be passed in through JSX:

<Button className='Button Button--primary'>Button Text</Button>

Because mithril uses 'tag' to indicate the actual html tag (or component class) used for a vnode, you can no longer pass tag as an attr to components extending Flarum's Component helper class. The best workaround here is to just use another name for this attr.

The affixSidebar util has been removed. Instead, if you want to affix a sidebar, wrap the sidebar code in an AffixedSidebar component. For instance,

class OldWay extends Component {
  view() {
    return <div>
      <div className="container">
        <div className="sideNavContainer">
          <nav className="sideNav" config={affixSidebar}>
            <p>Affixed Sidebar</p>
          <div className="sideNavOffset">Actual Page Content</div>

class NewWay extends Component {
  view() {
    return <div>
      <div className="container">
        <div className="sideNavContainer">
            <nav className="sideNav">
              <p>Affixed Sidebar</p>
          <div className="sideNavOffset">Actual Page Content</div>

Warning: For Advanced Use Only

In some rare cases, we want to have extremely fine grained control over the rendering and display of some significant chunks of the DOM. These are attached with m.render, and do not experience automated redraws. Current use cases in core and bundled extensions are:

  • The "Reply" button that shows up when selecting text in a post
  • The mentions autocomplete menu that shows up when typing
  • The emoji autocomplete menu that shows up when typing

For this purpose, we provide a helper class (common/Fragment), of which you can create an instance, call methods, and render via m.render(DOM_ROOT, fragmentInstance.render()). The main benefit of using the helper class is that it allows you to use lifecycle methods, and to access the underlying DOM via this.$(), like you would be able to do with a component.

This should only be used when absolutely necessary. If you are unsure, you probably don't need it. If the goal is to not store component instances, the "state pattern" as described above is preferable.

Each of these changes has been explained above, this is just a recap of major changes for your convenience.

  • Component Methods:
    • view() -> view(vnode)
    • Lifecycle
      • init() -> oninit(vnode)
      • config() -> Lifecycle hooks oncreate(vnode) / onupdate(vnode)
      • context.onunload() -> onremove()
      • SubtreeRetainer -> onbeforeupdate()
    • if present, attrs() method needs to be renamed -> convention elementAttrs()
    • building component with MyComponent.component() -> children is now second parameter instead of a named prop/attr (first argument) -> JSX preferred
  • Routing
    • m.route() -> m.route.get()
    • m.route(name) -> m.route.set(name)
    • register routes with page class, not instance
      • special case when passing props
    • <a href={url} config={m.route}> -> <Link href={url}>
  • AJAX
    • m.request({...}) -> data: key split up into body: and params:
    • m.deferred -> native Promise
  • Redrawing
    • m.redraw(true) -> m.redraw.sync()
    • m.redraw.strategy('none') -> e.redraw = false in event handler
    • m.lazyRedraw() -> m.redraw()

For the following changes, we currently provide a backwards-compatibility layer. This will be removed in time for the stable release. The idea is to let you release a new version that's compatible with Beta 14 to your users as quickly as possible. When you have taken care of the changes above, you should be good to go. For the following changes, we have bought you time until the stable release. Considering you have to make changes anyway, why not do them now?

  • this.props -> this.attrs
  • static initProps() -> static initAttrs()
  • m.prop -> flarum/utils/Stream
  • m.withAttr -> flarum/utils/withAttr
  • moment -> dayjs

Some extensions are based on, or add features to, other extensions. Prior to this release, there was no way to ensure that those dependencies were enabled before the extension that builds on them. Now, you cannot enable an extension unless all of its dependencies are enabled, and you cannot disable an extension if there are other enabled extensions depending on it.

So, how do we specify dependencies for an extension? Well, all you need to do is add them as composer dependencies to your extension's composer.json! For instance, if we have an extension that depends on Tags and Mentions, our composer.json will look like this:

  "name": "my/extension",
  "description": "Cool New Extension",
  "type": "flarum-extension",
  "license": "MIT",
  "require": {
    "flarum/core": "^0.1.0-beta.14",
    "flarum/tags": "^0.1.0-beta.14",  // Will mark tags as a dependency
    "flarum/mentions": "^0.1.0-beta.14",  // Will mark mentions as a dependency
  // other config

Previously, when extensions needed to register Laravel Blade views, they could inject a view factory in extend.php and call it's addNamespace method. For instance,

// extend.php
use Illuminate\Contracts\View\Factory;

return [
  function (Factory $view) {
    $view->addNamespace(NAME, RELATIVE PATH);

This should NOT be used, as it will break views for all extensions that boot after yours. Instead, the View extender should be used:

// extend.php
use Flarum\Extend\View;

return [
  (new View)->namespace(NAME, RELATIVE PATH);

Although Flarum uses multiple components of the Laravel framework, it is not a pure Laravel system. In beta 14, the Flarum\Foundation\Application class no longer implements Illuminate\Contracts\Foundation\Application, and no longer inherits Illuminate\Container\Container. Several things to note:

  • The app helper now points to an instance of Illuminate\Container\Container, not Flarum\Foundation\Application. You might need to resolve things through the container before using them: for instance, app()->url() will no longer work; you'll need to resolve or inject an instance of Flarum\Foundation\Config and use that.
  • Injected or resolved instances of Flarum\Foundation\Application can no longer resolve things through container methods. Illuminate\Container\Container should be used instead.
  • Not all public members of Illuminate\Contracts\Foundation\Application are available through Flarum\Foundation\Application. Please refer to our API docs on Flarum\Foundation\Application for more information.

  • We are now using Laravel 6. Please see Laravel's upgrade guide for more information. Please note that we do not use all of Laravel.
  • Optional params in url generator now work. For instance, the url generator can now properly generate links to posts in discussions.
  • A User Extender has been added, which replaces the deprecated PrepareUserGroups and GetDisplayName events.
  • Error handler middleware can now be manipulated by the middleware extender through the add, remove, replace, etc methods, just like any other middleware.
  • Flarum/Foundation/Config and Flarum/Foundation/Paths can now be injected where needed; previously their data was accessible through Flarum/Foundation/Application.

  • url provided in config.php is now an array, accessible via $config->url(), for an instance of Config - PR
  • AssertPermissionTrait has been deprecated - Issue
  • Global path helpers and path methods of Application have been deprecated, the injectable Paths class should be used instead - PR
  • Flarum\User\Event\GetDisplayName has been deprecated, the displayNameDriver method of the User extender should be used instead - PR

  • Do NOT use the old closure notation for configuring view namespaces. This will break all extensions that boot after your extension. The View extender MUST be used instead.
  • app()->url() will no longer work: Flarum\Http\UrlGenerator should be injected and used instead. An instance of Flarum\Http\UrlGenerator is available in blade.php templates via $url.
  • As a part of the Laravel 6 upgrade, the array_ and str_ helpers have been removed.
  • The Laravel translator interface has been removed; the Symfony translator interface should be used instead: Symfony\Component\Translation\TranslatorInterface
  • The Mandrill mail driver is no longer provided in Laravel 6, and has been removed.
  • The following events deprecated in Beta 13 have been removed:
    • AbstractConfigureRoutes
    • ConfigureApiRoutes - Use the Routes extender instead
    • ConfigureForumRoutes - Use the Frontend or Routes extenders instead
    • ConfigureLocales - Use the LanguagePack extender instead
    • ConfigureModelDates - Use the Model extender instead
    • ConfigureModelDefaultAttributes - Use the Model extender instead
    • GetModelRelationship - Use the Model extender instead
    • Console\Event\Configuring - Use the Console extender instead
    • BioChanged - User bio has not been a core feature for several releases