Admin Dashboard


Beta 15 introduced a completely redesigned admin panel and frontend API. It is now easier than ever to add settings or permissions to your extension.

Before beta 15, extension settings were either added in a SettingsModal or they added a new page for more complex settings. Now, every extension has a page containing info, settings, and the extension's own permissions.

You can simply register settings, extend the base ExtensionPage, or provide your own completely custom page.

This new API allows you to add settings to your extension with very few lines of code.

Before you can register anything, you need to tell ExtensionData what extension it is about to get data for.

Simply run the for function on app.extensionData passing in the id of your extension. To find you extension id, take the composer name and replace any slashes with dashes (example: 'fof/merge-discussions' becomes 'fof-merge-discussions'). Extensions with the flarum- and flarum-ext- will omit those from the name (example: 'webbinaro/flarum-calendar' becomes 'webbinaro-calendar').

For the following example, we will use the fictitious extension 'acme/interstellar':

app.initializers.add('interstellar', function(app) {


Once that is done, you can begin adding settings and permissions.


All registration functions on ExtensionData are chainable, meaning you can call them one after another without running for again.

Adding settings fields in this way is recommended for simple items. As a rule of thumb, if you only need to store things in the settings table, this should be enough for you.

To add a field, call the registerSetting function after for on app.extensionData and pass a 'setting object' as the first argument. Behind the scenes ExtensionData actually turns your settings into an ItemList, you can pass a priority number as the second argument.

Here's an example with a switch (boolean) item:

app.initializers.add('interstellar', function(app) {

        setting: 'acme-interstellar.coordinates', // This is the key the settings will be saved under in the settings table in the database.
        label: app.translator.trans('acme-interstellar.admin.coordinates_label'), // The label to be shown letting the admin know what the setting does.
        help: app.translator.trans('acme-interstellar.admin.coordinates_help'), // Optional help text where a longer explanation of the setting can go.
        type: 'boolean', // What type of setting this is, valid options are: boolean, text (or any other <input> tag type), and select. 
      30 // Optional: Priority

If you use type: 'select' the setting object looks a little bit different:

  setting: 'acme-interstellar.fuel_type',
  label: app.translator.trans('acme-interstellar.admin.fuel_type_label'),
  type: 'select',
  options: {
    'LOH': 'Liquid Fuel', // The key in this object is what the setting will be stored as in the database, the value is the label the admin will see (remember to use translations if they make sense in your context).
    'RDX': 'Solid Fuel',
  default: 'LOH',

Also, note that additional items in the setting object will be used as component attrs. This can be used for placeholders, min/max restrictions, etc:

  setting: 'acme-interstellar.crew_count',
  label: app.translator.trans('acme-interstellar.admin.crew_count_label'),
  type: 'number',
  min: 1,
  max: 10

If you want to add something to the settings like some extra text or a more complicated input, you can also pass a callback as the first argument that returns JSX. This callback will be executed in the context of ExtensionPage and setting values will not be automatically serialized.

app.initializers.add('interstellar', function(app) {

    .registerSetting(function () {
      if (app.session.user.username() === 'RocketMan') {
        return (
          <div className="Form-group">
            <h1> {app.translator.trans('acme-interstellar.admin.you_are_rocket_man_label')} </h1>
            <label className="checkbox">
              <input type="checkbox" bidi={this.setting('acme-interstellar.rocket_man_setting')}/>

New in beta 15, permissions can now be found in 2 places. Now, you can view each extension's individual permissions on their page. All permissions can still be found on the permissions page.

In order for that to happen, permissions must be registered with ExtensionData. This is done in a similar way to settings, call registerPermission.


  • Permission object
  • What type of permission - see PermissionGrid's functions for types (remove items from the name)
  • ItemList priority

Back to our favorite rocket extension:

app.initializers.add('interstellar', function(app) {

        icon: 'fas fa-rocket', // Font-Awesome Icon
        label: app.translator.trans('acme-interstellar.admin.permissions.fly_rockets_label'), // Permission Label
        permission: 'discussion.rocket_fly', // Actual permission name stored in database (and used when checking permission).
        tagScoped: true, // Whether it be possible to apply this permission on tags, not just globally. Explained in the next paragraph.
      'start', // Category permission will be added to on the grid
      95 // Optional: Priority

If your extension interacts with the tags extension (which is fairly common), you might want a permission to be tag scopable (i.e. applied on the tag level, not just globally). You can do this by including a tagScoped attribute, as seen above. Permissions starting with discussion. will automatically be tag scoped unless tagScoped: false is indicated.

To learn more about Flarum permissions, see the relevant docs.

Remember these functions can all be chained like:


Sometimes you have more complicated settings that mess with relationships, or just want the page to look completely different. In this case, you will need to tell ExtensionData that you want to provide your own page. Note that buildSettingComponent, the util used to register settings by providing a descriptive object, is available as a method on ExtensionPage (extending from AdminPage, which is a generic base for all admin pages with some util methods).

Create a new class that extends the Page or ExtensionPage component:

import ExtensionPage from 'flarum/admin/components/ExtensionPage';

export default class StarPage extends ExtensionPage {
  content() {
    return (
      <h1>Hello from the settings section!</h1>

Then, simply run registerPage:

import StarPage from './components/StarPage';

app.initializers.add('interstellar', function(app) {


This page will be shown instead of the default.

You can extend the ExtensionPage or extend the base Page and design your own!

In beta 15, extension pages make room for extra info which is pulled from extensions' composer.json.

For more information, see the composer.json schema.

DescriptionWhere in composer.json discussion link"forum" key inside "support"
Documentation"docs" key inside "support"
Support (email)"email" key inside "support"
Website"homepage" key
Donate"funding" key block (Note: Only the first link will be used)
Source"source" key inside "support"