Model Visibility


This article concerns authorization, and uses some concepts from the authorization system. You should familiarize yourself with that first.

When a user visits the All Discussions page, we want to quickly show them the recent discussions that the user has access to. We do this via the whereVisibleTo method, which is defined in Flarum\Database\ScopeVisibilityTrait, and available to Eloquent models and queries through Eloquent scoping. For example:

use Flarum\Group\Group;

// Construct and execute a query for all groups that a given user can see.
$groups = Group::whereVisibleTo($actor)->get();

// Apply visibility scoping to an existing query.
More eloquent filters can be added after this.

// Apply visibility scoping with an ability
  ->whereVisibleTo($actor, 'someAbility')

This is necessary because users shouldn't see all discussions. For instance:

  • Users shouldn't see discussions in tags they don't have permission to see.
  • Users shouldn't see posts in discussions they don't have permission to see.
  • Users shouldn't see discussions by other users that haven't been approved yet.
  • Users generally shouldn't see hidden discussions.

We accomplish this through a system called "Model Visibility". Essentially, this allows core and extensions to add logic that expands/constrains database queries made by the whereVisibleTo method.

Please note that visibility scoping can only be used on models that use the Flarum\Database\ScopeVisibilityTrait trait.

So, what actually happens when we call whereVisibleTo? This call is handled by Flarum's general model visibility scoping system, which runs the query through a sequence of callbacks, which are called "scopers".

The query will be run through all applicable scopers registered for the model of the query. Note that visibility scopers registered for a parent class (like Flarum\Post\Post) will also be applied to any child classes (like Flarum\Post\CommentPost).

Scopers don't need to return anything, but rather should perform in-place mutations on the Eloquent query object.

There are actually two types of scopers:

  • ability-based scopers will apply to all queries for the query's model run with a given ability (which defaults to "view"). Please note this is not related to ability strings from the policy system
  • "global" scopers will apply to all queries for the query's model. Please note that global scopers will be run on ALL queries for its model, including view, which could create infinite loops or errors. Generally, you only want to run these for abilities that don't begin with view. You'll see this in the example below

One common use case for this is allowing extensibility inside visibility scoping. Let's take a look at an annotated, simple piece of Flarum\Post\PostPolicy as an example:

// Here, we want to ensure that private posts aren't visible to users by default.
// The simplest way to do this would be:
$query->where('posts.is_private', false);

// However, we recognize that some extensions might have valid use cases for showing private posts.
// So instead, we include all posts that aren't private, AND all private posts desired by extensions
$query->where(function ($query) use ($actor) {
    $query->where('posts.is_private', false)
        ->orWhere(function ($query) use ($actor) {
            $query->whereVisibleTo($actor, 'viewPrivate');

A possible extension further down the line might use something like this to allow some users to some private posts. Note that since ScopeModelVisibility was dispatched in orWhere, these query modifications ONLY apply to $query->where('posts.is_private', false) from the example above.


use Flarum\User\User;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;

class ScopePostVisibility
    public function __invoke(User $actor, $query)
      if ($actor->can('posts.viewPrivate')) {

Think of calling whereVisibleTo with a custom ability as a way for extensions to insert custom code, overriding filters imposed by core (or other extensions).

Assume we have a set of discussions, and we want to return a subset of that set based on some restrictions. There are 2 ways to do this:

  • We could start with the full set of discussions, and remove the ones that shouldn't be in our query. We'd do this via a series of where calls: $query->where('is_private', false), $query->where('is_hidden', false) etc.
  • We could start with an empty set and add the discussions that should be in our query. Here, we'd use orWhere calls: $query->orWhere('is_private, false), $query->orWhere('is_hidden, false).

Note that these are not equivalent! The first one would only return discussions that are not private AND not hidden. The second one could return private discussions that are not hidden, as well as hidden discussions that are not private.

Generally speaking, we'll want to be consistent with the types of queries we use. Mixing where and orWhere queries on the same level can lead to unexpected results depending on the order in which queries are applied. Some guidelines:

  • For view scopers, all logic should be wrapped in a where callback query. orWhere should NEVER be used on the top level for view.
  • For abilities prefixed by view, (e.g. viewPrivate, viewHidden), and similar calls, all logic should be wrapped in an orWhere callback query.

For abilities that don't start with view, it will depend case-by-case. As a general rule:

  • If whereVisibleTo($actor, 'someAbilityName') is called from regular code (e.g. Discussion::query()->whereVisibleTo($actor, 'someAbilityName')), scopers for someAbilityName should wrap their logic in a where.
  • If whereVisibleTo($actor, 'someAbilityName') is called from another visibility scoper, scopers for someAbilityName should wrap their logic in an orWhere.

This is because top-level scoper logic should constrain the query down, but each of those constraints might have exceptions, for which we'd want to add instances back in. For example, users should see discussions if:

  • The discussion is not private
    • Or they are the author.
    • Or the discussion needs approval and the current user can approve discussions.
  • The discusion is not hidden
    • Or they are the author.
    • Or they are an admin.

See how the top-level statements are the equivalent of wheres, but their sub-statements are orWheres that add exceptions to those general rules?

Let's take a look at some examples from Flarum Tags.

First, a scoper for the Tag model with the view ability:


namespace Flarum\Tags\Access;

use Flarum\Tags\Tag;
use Flarum\User\User;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;

class ScopeTagVisibility
     * @param User $actor
     * @param Builder $query
    public function __invoke(User $actor, Builder $query)
        $query->whereIn('id', function ($query) use ($actor) {
            Tag::query()->setQuery($query->from('tags'))->whereHasPermission($actor, 'viewForum')->select('');

And a global scoper for the Discussion model:


namespace Flarum\Tags\Access;

use Flarum\Tags\Tag;
use Flarum\User\User;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;

class ScopeDiscussionVisibilityForAbility
     * @param User $actor
     * @param Builder $query
     * @param string $ability
    public function __invoke(User $actor, Builder $query, $ability)
        // Automatic scoping should be applied to the global `view` ability,
        // and to arbitrary abilities that aren't subqueries of `view`.
        // For example, if we want to scope discussions where the user can
        // edit posts, this should apply.
        // But if we are expanding a restriction of `view` (for example,
        // `viewPrivate`), we shouldn't apply this query again.
        if (substr($ability, 0, 4) === 'view' && $ability !== 'view') {

        // Avoid an infinite recursive loop.
        if (Str::endsWith($ability, 'InRestrictedTags')) {

        // `view` is a special case where the permission string is represented by `viewForum`.
        $permission = $ability === 'view' ? 'viewForum' : $ability;

        // Restrict discussions where users don't have necessary permissions in all tags.
        // We use a double notIn instead of a doubleIn because the permission must be present in ALL tags,
        // not just one.
        $query->where(function ($query) use ($actor, $permission) {
                ->whereNotIn('', function ($query) use ($actor, $permission) {
                    return $query->select('discussion_id')
                        ->whereNotIn('tag_id', function ($query) use ($actor, $permission) {
                            Tag::query()->setQuery($query->from('tags'))->whereHasPermission($actor, $permission)->select('');
                ->orWhere(function ($query) use ($actor, $permission) {
                    // Allow extensions a way to override scoping for any given permission.
                    $query->whereVisibleTo($actor, "${permission}InRestrictedTags");

        // Hide discussions with no tags if the user doesn't have that global
        // permission.
        if (! $actor->hasPermission($permission)) {

Note that, as mentioned above, we don't run this for abilities starting with view, since those are handled by their own, dedicated scopers.

And finally, a scoper for the viewPrivate ability (this one is a fake example, not from tags):


namespace ACME\YourExtension\Access;

use Flarum\Discussion\Discussion;
use Flarum\User\User;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;

class ScopeDiscussionVisibility
     * @param User $actor
     * @param Builder $query
    public function __invoke(User $actor, Builder $query)
        $query->orWhere(function($query) use ($actor) {
            $query->where('some_column', true);
            $query->where('some_other_column', false);

Note that in contrast to the other 2 examples, we're using orWhere to wrap our logic. This is explained above

use Flarum\Extend;
use Flarum\Discussion\Discussion;
use Flarum\Tags\Tag;
use YourNamespace\Access;

return [
  // Other extenders

  // 'view' is optional here, since that's the default value for the ability argument.
  // However, if we were applying this to a different ability, such as `viewPrivate`,
  // would need to explicitly specify that.
  (new Extend\ModelVisibility(Tag::class))
    ->scope(Access\ScopeTagVisibility::class, 'view'),

  (new Extend\ModelVisibility(Discussion::class))
  // Other extenders