
Forms and Requests


In this article, we'll go over some frontend tools that are available to us for building and managing forms, as well how to send HTTP requests via Flarum.

As with any interactive site, you will likely want to include forms in some pages and modals. Flarum provides some components to make building (and styling!) these forms easier. Please see the linked API documentation for each of these to learn more about its accepted attrs.

You'll typically want to assign logic for reacting to input changes via Mithril's on* attrs, not external listeners (as is common with jQuery or plain JS). For example:

import Component from 'flarum/common/Component';
import FieldSet from 'flarum/common/components/FieldSet';
import Button from 'flarum/common/components/Button';
import Switch from 'flarum/common/components/Switch';

class FormComponent extends Component {
  oninit(vnode) {
    this.textInput = "";
    this.booleanInput = false;

  view() {
    return (
      <form onsubmit={this.onsubmit.bind(this)}>
        <FieldSet label={app.translator.trans('fake-extension.form.fieldset_label')}>
          <input className="FormControl" value={this.textInput} oninput={e => this.textInput = e.target.value}>
          <Switch state={this.booleanInput} onchange={val => this.booleanInput = val}>
        <Button type="submit">{app.translator.trans('core.admin.basics.submit_button')}</Button>

  onsubmit() {
    // Some form handling logic here

Don't forget to use translations!

Flarum provides Mithril's Stream as flarum/common/util/Stream. This is a very powerful reactive data structure, but is most commonly used in Flarum as a wrapper for form data. Its basic usage is:

import Stream from 'flarum/common/utils/Stream';

const value = Stream("hello!");
value() === "hello!"; // true
value() === "world!"; // true

In Flarum forms, streams are frequently used together with the bidi attr. Bidi stands for bidirectional binding, and is a common pattern in frontend frameworks. Flarum patches Mithril with the [m.attrs.bidi library](https://github.com/tobyzerner/m.attrs. This abstracts away input processing in Mithril. For instance:

import Stream from 'flarum/common/utils/Stream';

const value = Stream();

// Without bidi
<input type="text" value={value()} oninput={e => value(e.target.value)}></input>

// With bidi
<input type="text" bidi={value}></input>

You can also use the flarum/common/utils/withAttr util for simplified form processing. withAttr calls a callable, providing as an argument some attr of the DOM element tied to the component in question:

import Stream from 'flarum/common/utils/Stream';
import withAttr from 'flarum/common/utils/withAttr';

const value = Stream();

// With a stream
<input type="text" value={value()} oninput={withAttr('value', value)}></input>

// With any callable
<input type="text" value={value()} oninput={withAttr('value', (currValue) => {
  // Some custom logic here

In our models documentation, you learned how to work with models, and save model creation, changes, and deletion to the database via the Store util, which is just a wrapper around Flarum's request system, which itself is just a wrapper around Mithril's request system.

Flarum's request system is available globally via app.request(options), and has the following differences from Mithril's m.request(options):

  • It will automatically attach X-CSRF-Token headers.
  • It will convert PATCH and DELETE requests into POST requests, and attach a X-HTTP-Method-Override header.
  • If the request errors, it will show an alert which, if in debug mode, can be clicked to show a full error modal.
  • You can supply a background: false option, which will run the request synchronously. However, this should almost never be done.

Otherwise, the API for using app.request is the same as that for m.request.