附录二:一个 MiniMPL 库
库的一个小型重构。 目标是尽可能向后兼容MPL
引擎。 只有MPL
向下滚动到主函数以查看测试。 测试正是MPL
// Copyright Louis Dionne 2013-2016
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
// (See accompanying file LICENSE.md or copy at http://boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
#include <boost/hana.hpp>
#include <boost/hana/ext/boost/mpl.hpp>
#include <boost/hana/ext/std.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/lambda.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/placeholders.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/quote.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <type_traits>
namespace hana = boost::hana;
namespace mpl = boost::mpl;
namespace hpl {
// Utilities
namespace detail {
template <typename Pred>
constexpr auto mpl_predicate = hana::integral(hana::metafunction_class<
typename mpl::lambda<Pred>::type
template <typename F>
constexpr auto mpl_metafunction = hana::metafunction_class<
typename mpl::lambda<F>::type
// integral_c
template <typename T, T v>
using integral_c = std::integral_constant<T, v>;
template <int i>
using int_ = integral_c<int, i>;
template <long i>
using long_ = integral_c<long, i>;
template <bool b>
using bool_ = integral_c<bool, b>;
using true_ = bool_<true>;
using false_ = bool_<false>;
// Sequences, compile-time integers & al
// Differences with the MPL:
// 1. `pair<...>::first` and `pair<...>::second` won't work;
// use `first<pair<...>>` instead
template <typename ...T>
using vector = hana::tuple<hana::type<T>...>;
template <typename T, T ...v>
using vector_c = hana::tuple<hana::integral_constant<T, v>...>;
template <typename T, T from, T to>
using range_c = decltype(hana::range_c<T, from, to>);
template <typename T, typename U>
using pair = hana::pair<hana::type<T>, hana::type<U>>;
template <typename P>
struct first : decltype(+hana::first(P{})) { };
template <typename P>
struct second : decltype(+hana::second(P{})) { };
// Miscellaneous metafunctions
template <typename C1, typename C2>
struct equal_to
: bool_<C1::value == C2::value>
{ };
template <typename C1, typename C2>
struct less
: bool_<(C1::value < C2::value)>
{ };
template <typename C1, typename C2>
struct greater
: bool_<(C1::value > C2::value)>
{ };
template <typename N>
struct next
: integral_c<typename N::value_type, N::value + 1>
{ };
// Intrinsics
// Differences with the MPL:
// 1. `at` does not work for associative sequences; use `find` instead.
// 2. `begin`, `end`, `clear`, `erase`, `erase_key`, `insert`, `insert_range`,
// `is_sequence`, `key_type`, `order`, `sequence_tag`, `value_type`: not implemented
template <typename Sequence, typename N>
struct at
: decltype(hana::at(Sequence{}, N{}))
{ };
template <typename Sequence, long n>
using at_c = at<Sequence, long_<n>>;
template <typename Sequence>
struct back
: decltype(+hana::back(Sequence{}))
{ };
template <typename Sequence>
struct empty
: decltype(hana::is_empty(Sequence{}))
{ };
template <typename Sequence>
struct front
: decltype(+hana::front(Sequence{}))
{ };
template <typename Sequence>
struct pop_back {
using type = decltype(hana::drop_back(
hana::to_tuple(Sequence{}), hana::size_c<1>
template <typename Sequence>
struct pop_front {
using type = decltype(hana::drop_front(Sequence{}));
template <typename Sequence, typename T>
struct push_back {
using type = decltype(hana::append(Sequence{}, hana::type_c<T>));
template <typename Sequence, typename T>
struct push_front {
using type = decltype(hana::prepend(Sequence{}, hana::type_c<T>));
template <typename Sequence>
struct size
: decltype(hana::length(Sequence{}))
{ };
// Iteration algorithms
// Differences with the MPL:
// 1. reverse_fold:
// Does not take an optional additional ForwardOp argument.
// 2. iter_fold, reverse_iter_fold:
// Not implemented because we don't use iterators
template <typename Sequence, typename State, typename F>
struct fold
: decltype(hana::fold(
Sequence{}, hana::type_c<State>, detail::mpl_metafunction<F>
{ };
template <typename Sequence, typename State, typename F>
struct reverse_fold
: decltype(hana::reverse_fold(
Sequence{}, hana::type_c<State>, detail::mpl_metafunction<F>
{ };
template <typename Sequence, typename State, typename F>
using accumulate = fold<Sequence, State, F>;
// Query algorithms
// Differences with the MPL:
// 1. find_if and find:
// Instead of returning an iterator, they either have a nested `::type`
// alias to the answer, or they have no nested `::type` at all, which
// makes them SFINAE-friendly.
// 2. lower_bound, upper_bound:
// Not implemented.
// 3. {min,max}_element:
// Not returning an iterator, and also won't work on empty sequences.
template <typename Sequence, typename Pred>
struct find_if
: decltype(hana::find_if(Sequence{}, detail::mpl_predicate<Pred>))
{ };
template <typename Sequence, typename T>
struct find
: decltype(hana::find(Sequence{}, hana::type_c<T>))
{ };
template <typename Sequence, typename T>
struct contains
: decltype(hana::contains(Sequence{}, hana::type_c<T>))
{ };
template <typename Sequence, typename T>
struct count
: decltype(hana::count(Sequence{}, hana::type_c<T>))
{ };
template <typename Sequence, typename Pred>
struct count_if
: decltype(hana::count_if(Sequence{}, detail::mpl_predicate<Pred>))
{ };
template <typename Sequence, typename Pred = mpl::quote2<less>>
struct min_element
: decltype(hana::minimum(Sequence{}, detail::mpl_predicate<Pred>))
{ };
template <typename Sequence, typename Pred = mpl::quote2<less>>
struct max_element
: decltype(hana::maximum(Sequence{}, detail::mpl_predicate<Pred>))
{ };
template <typename S1, typename S2, typename Pred = mpl::quote2<std::is_same>>
struct equal
: decltype( // inefficient but whatever
hana::length(S1{}) == hana::length(S2{}) &&
{ };
// Transformation algorithms
// Differences from the MPL:
// 1. The algorithms do not accept an optional inserter, and they always
// return a `vector`.
// 2. stable_partition: not implemented
// 3. All the reverse_* algorithms are not implemented.
template <typename Sequence>
struct copy {
using type = decltype(hana::to_tuple(Sequence{}));
template <typename Sequence, typename Pred>
struct copy_if {
using type = decltype(hana::filter(
template <typename Sequence, typename Sequence_or_Op, typename = void>
struct transform;
template <typename Sequence, typename Op>
struct transform<Sequence, Op> {
using type = decltype(hana::transform(
hana::to_tuple(Sequence{}), detail::mpl_metafunction<Op>
template <typename S1, typename S2, typename Op>
struct transform {
using type = decltype(hana::zip_with(
template <typename Sequence, typename OldType, typename NewType>
struct replace {
using type = decltype(hana::replace(
template <typename Sequence, typename Pred, typename NewType>
struct replace_if {
using type = decltype(hana::replace_if(
template <typename Sequence, typename T>
struct remove {
using type = decltype(hana::filter(
template <typename Sequence, typename Pred>
struct remove_if {
using type = decltype(hana::filter(
hana::compose(hana::not_, detail::mpl_predicate<Pred>)
template <typename Sequence, typename Pred>
struct unique {
using type = decltype(hana::unique(
template <typename Sequence, typename Pred>
struct partition {
using hana_pair = decltype(hana::partition(
using type = pair<
template <typename Sequence, typename Pred = mpl::quote2<less>>
struct sort {
using type = decltype(hana::sort(
hana::to_tuple(Sequence{}), detail::mpl_predicate<Pred>
template <typename Sequence>
struct reverse {
using type = decltype(hana::reverse(hana::to_tuple(Sequence{})));
// Runtime algorithms
template <typename Sequence, typename F>
void for_each(F f) {
hana::for_each(Sequence{}, [&f](auto t) {
f(typename decltype(t)::type{});
template <typename Sequence, typename TransformOp, typename F>
void for_each(F f) {
for_each<typename transform<Sequence, TransformOp>::type>(f);
} // end namespace hpl
template <typename N>
struct is_odd
: hpl::bool_<(N::value % 2)>
{ };
int main() {
using namespace hpl;
// Misc
// pair
static_assert(std::is_same<first<pair<int, float>>::type, int>{}, "");
static_assert(std::is_same<second<pair<int, float>>::type, float>{}, "");
// Intrinsics
// at
using range = range_c<long,10,50>;
static_assert(at<range, int_<0>>::value == 10, "");
static_assert(at<range, int_<10>>::value == 20, "");
static_assert(at<range, int_<40>>::value == 50, "");
// at_c
using range = range_c<long, 10, 50>;
static_assert(at_c<range, 0>::value == 10, "");
static_assert(at_c<range, 10>::value == 20, "");
static_assert(at_c<range, 40>::value == 50, "");
// back
using range1 = range_c<int,0,1>;
using range2 = range_c<int,0,10>;
using range3 = range_c<int,-10,0>;
using types = vector<int, char, float>;
static_assert(back<range1>::value == 0, "");
static_assert(back<range2>::value == 9, "");
static_assert(back<range3>::value == -1, "");
static_assert(std::is_same<back<types>::type, float>{}, "");
// empty
using empty_range = range_c<int,0,0>;
using types = vector<long,float,double>;
static_assert(empty<empty_range>{}, "");
static_assert(!empty<types>{}, "");
// front
using types1 = vector<long>;
using types2 = vector<int,long>;
using types3 = vector<char,int,long>;
static_assert(std::is_same<front<types1>::type, long>{}, "");
static_assert(std::is_same<front<types2>::type, int>{}, "");
static_assert(std::is_same<front<types3>::type, char>{}, "");
// pop_back
using types1 = vector<long>;
using types2 = vector<long,int>;
using types3 = vector<long,int,char>;
using result1 = pop_back<types1>::type;
using result2 = pop_back<types2>::type;
using result3 = pop_back<types3>::type;
static_assert(size<result1>::value == 0, "");
static_assert(size<result2>::value == 1, "");
static_assert(size<result3>::value == 2, "");
static_assert(std::is_same< back<result2>::type, long>{}, "");
static_assert(std::is_same< back<result3>::type, int>{}, "");
// pop_front
using types1 = vector<long>;
using types2 = vector<int,long>;
using types3 = vector<char,int,long>;
using result1 = pop_front<types1>::type;
using result2 = pop_front<types2>::type;
using result3 = pop_front<types3>::type;
static_assert(size<result1>::value == 0, "");
static_assert(size<result2>::value == 1, "");
static_assert(size<result3>::value == 2, "");
static_assert(std::is_same<front<result2>::type, long>{}, "");
static_assert(std::is_same<front<result3>::type, int>{}, "");
// push_back
using bools = vector_c<bool,false,false,false,true,true,true,false,false>;
using message = push_back<bools, false_>::type;
static_assert(back<message>::type::value == false, "");
static_assert(count_if<message, equal_to<mpl::_1, false_>>{} == 6u, "");
// push_front
using v = vector_c<int,1,2,3,5,8,13,21>;
static_assert(size<v>{} == 7u, "");
using fibonacci = push_front<v, int_<1>>::type;
static_assert(size<fibonacci>{} == 8u, "");
equal_to<mpl::_, mpl::_>
>{}, "");
// size
using empty_list = vector<>;
using numbers = vector_c<int,0,1,2,3,4,5>;
using more_numbers = range_c<int,0,100>;
static_assert(size<empty_list>{} == 0u, "");
static_assert(size<numbers>{} == 6u, "");
static_assert(size<more_numbers>{} == 100u, "");
// Iteration algorithms
// fold
using types = vector<long,float,short,double,float,long,long double>;
using number_of_floats = fold<types, int_<0>,
static_assert(number_of_floats{} == 4, "");
// reverse_fold
using numbers = vector_c<int,5,-1,0,-7,-2,0,-5,4>;
using negatives = vector_c<int,-1,-7,-2,-5>;
using result = reverse_fold<numbers, vector_c<int>,
mpl::if_<less<mpl::_2, int_<0>>,
push_front<mpl::_1, mpl::_2>,
static_assert(equal<negatives, result>{}, "");
// Query algorithms
// find_if
using types = vector<char,int,unsigned,long,unsigned long>;
using found = find_if<types, std::is_same<mpl::_1, unsigned>>::type;
static_assert(std::is_same<found, unsigned>{}, "");
// find
using types = vector<char,int,unsigned,long,unsigned long>;
static_assert(std::is_same<find<types, unsigned>::type, unsigned>{}, "");
// contains
using types = vector<char,int,unsigned,long,unsigned long>;
static_assert(!contains<types, bool>{}, "");
// count
using types = vector<int,char,long,short,char,short,double,long>;
static_assert(count<types, short>{} == 2u, "");
// count_if
using types = vector<int,char,long,short,char,long,double,long>;
static_assert(count_if<types, std::is_floating_point<mpl::_>>{} == 1u, "");
static_assert(count_if<types, std::is_same<mpl::_, char>>{} == 2u, "");
static_assert(count_if<types, std::is_same<mpl::_, void>>{} == 0u, "");
// min_element (MPL's example is completely broken)
// max_element (MPL's example is completely broken)
// equal
using s1 = vector<char,int,unsigned,long,unsigned long>;
using s2 = vector<char,int,unsigned,long>;
static_assert(!equal<s1,s2>{}, "");
// Transformaton algorithms
// copy
using numbers = vector_c<int,10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19>;
using result = copy<range_c<int, 10, 20>>::type;
static_assert(size<result>{} == 10u, "");
static_assert(equal<result, numbers, mpl::quote2<equal_to>>{}, "");
// copy_if
using result = copy_if<range_c<int, 0, 10>, less<mpl::_1, int_<5>>>::type;
static_assert(size<result>{} == 5u, "");
static_assert(equal<result, range_c<int, 0, 5>>{}, "");
// transform
using types = vector<char,short,int,long,float,double>;
using pointers = vector<char*,short*,int*,long*,float*,double*>;
using result = transform<types,std::add_pointer<mpl::_1>>::type;
static_assert(equal<result, pointers>{}, "");
// replace
using types = vector<int,float,char,float,float,double>;
using expected = vector<int,double,char,double,double,double>;
using result = replace< types,float,double >::type;
static_assert(equal<result, expected>{}, "");
// replace_if
using numbers = vector_c<int,1,4,5,2,7,5,3,5>;
using expected = vector_c<int,1,4,0,2,0,0,3,0>;
using result = replace_if<numbers, greater<mpl::_, int_<4>>, int_<0>>::type;
static_assert(equal<result, expected, mpl::quote2<equal_to>>{}, "");
// remove
using types = vector<int,float,char,float,float,double>;
using result = hpl::remove<types, float>::type;
static_assert(equal<result, vector<int, char, double>>{}, "");
// remove_if
using numbers = vector_c<int,1,4,5,2,7,5,3,5>;
using result = remove_if<numbers, greater<mpl::_, int_<4> > >::type;
static_assert(equal<result, vector_c<int,1,4,2,3>, mpl::quote2<equal_to>>{}, "");
// unique
using types = vector<int,float,float,char,int,int,int,double>;
using expected = vector<int,float,char,int,double>;
using result = unique<types, std::is_same<mpl::_1, mpl::_2>>::type;
static_assert(equal<result, expected>{}, "");
// partition
using r = partition<range_c<int,0,10>, is_odd<mpl::_1>>::type;
static_assert(equal<first<r>::type, vector_c<int,1,3,5,7,9>>{}, "");
static_assert(equal<second<r>::type, vector_c<int,0,2,4,6,8>>{}, "");
// sort
using numbers = vector_c<int,3,4,0,-5,8,-1,7>;
using expected = vector_c<int,-5,-1,0,3,4,7,8>;
using result = sort<numbers>::type;
static_assert(equal<result, expected, equal_to<mpl::_, mpl::_>>{}, "");
// reverse
using numbers = vector_c<int,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0>;
using result = reverse<numbers>::type;
static_assert(equal<result, range_c<int,0,10>>{}, "");
// Runtime algorithms
// for_each
auto value_printer = [](auto x) {
std::cout << x << '\n';
for_each<range_c<int, 0, 10> >(value_printer);