DOM7 - 自定义的DOM库


Framework7 不需要任何第三方的库,包括DOM操作。她有自己的 DOM7 - 一个集成了大部分常用DOM操作的高性能库。你不需要学习任何新的东西,因为她的用法和大名鼎鼎的jQuery几乎是一样的,包括大部分常用的方法和jquery风格的链式调用。

现在有一个全局的Dom7对象,最好把DOM7存储到一个局部变量中,为了防止和其他库冲突,我们推荐使用 $$ 来代替 $。

//Export DOM7 to local variable to make it easy accessable
var $$ = Dom7;


$$('.something').on('click', function (e) {
    $$(this).addClass('hello').attr('title', 'world').insertAfter('.something-else');


下面这些方法几乎都和 jQuery/Zepto 是一样的:

//Add "intro" class to all paragraphs
//Add "big" class from all links with "big" class
<p class="intro">Lorem ipsum...</p>
$$('p').hasClass('intro'); //-> true
<!-- Before -->
<h1 class="small">This is first title</h1>
<h2>This is subtitle</h2>                
$$('h1, h2').toggleClass('small');
<!-- After -->
<h1>This is first title</h1>
<h2 class="small">This is subtitle</h2>                
var isChecked = $$('input').prop('checked');
.prop(propName, propValue)设置一个属性值:
//Make all checkboxes checked
$$('input[type="checkbox"]').prop('checked', true);
  checked: false,
  disabled: true
<a href="">Google</a>
var link = $$('a').attr('href'); //->
.attr(attrName, attrValue)设置一个属性值:
//Set all links to google
$$('a').attr('href', '');
  id: 'new-id',
  title: 'Link to Google',
  href: ''
//Remove "src" attribute from all images
<input id="myInput" type="text" value="Lorem ipsum"/>
var inputVal = $$('#myInput').val(); //-> 'Lorem ipsum'
$$('input#myInput').val('New value here');
.data(key, value)在选中的元素上存储任意数据
$$('a').data('user', {
    id: '123',
    name: 'John',
    email: ''
.data(key)如果只有一个参数,则读取指定的值,如果有两个参数 data(key, value) 则是设置值,也可以通过 HTML5 data-* 属性来设置。
var user = $$('a').data('user'); 
//-> {id: '123', name: 'John', email: ''}


<p data-id="123">Lorem ipsum...</p>
var id = $$('p').data('id'); //-> 123
.removeData(key)Remove specified data
Data Set
.dataset()Returns element's data set (set of data- attributes) as plain Object
<div id="my-div" data-loop="true" data-animate-pages="false" data-index="0" data-hello="world">
var dataset = $$('#my-div').dataset();
dataset will contain plain object with camelCase keys and with formatted boolean and number types:
    loop: true,
    animatePages: false,
    index: 0,
    hello: 'world'
CSS transform, transitions
.transform(CSSTransformString)添加带前缀的transform 样式:
.transition(transitionDuration)设置css transition-duration 属性
.on(eventName, handler, useCapture)在选中的元素上绑定事件
$$('a').on('click', function (e) { 
$$('input[type="text"]').on('keyup keydown change', function (e) { 
  console.log('input value changed'); 
.on(eventName, delegatedTarget, handler, useCapture)通过代理绑定事件
$$(document).on('click', 'a', function (e) { 
  console.log('link clicked'); 
.once(eventName, handler, useCapture)Add event handler function to one or more events to the selected elements that will be executed only once
$$('a').once('click', function (e) { 
$$('input[type="text"]').once('keyup keydown change', function (e) { 
  console.log('input value changed'); 
.once(eventName, delegatedTarget, handler, useCapture)Live/delegated event handler that will be executed only once
$$(document).once('click', 'a', function (e) { 
  console.log('link clicked'); 
.off(eventName, handler, useCapture)删除事件绑定
function clickHandler(){
// Add event listener
$$('a').on('click', clickHandler);
// Remove event listener
$$('a').off('click', clickHandler);                  
.off(eventName, delegatedTarget, handler, useCapture)删除通过代理绑定的事件
function clickHandler(){
// Add event listener
$$(document).on('click', 'a', clickHandler);
// Remove event listener
$$(document).off('click', 'a', clickHandler);
.trigger(eventName, eventData)触发选中元素上的事件,指定所有的事件回调函数
.transitionEnd(callback, permanent)在选中的元素上增加 transitionEnd 事件回调
$$('a').transitionEnd(function(){ /* do something */ })
.animationEnd(callback)在选中的元素上增加 animationEnd 事件回调
$$('a').animationEnd(function(){ /* do something */ })
var boxWidth = $$('div#box').width();
.outerWidth([includeMargin])获取当前选中元素中的第一个元素的当前计算出来的宽度,包括 padding ,border 和 margin(如果 includeMargin 设置为 true)
var outerWidth = $$('div#box').outerWidth(true);
var boxHeight = $$('div#box').height();
.outerHeight([includeMargin])获取当前选中元素中的第一个元素的当前计算出来的高度,包括 padding ,border 和 margin(如果 includeMargin 设置为 true)
var outerHeight = $$('div#box').outerHeight(true);
.offset()获取当前选中元素的第一个元素相对 document 的位置偏移
var coords = $$('.content').offset(); //-> {top: 100, left: 200}
var top =; //-> 100
var left = coords.left; //-> 200
.hide()对选中的元素设置 "display: none"
//hide all paragraphs
.show()对选中的元素设置 "display: block"
//show all paragraphs
$$('.content').css('left'); //-> 200px
.css(property, value)设置全部选中元素中的CSS属性值
$$('.content').css('left', '100px');
    left: '100px',
    top: '200px',
    color: 'red',
    width: '300px',
    marginLeft: '17px',
    'padding-right': '20px'
.scrollTop()获取选中元素的 scrollTop 值
.scrollTop(position, duration, callback)在指定时间(duration)内滚动到指定位置(position)。如果时间(duration没有定义),则立刻滚动到指定位置。如果你指定了回调函数,那么他会在滚动完成后执行。
.scrollLeft()获取选中元素的 scrollLeft 值
.scrollLeft(position, duration, callback)在指定的时间(duration 毫秒)内滚动到指定的位置(scrollLeft)。如果没有指定时间则立刻滚动到指定位置。如果你指定了回调函数,那么他会在动画完成后执行。
.scrollTo(left, top, duration, callback)在指定的时间(duration 毫秒)内滚动到指定的位置(scrollLeft, scrollTop)。如果没有指定时间则立刻滚动到指定位置。如果你指定了回调函数,那么他会在动画完成后执行。
Dom 操作
.add(elements)Create a new Dom7 collection with elements added to the set of matched elements:
var links = $$('a');
var divs = $$('div');
.is(HTMLElement)选中的元素是否是给定的 DOM 元素或者 Dom7 集合
.insertBefore(target)把当前选中的每一个元素插入到指定的目标之前。目标(target)应该是一个 CSS 选择器或者 HTML 元素 或者 Dom7集合
.insertAfter(target)把当前选中的每一个元素插入到指定的目标之后。目标(target)应该是一个 CSS 选择器或者 HTML 元素 或者 Dom7集合
.filter(callback)Filter collection of elements
var redLinks = $$('a').filter(function(index, el) {
    return $$(this).hasClass('red');
.click()Trigger "click" event on collection
.click(handler)Add "click" event handler to collection
.blur()Trigger "blur" event on collection
.blur(handler)Add "blur" event handler to collection
.focus()Trigger "focus" event on collection
.focus(handler)Add "focus" event handler to collection
.focusin()Trigger "focusin" event on collection
.focusin(handler)Add "focusin" event handler to collection
.focusout()Trigger "focusout" event on collection
.focusout(handler)Add "focusout" event handler to collection
.keyup()Trigger "keyup" event on collection
.keyup(handler)Add "keyup" event handler to collection
.keydown()Trigger "keydown" event on collection
.keydown(handler)Add "keydown" event handler to collection
.keypress()Trigger "keypress" event on collection
.keypress(handler)Add "keypress" event handler to collection
.submit()Trigger "submit" event on collection
.submit(handler)Add "submit" event handler to collection
.change()Trigger "change" event on collection
.change(handler)Add "change" event handler to collection
.mousedown()Trigger "mousedown" event on collection
.mousedown(handler)Add "mousedown" event handler to collection
.mousemove()Trigger "mousemove" event on collection
.mousemove(handler)Add "mousemove" event handler to collection
.mouseup()Trigger "mouseup" event on collection
.mouseup(handler)Add "mouseup" event handler to collection
.mouseenter()Trigger "mouseenter" event on collection
.mouseenter(handler)Add "mouseenter" event handler to collection
.mouseleave()Trigger "mouseleave" event on collection
.mouseleave(handler)Add "mouseleave" event handler to collection
.mouseout()Trigger "mouseout" event on collection
.mouseout(handler)Add "mouseout" event handler to collection
.mouseover()Trigger "mouseover" event on collection
.mouseover(handler)Add "mouseover" event handler to collection
.touchstart()Trigger "touchstart" event on collection
.touchstart(handler)Add "touchstart" event handler to collection
.touchend()Trigger "touchend" event on collection
.touchend(handler)Add "touchend" event handler to collection
.touchmove()Trigger "touchmove" event on collection
.touchmove(handler)Add "touchmove" event handler to collection
.resize(handler)Add "resize" event handler to collection
.scroll(handler)Add "scroll" event handler to collection



A generic iterator function, which can be used to seamlessly iterate over both objects and arrays. Arrays and array-like objects with a length property (such as a function's arguments object) are iterated by numeric index, from 0 to length-1. Other objects are iterated via their named properties

Dom7.each(object/array, callback) - iterate through object or array

  • object/array - object or array - to iterate over. Required.
  • callback - function - callback function that will be executed on every object property, or on every array element. Required.
var fruits = ['Apple', 'Orange', 'Pineapple', 'Bannana'];
$$.each(fruits, function (index, value) {
    alert(index + ': ' + element); 
//This produces 4 alerts:
0: Apple
1: Orange
2: Pineapple
3: Bannana
var person = {
    firstName: 'John',
    lastName: 'Doe',
    age: 25,
$$.each(person, function (key, value) {
    alert(key + ': ' + value);
//This produces 3 alerts:
firstName: John
lastName: Doe
age: 25          


Dom7.parseUrlQuery(url) - parse url query get parameters

  • url - string - url with GET parameters. Required.

Method returns object with query parameters

var query = $$.parseUrlQuery('');
console.log(query); //-> {id: 5, foo: 'bar'}


Dom7.isArray(obj) - Determine whether the argument is an array

  • obj - object - Object to test whether or not it is an array

returns a Boolean indicating whether the object is a JavaScript array

var fruits = ['Apple', 'Orange'];
console.log($$.isArray(fruits)); //-> true


Dom7.unique(array) - Remove duplicates in passed array

  • obj - array - Array to remove duplicates

returns a new unique array

var fruits = ['Apple', 'Orange', 'Apple'];
console.log($$.unique(fruits)); //-> ['Apple', 'Orange'];


Dom7.serializeObject(object) - Create a serialized representation of a plain object suitable for use in a URL query string

  • object - object - Object to serialize

returns a new unique array

var params = {foo: 'bar', id: 5};
console.log($$.serializeObject(params)); //-> 'foo=bar&id=5'


Dom7.toCamelCase(string) - Convert hypens-case string to camelCase string

  • string - string - hypens-case string

returns a new camelCase string

var hypensCaseString = 'hello-my-world';
var camelCaseString = $$.toCamelCase(hypensCaseString);
console.log(camelCaseString); //helloMyWorld


Dom7.dataset(el) - Get element's data set (set of data- attributes) as plain Object

  • el - HTMLElement or string (with CSS selector) - element with data- attributes to get dataset from

returns a new plain object with dataset

<div id="my-div" data-loop="true" data-animate-pages="false" data-index="0" data-hello="world">
var dataset = $$.dataset('#my-div');
dataset will create plain object with camelCase keys and with formatted boolean and number types:
    loop: true,
    animatePages: false,
    index: 0,
    hello: 'world'


Dom7.requestAnimationFrame(callback) - Cross-browser implementation on requestAnimationFrame

  • callback - function - A parameter specifying a function to call when it's time to update your animation for the next repaint

returns animation request id, that uniquely identifies the entry in the callback list

var animId;
function anim() {
  var left = parseInt($$('#anim').css('left'), 10) + 1;
  $$('#anim').css({left: left + 'px'})
  animId = $.requestAnimationFrame(anim);
animId = $.requestAnimationFrame(anim);


Dom7.cancelAnimationFrame(requestID) - Cancels an animation frame request

  • requestID - number - The ID value returned by the call to $$.requestAnimationFrame() that requested the callback


$$.ajax(parameters) - Load data from the server

  • parameters - object - Request parameters

returns plain XHR object

Let's look at the list of available parameters

asyncbooleantrueIf you need synchronous requests, set this option to false
methodstring'GET'Request method (e.g. "POST", "GET", "PUT")
cachebooleantrueIf set to false, it will force requested pages not to be cached by the browser. Setting cache to false will only work correctly with HEAD and GET requests. It works by appending "_nocache={timestamp}" to the GET parameters
contentTypestring'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'Content type. Also could be 'multipart/form-data' and 'text/plain'. For cross-domain requests, setting the content type to anything other than application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data, or text/plain will trigger the browser to send a preflight OPTIONS request to the server
crossDomainbooleanundefinedIf you wish to force a crossDomain request (such as JSONP) on the same domain, set the value of crossDomain to true. When true additional "X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest" header will be added to request
dataObject or String or ArrayData to be sent to the server. It is converted to a query string, if not already a string. It's appended to the url for GET-requests. See processData option to prevent this automatic processing. For POST requests could be FormData type
processDatabooleantrueBy default, data passed in to the data option as an object (technically, anything other than a string) will be processed and transformed into a query string, fitting to the default content-type "application/x-www-form-urlencoded". If you want to send a DOMDocument, or other non-processed data, set this option to false
dataTypestring'text'The type of data that you're expecting back from the server. Could be 'text' or 'json'
headersobjectAn object of additional header key/value pairs to send along with requests using the XMLHttpRequest transport
xhrFieldsobjectAn object of fieldName-fieldValue pairs to set on the native XHR object
usernamestringA username to be used with XMLHttpRequest in response to an HTTP access authentication request
passwordstringA password to be used with XMLHttpRequest in response to an HTTP access authentication request
timeoutnumber0Set a timeout (in milliseconds) for the request
beforeSendfunction (xhr)A pre-request callback function that can be used to modify the XHR object before it is sent. Use this to set custom headers, etc
errorfunction (xhr, status)A function to be called if the request fails
successfunction (data, status, xhr)A function to be called if the request succeeds
completefunction (xhr, status)A function to be called when the request finishes (after success and error callbacks are executed)
statusCodeobjectAn object of numeric HTTP codes and functions to be called when the response has the corresponding code. For example, the following will alert when the response status is a 404:
  url: 'somepage.html',
  statusCode: {
    404: function (xhr) {
      alert('page not found');

Ajax Events

Each Ajax request produces global Ajax events on document, so you can always intercept and handle them:

ajaxStartdocumentA pre-request event that can be used to modify the XHR object before it is sent. Use this to set custom headers
ajaxErrordocumentEvent to be triggered if the request fails
ajaxSuccessdocumentEvent to be triggered if the request succeeds
ajaxCompletedocumentEvent to be triggered when the request finishes (after success and error events are executed)

For example:

$$(document).on('ajaxComplete', function (e) {
  var xhr = e.detail.xhr;
  console.log('request performed');

Shorthand Methods


$$.get(url, data, success) - Load data from the server using a HTTP GET request

  • url - string - Request url
  • data - object - A plain object or string that is sent to the server with the request. Optional
  • success - function (data, status, xhr) - A callback function that is executed if the request succeeds. Optional

returns plain XHR object

$$.get('blog-post.php', {foo:'bar', id:5}, function (data) {
  console.log('Load was performed');

$$.post(url, data, success) - Load data from the server using a HTTP POST request

  • url - string - Request url
  • data - object - A plain object or FormData or string that is sent to the server with the request. Optional
  • success - function (data, status, xhr) - A callback function that is executed if the request succeeds. Optional

returns plain XHR object

$$.post('auth.php', {username:'foo', password: 'bar'}, function (data) {
  console.log('Load was performed');


$$.getJSON(url, data, success) - Load JSON-encoded data from the server using a GET HTTP request

  • url - string - Request url
  • data - object - A plain object or FormData or string that is sent to the server with the request. Optional
  • success - function (data, status, xhr) - A callback function that is executed if the request succeeds. Optional

returns plain XHR object

$$.getJSON('items.json', function (data) {

Original Request Parameters

Each of Ajax methods returns plain XHR object, which is also available in callbacks. This default XHR object extended with the following properties:

xhr.requestParametersObject with passed XHR request parameters
xhr.requestUrlString with request URL