

你已经有了基本的页面布局和需要用的CSS以及JS文件。现在我们需要初始化我们的应用,比如在 my-app.js

var myApp = new Framework7();

上面这个例子中我们使用了 myApp 作为变量名存储 Framework7 初始化之后的实例。

这样初始化非常简单,但是Framework7 也提供了更多个性化的定制,只需要在初始化的时候传入一个配置对象即可。

var myApp = new Framework7({
    pushState: true,
    swipePanel: 'left',
    // ... other parameters


Material Theme (Material theme only)
materialbooleanfalseSet to true to activate Material-specific App JS behavior
materialPageLoadDelaynumber0Delay (in ms) before animation of loaded page. Can be increased a bit to improve performance
materialRipplebooleantrueEnable/disable Material-specific touch ripple effect
materialRippleElementsstring'.ripple, a.link, a.item-link, .button, .modal-button, .tab-link, .label-radio, .label-checkbox, .actions-modal-button, a.searchbar-clear, .floating-button'CSS selector of elements to apply touch ripple effect on click
materialPreloaderSvgstring'<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" height="75" width="75" viewbox="0 0 75 75"><circle cx="37.5" cy="37.5" r="33.5" stroke-width="8"/></svg>'HTML of Material' theme SVG preloader
cachebooleantrue是否打开 Ajax 缓存,因为Framework7使用ajax加载新页面,最好启用Ajax缓存,特别是你的页面内容不经常更新的时候。
cacheDurationnumber1000*60*10Ajax 缓存时间,在缓存有效期内加载页面不会发起新的ajax请求而是直接使用缓存的结果。默认是10分钟。
cacheIgnoreGetParametersbooleanfalse缓存是否忽略get参数,如果为 "true",那么像 "about.html?id=2" 和 "about.html?id=3" 将会和 "about.html" 是一样的缓存。
快速点击(Fast clicks library)
fastClicksbooleantrueFast clicks 是一个内置库,当你点击链接或者提交表单的时候,她会移除300毫秒的延迟。如果你有其他的 fast click 库,你可以禁用这个功能。
fastClicksDelayBetweenClicksnumber50Minimal allowed delay (in ms) between miltiple clicks
fastClicksDistanceThresholdnumber10需要阻止tab事件的距离。当 tap/move 的距离超过这个值的时候,不会触发click事件。
activeStatebooleantrue启用这个设置时,会给当前点击的元素增加一个 'active-state' class。
activeStateElemetsstring'a, button, label, span'应该在这些元素上加 activeState
tapHoldbooleanfalseSet to true to enable tap hold events
tapHoldDelaynumber750Determines how long (in ms) the user must hold their tap before the taphold event is fired on the target element
tapHoldPreventClicksbooleantrueWhen enabled (by default), then click event will not be fired after tap hold event
Navigation / Router
ajaxLinksstringundefined指定哪些链接需要用ajax加载,默认情况下(当为undefined时)Framework7 会使用ajax加载所有的链接。你可以通过设置一个CSS选择器来指定需要通过Ajax加载的链接,比如 "a.ajax" - 只有class 为 "ajax" 的链接。
dynamicPageUrlstring'content-{{index}}'URL rule for dynamically loaded pages. Available replaceable expressions: '{{index}}' (page index number in navigation history) and '{{name}}' (value of page "data-page" attribute)
uniqueHistorybooleanfalseSet to true and App will keep View's navigation history unique, it will also remove duplicated pages
uniqueHistoryIgnoreGetParametersbooleanfalseUse this parameter in addition to uniqueHistory. Set to true and App will ignore URL GET parameters when cheking its uniqueness. So the URLs like "page.html" and "page.html?id=3" will be treated as the same.
externalLinksstring'.external'不应该被 Framework7 管理的链接的CSS选择器。比如 ".external" 会匹配到这样的链接 <a href="somepage.html" class="external"> (因为它有 "external" 类)
allowDuplicateUrlsbooleanfalseYou may enable this parameter to allow loading of new pages that have same url as currently "active" page in View.
animateNavBackIconbooleanfalse当启用这个功能时,动态导航栏中的 back-link 图标的动画会更接近iOS的风格。只有当你使用动态导航栏并且使用了默认的 back-link 图标时才应该把这个值设置为 "sliding"。 iOS theme only
animatePagesbooleantrue如果你想禁用页面切换的动画,就把这个值设置为 false。
preloadPreviousPagebooleantrue预加载上一页,为了能让"滑动返回上一页"功能正常工作,这个值应该设置为 true。
preroutefunction(view, options)-

This callback allows to prevent default router load/back actions and to load another page or do another required actions

Look for example below

preprocessfunction(content, url, next)-

This callback function allows you to modify loaded router (mostly Ajax) content right before it will be injected to DOM. Callback receives "content" and "url" of the loaded page and the "next" callback function. After you modify content within this function you should return it with: return content

Look for example below

Push State
pushStatebooleanfalse如果你开发web app(而不是通过PhoneGap封装的混合应用),那么这个功能将很有用(浏览器的URL将会看上去像这样 "http://my-webapp.com/#/about.html")。用户可以通过浏览器默认的前进后退按钮来操作。
pushStateSeparatorstring'#!/'push state 时候在URL中使用的分隔符,如果改成 "#page/",那么你的url将会像这样 "http://myapp.com/#page/about.html"
pushStateRootstringundefinedPush state URL根路径, 比如 "http://my-app.com/". 只有当你把 pushStateSeparator 设置为空("")时才有效。
pushStateNoAnimationbooleanfalse如果设置为 false,那么会继承当前 View 的 animatePages 参数。如果设置为 true,那么页面切换的时候将没有动画效果。
pushStatePreventOnLoadbooleantrueIf enabled, the first pop state event on app load will be ignored, as it can casue issues that load unnecessary. But useful to disable when you init app using async loaders like Require.js
滑动返回上一页(iOS theme only)
swipeBackPageActiveAreanumber30Value in px. Width of invisible left edge of the screen that triggers swipe back action
swipeBackPageAnimateShadowbooleantrue打开/关闭 滑动返回时候的 box-shadow 动画。关闭这个功能可以提高性能。
swipeBackPageAnimateOpacitybooleantrue打开/关闭 滑动返回时候的半透明效果。关闭这个功能可以提高性能。
可排序列表(Sortable Lists)
Side Panels
swipePanelstringfalse默认是禁用的,如果你希望通过滑动可以打开 side panel,那么可以设置为 "left" (lef panel) 或者 "right" ( right panel)
swipePanelCloseOppositebooleantrueThis parameter gives ability to close opposite panel by swipe. For example, if your swipePanel is "left", then you could close "right" panel also with swipe.
swipePanelOnlyClosebooleanfalseThis parameter allows to close (but not open) panels with swipes
swipePanelActiveAreanumberfalseValue in px. Width of invisible edge from the screen that triggers swipe panel
swipePanelNoFollowbooleanfalse为了兼容老的设备。当设置为 true时,side panel的动画不会跟随你的手指,而是自动开始/结束。
swipePanelThresholdnumber0Value in px. Panel will not move with swipe if "touch distance" will be less than this value.
panelsCloseByOutsidebooleantrue点击 panel 外面来关闭她。
modalTitlestring'Framework7'默认的标题 (Alert, Confirm, Prompt)
modalPreloaderTitlestring'Loading... '默认的加载提示文案
modalCloseByOutsidebooleanfalse点击modal(Alert, Confirm, Prompt)外面关闭她。
actionsCloseByOutsidebooleantrue和上面一样,但是是针对 Action Sheet 的
popupCloseByOutsidebooleantrue和上面一样但是针对 popup 的
modalTemplatestringundefined弹层(alert, confirm and prompt) 对应的 Template7 模板。参见Modal Template
modalActionsTemplatestringundefinedTemplate7 formatted HTML template for Action Sheet. Could be useful if you want to add some custom elements to Action Sheet layout. Look at the example of Action Sheet Template
modalActionsToPopoverTemplatestringTemplate7 formatted HTML template for Action Sheet that will be converted to Popover. Could be useful if you want to add some custom elements to Popover layout. Look at the example of Action Sheet To Popover Template
modalUsernamePlaceholderstring'Username'在Login Modal中,username输入框的占位符
modalPasswordPlaceholderstring'Password'在 Login 和 Password Modals 中密码输入框的占位符
modalStackbooleantrueThis feature doesn't allow to open multiple modals at the same time, and will automatically open next modal when you close the current one. Such behavior is similar to browser native alerts
Smart Select
smartSelectInPopupbooleanfalseSet to true and all Smart Selects, by default, will be opened as popup
smartSelectBackTemplatestring'<div class="left sliding"><a href="#" class="back link"><i class="icon icon-back"></i><span>{{backText}}</span></a></div>'Smart select 页面模式中导航栏中的返回按钮的HTML模板
smartSelectPopupCloseTemplatestring'<div class="left"><a href="#" class="link close-popup"><i class="icon icon-back"></i><span>{{closeText}}</span></a></div>'Smart Select 弹层方式中关闭链接的 HTML template
smartSelectBackTextstring'Back'Smart select 页面导航栏中的返回按钮的文案
smartSelectPopupCloseTextstring'Close'Default close link text for Smart Select's popup navbar
smartSelectSearchbarbooleanfalse所有的 Smart Selects 打开/关闭搜索功能。
smartSelectBackOnSelectbooleanfalse在 smart select 页面选择任何条目之后立刻返回。
smartSelectFormThemestringundefinedsmart select 页面/弹层中 使用的主题,是十个默认的颜色主题中的一个。
smartSelectNavbarThemestringundefinedsmart select 页面/弹层中的导航栏主题,是十个默认的颜色主题中的一个。
导航栏和工具栏(Navbars / Toolbars)
hideTabbarOnPageScrollbooleanfalseSet to true and Tab bar will be hidden automatically on page scroll down, and become visible on scroll up. Note that this is only for Tab Bar app layout, otherwise use hideToolbarOnPageScroll
showBarsOnPageScrollTopbooleantrueSet to false and bars will not become visible when you scroll page to top everytime. They will become visible only on the most top scroll position, in the beginning of the page
scrollTopOnNavbarClickbooleanfalseSet to true and each click on Navbar's "center" element will scroll currently active page to top
Images Lazy Load
imagesLazyLoadThresholdnumber0By default images are loaded when they appear on the screen. Use this parameter if you want to load images earlier. Setting it to 50 will load image when it 50 pixels before it appears on viewport
imagesLazyLoadSequentialbooleantrueIf enabled, then lazy images will be loaded one by one when they appear in viewport
imagesLazyLoadPlaceholderstringLazy load image placeholder source to show while image is not yet loaded. By default it is 1x1 px image
notificationTitlestringundefined所有通知(notifications)的默认标题iOS theme only
notificationSubtitlestringundefined所有通知(notifications)的默认副标题iOS theme only
notificationMediastringundefined所有通知(notifications)的默认图标iOS theme only
notificationCloseIconbooleantrue设置为true,则默认就会显示一个关闭按钮iOS theme only
notificationCloseButtonTextstring'Close'Default text for Snackbars' close button Material theme only
状态栏(Status Bar)iOS theme only
statusbarOverlaybooleanundefinedWith this option you can overwrite automatic status bar detection
scrollTopOnStatusbarClickbooleanfalseSet to true and each click on Status bar ("status-bar-overlay") will scroll currently active page to top
template7Pagesbooleanfalse设置为true,则会自动使用 Template7 来渲染 ajax或者动态生成的页面。这里有更详细的说明 Template7 Pages
template7Dataobject{}用来存储Template7 渲染页面所需的数据。这里有更详细的说明:Template7 Pages
precompileTemplatesbooleanfalse是否自动编译所有的 Template7 模板。这里有更详细的说明:Templates Auto Compilation
templatesobject{}编译好的 Template7 模板。这里有更详细的说明:Templates Auto Compilation
页面回调(Page Callbacks)
onPageBeforeInitfunction(app, page)-回调函数,当Framework7把新页面插入到DOM的时候会触发这个回调。和 page event 中的 "pageBeforeInit" 是一样的。
onPageInitfunction(app, page)-回调函数,当Framework7初始化页面的组件的时候会调用这个回调。 和 page event 中的 "pageInit"事件是相同的作用
onPageBeforeAnimationfunction(app, page)-回调函数,当页面全部初始化完成之后并且准备好开始做动画的时候会调用此回调。和page event 中的 "pageBeforeAnimation" 是一样的。
onPageAfterAnimationfunction(app, page)-回调函数,当页面动画结束的时候调用。和 page event 中的 "pageAfterAnimation" 是相同的作用
onPageBeforeRemovefunction(app, page)-回调函数,当页面从DOM中移除的时候调用。和 page event 中的 "pageBeforeRemove" 是相同的作用
onPageBackfunction(app, page)-Callback function that will be executed right before "back" transition. Difference with "onPageBeforeAnimation" is that this callback will be executed for the "old" page - page that slides from center to right. Does the same as "pageBack" page event
onPageAfterBackfunction(app, page)-Callback function that will be executed right after "back" transition. Difference with "onPageAfterAnimation" is that this callback will be executed for the "old" page - page that slides from center to right. Does the same as "pageAfterBack" page event
Ajax回调函数(Ajax Callbacks)
onAjaxStartfunction(xhr)-当Ajax请求开始的时候调用,这个函数会传递一个 xhr 对象作为参数。
onAjaxCompletefunction(xhr)-Ajax 请求结束的时候调用。会传递一个xhr对象作为参数。


viewClassstring'view'View 元素对应的class
viewMainClassstring'view-main'main view 元素对应的 class
viewsClassstring'views'views 元素对应的class
initbooleantrue默认情况下,当你调用 new Framework7() 的时候Framework7会自动初始化。如果你希望自己手动控制,那么你可以禁用这个选项,然后自己调用 myApp.init()来初始化。

最终你写在 my-app.js 中的代码可能会是这样的:

var myApp = new Framework7({
    // Default title for modals
    modalTitle: 'My App',
    // If it is webapp, we can enable hash navigation:
    pushState: true,
    // Hide and show indicator during ajax requests
    onAjaxStart: function (xhr) {
    onAjaxComplete: function (xhr) {


Framework 可以让你用自己喜欢的客户端模板引擎,或者在内容加载之后再做任意修改。

让我们看看如何在初始化应用的时候把 Template7 当做我们自己的客户端模板引擎。

var myApp = new Framework7({
    preprocess: function (content, url, next) {
        if (url === 'people.html') {
  var template = Template7.compile(content);
  var resultContent = template({
      title: 'People',
      people: ['John', 'Ivan', 'Mary']
  return resultContent;

And the people.html page:

<div class="navbar">
  <div class="navbar-inner">
    <div class="center">{{title}}</div>
<div class="pages">
  <div data-page="people" class="page">
    <div class="page-content">
        {{#each people}}

有时候你会在预处理方法中有一些异步的逻辑,比如你用ajax来加载页面。这种情况下,我们提供了 "next" 回调函数,用来传入我们编译或者修改后的内容:

var myApp = new Framework7({
    preprocess: function (content, url, next) {
        if (url === 'people.html') {
  // For example, we will retreive template JSON data using Ajax and only after that we will continue page loading process
  $$.get('sometemplate.html', function(data) {
      // Template
      var template = Template7.compile(content);
      // Compile content template with received JSON data
      var resultContent = template(data);
      // Now we call "next" callback function with result content
  // Now we shouldn't return anything

"prerouter" 示例

这个回调函数可以用来阻止路由器默认的 加载/返回 行为,你可以自己去加载其他页面,重定向,或者做任意你需要的操作。


var myApp = new Framework7({
    preroute: function (view, options) {
        if (!userLoggedIn) {
  view.router.loadPage('auth.html'); //load another page with auth form
  return false; //required to prevent default router action


在初始化应用之后,我们需要添加并初始化 视图