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Appendix Q. Copyright


The Advanced Bash ScriptingGuideiscopyright

© 2000, by Mendel Cooper. The author also assertscopyright on all previous versions of this document.

This blanket copyright recognizes and protects the rights of allcontributors to this document.

This document may only be distributed subject to the termsand conditions set forth in the Open PublicationLicense (version 1.0 or later), http://www.opencontent.org/openpub/.The following license options also apply.

   1 A.  Distribution of substantively modified versions of this document
   2     is prohibited without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.
   3     HOWEVER, in the event that the author or maintainer of this document
   4     cannot be contacted, the Linux Documentation Project will have the right
   5     to take over custodianship of the document and name a new maintainer,
   6     who would then have the right to update and modify the document.
   8 B.  Distribution of the work or derivative of the work in any standard
   9     (paper) book form is prohibited unless prior permission is obtained from
  10     the copyright holder.

Provision A, above, explicitly prohibitsrelabelingthis document. An example ofrelabeling is the insertion of company logos or navigation barsinto the cover, title page, or the text. The author grants thefollowing exemptions.

  1. Non-profit organizations, such as the Linux Documentation Projectand Sunsite.
  2. "Pure-play"Linux distributors, such as Debian,Red Hat, Mandrake, SuSE, and others.

Without explicit written permission from the author,distributors and publishers (including on-line publishers) areprohibited from imposing any additional conditions, strictures,or provisions on this document or any previous version of it. As ofthis update, the author asserts that he has notentered into any contractual obligations that would alter theforegoing declarations.

Essentially, you may freely distribute this book inunalteredelectronic form. You must obtainthe author's permission to distribute a substantially modifiedversion or derivative work. The purpose of this restriction is topreserve the artistic integrity of this document and to prevent"forking."

If you display or distribute this document or any previousversion thereof under any license except the one above, then youare required to obtain the author's written permission. Failureto do so may terminate your distribution rights.

These are very liberal terms, and they should not hinder anylegitimate distribution or use of this book. The author especiallyencourages the use of this book for classroom and instructionalpurposes.

Certain of the scripts contained in this document are,where noted, released into the Public Domain. These scripts areexempt from the foregoing license and copyrightrestrictions.

The commercial print and other rights to this book areavailable. Please contact the authorifinterested.

The author produced this book in a manner consistent with thespirit of the LDPManifesto.

Linux is a trademark registered to Linus Torvalds.

Unix and UNIX are trademarks registered to the Open Group.

MS Windows is a trademark registered to the Microsoft Corp.

Solaris is a trademark registered to Sun, Inc.

OSX is a trademark registered to Apple, Inc.

Yahoo is a trademark registered to Yahoo, Inc.

Pentium is a trademark registered to Intel, Inc.

Scrabble is a trademark registered to Hasbro, Inc.

All other commercial trademarks mentioned in the body of this workare registered to their respective owners.

Hyun Jin Cha has done a Koreantranslationof version 1.0.11 of this book. Spanish,Portuguese, French,(another French),German, Italian,Russian,Czech,Chinese, and Dutch translations are also available or inprogress. If you wish to translate this document into anotherlanguage, please feel free to do so, subject to the terms statedabove. The author wishes to be notified of such efforts.