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Appendix I. Localization


Localization is an undocumented Bash feature.

A localized shell script echoes its text output in thelanguage defined as the system's locale. A Linux user in Berlin,Germany, would get script output in German, whereas his cousinin Berlin, Maryland, would get output from the same script inEnglish.

To create a localized script, use the following template towrite all messages to the user (error messages, prompts,etc.).

   1 #!/bin/bash
   2 # localized.sh
   3 #  Script by St閜hane Chazelas,
   4 #+ modified by Bruno Haible, bugfixed by Alfredo Pironti.
   6 . gettext.sh
   8 E_CDERROR=65
  10 error()
  11 {
  12   printf "$@" >&2
  13   exit $E_CDERROR
  14 }
  16 cd $var || error "`eval_gettext \"Can\'t cd to \\\$var.\"`"
  17 #  The triple backslashes (escapes) in front of $var needed
  18 #+ "because eval_gettext expects a string
  19 #+ where the variable values have not yet been substituted."
  20 #    -- per Bruno Haible
  21 read -p "`gettext \"Enter the value: \"`" var
  22 #  ...
  25 #  ------------------------------------------------------------------
  26 #  Alfredo Pironti comments:
  28 #  This script has been modified to not use the $"..." syntax in
  29 #+ favor of the "`gettext \"...\"`" syntax.
  30 #  This is ok, but with the new localized.sh program, the commands
  31 #+ "bash -D filename" and "bash --dump-po-string filename"
  32 #+ will produce no output
  33 #+ (because those command are only searching for the $"..." strings)!
  34 #  The ONLY way to extract strings from the new file is to use the
  35 # 'xgettext' program. However, the xgettext program is buggy.
  37 # Note that 'xgettext' has another bug.
  38 #
  39 # The shell fragment:
  40 #    gettext -s "I like Bash"
  41 # will be correctly extracted, but . . .
  42 #    xgettext -s "I like Bash"
  43 # . . . fails!
  44 #  'xgettext' will extract "-s" because
  45 #+ the command only extracts the
  46 #+ very first argument after the 'gettext' word.
  49 #  Escape characters:
  50 #
  51 #  To localize a sentence like
  52 #     echo -e "Hello\tworld!"
  53 #+ you must use
  54 #     echo -e "`gettext \"Hello\\tworld\"`"
  55 #  The "double escape character" before the `t' is needed because
  56 #+ 'gettext' will search for a string like: 'Hello\tworld'
  57 #  This is because gettext will read one literal `\')
  58 #+ and will output a string like "Bonjour\tmonde",
  59 #+ so the 'echo' command will display the message correctly.
  60 #
  61 #  You may not use
  62 #     echo "`gettext -e \"Hello\tworld\"`"
  63 #+ due to the xgettext bug explained above.
  67 # Let's localize the following shell fragment:
  68 #     echo "-h display help and exit"
  69 #
  70 # First, one could do this:
  71 #     echo "`gettext \"-h display help and exit\"`"
  72 #  This way 'xgettext' will work ok,
  73 #+ but the 'gettext' program will read "-h" as an option!
  74 #
  75 # One solution could be
  76 #     echo "`gettext -- \"-h display help and exit\"`"
  77 #  This way 'gettext' will work,
  78 #+ but 'xgettext' will extract "--", as referred to above.
  79 #
  80 # The workaround you may use to get this string localized is
  81 #     echo -e "`gettext \"\\0-h display help and exit\"`"
  82 #  We have added a \0 (NULL) at the beginning of the sentence.
  83 #  This way 'gettext' works correctly, as does 'xgettext.'
  84 #  Moreover, the NULL character won't change the behavior
  85 #+ of the 'echo' command.
  86 #  ------------------------------------------------------------------

bash -D localized.sh

"Can't cd to %s."
 "Enter the value: "

This lists all the localized text. (The -Doption lists double-quoted strings prefixed by a$,without executing the script.)


bash --dump-po-strings localized.sh

#: a:6
 msgid "Can't cd to %s."
 msgstr ""
 #: a:7
 msgid "Enter the value: "
 msgstr ""

The --dump-po-stringsoption to Bashresembles the -Doption, but uses gettext"po"format.

Bruno Haible points out:

Starting with gettext-0.12.2, xgettext -o - localized.shis recommended instead of bash --dump-po-stringslocalized.sh, because xgettext. . .

1. understands the gettext and eval_gettext commands(whereas bash --dump-po-strings understands only its deprecated$"..." syntax)

2. can extract comments placed by the programmer, intendedto be read by the translator.

This shell code is then not specific to Bash anymore; it works the same way with Bash 1.x and other /bin/shimplementations.

Now, build a language.pofile for each language that the script will be translatedinto, specifying the msgstr. AlfredoPironti gives the following example:


   1 #: a:6
   2 msgid "Can't cd to $var."
   3 msgstr "Impossible de se positionner dans le repertoire $var."
   4 #: a:7
   5 msgid "Enter the value: "
   6 msgstr "Entrez la valeur : "
   8 #  The string are dumped with the variable names, not with the %s syntax,
   9 #+ similar to C programs.
  10 #+ This is a very cool feature if the programmer uses
  11 #+ variable names that make sense!

Then, run msgfmt.

msgfmt -o localized.sh.mo fr.po

Place the resulting localized.sh.mofile in the/usr/local/share/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGESdirectory, and at the beginning of the script, insert the lines:

   1 TEXTDOMAINDIR=/usr/local/share/locale
   2 TEXTDOMAIN=localized.sh

If a user on a French system runs the script, she will getFrench messages.

With older versions of Bash or other shells, localization requiresgettext, using the-soption. In this case, the script becomes:

   1 #!/bin/bash
   2 # localized.sh
   4 E_CDERROR=65
   6 error() {
   7   local format=$1
   8   shift
   9   printf "$(gettext -s "$format")" "$@" >&2
  10   exit $E_CDERROR
  11 }
  12 cd $var || error "Can't cd to %s." "$var"
  13 read -p "$(gettext -s "Enter the value: ")" var
  14 # ...

The TEXTDOMAINandTEXTDOMAINDIRvariables need to be set andexported to the environment. This should be done within thescript itself.

This appendix written by St閜hane Chazelas,with modifications suggested by Alfredo Pironti,and by Bruno Haible, maintainer of GNU gettext.