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35.5. Credits


Community participation made this projectpossible.The author gratefully acknowledges thatwriting this book would have been an impossible task withouthelp and feedback from all you people out there.

Philippe Martintranslated the first version (0.1) of this document intoDocBook/SGML. While not on the job at a small French company as asoftware developer, he enjoys working on GNU/Linux documentationand software, reading literature, playing music, and, for hispeace of mind, making merry with friends. You may run across himsomewhere in France or in the Basque Country, or you can email himat feloy@free.fr.

Philippe Martin also pointed out that positional parameterspast $9 are possible using {bracket} notation. (See Example 4-5).

St閜haneChazelassent a long list of corrections, additions,and example scripts. More than a contributor, he had, in effect,for a while taken on the role of editorfor this document. Merci beaucoup!

Paulo Marcel Coelho Aragao offered many corrections, both majorand minor, and contributed quite a number of helpfulsuggestions.

I would like to especially thank PatrickCallahan, Mike Novak, andPal Domokosfor catching bugs, pointing outambiguities, and for suggesting clarifications and changes.Their lively discussion of shell scripting and generaldocumentation issues inspired me to try to make this documentmore readable.

I'm grateful to Jim Van Zandt for pointing out errors andomissions in version 0.2 of this document. He also contributedan instructive example script.

Many thanks to Jordi Sanfeliufor giving permission to use his fine tree script (Example A-17), and to Rick Boivie for revising it.

Likewise, thanks to Michel Charpentierforpermission to use his dcfactoring script(Example 12-47).

Kudos to Noah Friedmanfor permission to use his string function script (Example A-18).

EmmanuelRouatsuggested corrections and additions oncommand substitutionandaliases. He also contributeda very nice sample .bashrcfile (Appendix K).

Heiner Stevenkindly gave permission to use his base conversion script, Example 12-43. He also made a number of corrections and manyhelpful suggestions. Special thanks.

Rick Boivie contributed the delightfully recursivepb.shscript (Example 33-9),revised the tree.shscript (Example A-17), and suggested performance improvementsfor the monthlypmt.shscript (Example 12-42).

Florian Wisser enlightened me on some of the fine points oftesting strings (see Example 7-6), and on othermatters.

Oleg Philon sent suggestions concerning cutand pidof.

Michael Zick extended the emptyarrayexample to demonstrate some surprising arrayproperties. He also contributed the isspammerscripts (Example 12-37and Example A-27).

Marc-Jano Knopp sent corrections and clarifications on DOSbatch files.

Hyun Jin Cha found several typos in the document in theprocess of doing a Korean translation. Thanks for pointingthese out.

Andreas Abraham sent in a long list of typographicalerrors and other corrections. Special thanks!

Others contributing scripts, making helpful suggestions, andpointing out errors were Gabor Kiss, Leopold Toetsch, PeterTillier, Marcus Berglof, Tony Richardson, Nick Drage (scriptideas!), Rich Bartell, Jess Thrysoee, Adam Lazur, Bram Moolenaar,Baris Cicek, Greg Keraunen, Keith Matthews, Sandro Magi, AlbertReiner, Dim Segebart, Rory Winston, Lee Bigelow, Wayne Pollock,"jipe,""bojster,""nyal,""Hobbit,""Ender,""LittleMonster"(Alexis), "Mark,"Emilio Conti,Ian. D. Allen, Arun Giridhar, Dennis Leeuw, Dan Jacobson, AurelioMarinho Jargas, Edward Scholtz, Jean Helou, Chris Martin,Lee Maschmeyer, Bruno Haible, Wilbert Berendsen, SebastienGodard, Bj鰊 Eriksson, John MacDonald, Joshua Tschida,Troy Engel, Manfred Schwarb, Amit Singh, Bill Gradwohl, DavidLombard, Jason Parker, Steve Parker, Bruce W. Clare, WilliamPark, Vernia Damiano, Mihai Maties, Jeremy Impson, Ken Fuchs,Frank Wang, Sylvain Fourmanoit, Matthew Walker, Kenny Stauffer,Filip Moritz, Andrzej Stefanski, Daniel Albers, Stefano Palmeri,Nils Radtke, Jeroen Domburg, Alfredo Pironti, Phil Braham,Bruno de Oliveira Schneider, Stefano Falsetto, Chris Morgan,Walter Dnes, Linc Fessenden, Michael Iatrou, Pharis Monalo,Jesse Gough, Fabian Kreutz, Mark Norman, Harald Koenig, PeterKnowles, Mariusz Gniazdowski, Tedman Eng, and David Lawyer(himself an author of four HOWTOs).

My gratitude to ChetRameyand Brian Fox for writing Bash,and building into it elegant and powerful scriptingcapabilities.

Very special thanks to the hard-working volunteers atthe Linux DocumentationProject. The LDP hosts a repository of Linux knowledgeand lore, and has, to a large extent, enabled the publicationof this book.

Thanks and appreciation to IBM, Novell, Red Hat, the Free Software Foundation, andall the good people fighting the good fight to keep Open Sourcesoftware free and open.

Thanks most of all to my wife, Anita, for her encouragement andemotional support.



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