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Appendix B. Reference Cards


The following reference cards provide a usefulsummaryof certain scripting concepts.The foregoing text treats these matters in more depth and givesusage examples.

Table B-1. Special Shell Variables

$0Name of script
$1Positional parameter #1
$2 - $9Positional parameters #2 - #9
${10}Positional parameter #10
$#Number of positional parameters
"$*"All the positional parameters (as a single word) *
"$@"All the positional parameters (as separate strings)
${#*}Number of command line parameters passed toscript
${#@}Number of command line parameters passed toscript
$?Return value
$$Process ID (PID) of script
$-Flags passed to script (usingset)
$_Last argument of previous command
$!Process ID (PID) of last job run in background

*Must be quoted,otherwise it defaults to"$@".

Table B-2. TEST Operators: Binary Comparison

Arithmetic Comparison  String Comparison 
-eqEqual to =Equal to
   ==Equal to
-neNot equal to !=Not equal to
-ltLess than \<Less than (ASCII) *
-leLess than or equal to   
-gtGreater than \>Greater than (ASCII) *
-geGreater than or equal to   
   -zString is empty
   -nString is not empty
Arithmetic Comparisonwithin double parentheses (( ... ))   
>Greater than   
>=Greater than or equal to   
<Less than   
<=Less than or equal to   

*If within adouble-bracket[[ ... ]] test construct,then no escape\ isneeded.

Table B-3. TEST Operators: Files

OperatorTests Whether-----OperatorTests Whether
-eFile exists -sFile is not zero size
-fFile is a regularfile   
-dFile is a directory -rFile has readpermission
-hFile is a symbolic link -wFile has writepermission
-LFile is a symbolic link -xFile has executepermission
-bFile is a block device   
-cFile is a character device -gsgidflag set
-pFile is a pipe -usuidflag set
-SFile is a socket -k"sticky bit"set
-tFile is associated with aterminal   
-NFile modified since it was last read F1 -nt F2File F1 is newerthan F2 *
-OYou own the file F1 -ot F2File F1 is olderthan F2 *
-GGroup idof file same asyours F1 -ef F2Files F1 and F2 are hard linksto the same file *
!"NOT"(reverses sense of abovetests)   

*Binaryoperator(requires two operands).

Table B-4. Parameter Substitution and Expansion

${var}Value of var, same as$var
${var-DEFAULT}If varnot set, evaluate expressionas $DEFAULT*
${var:-DEFAULT}If varnot set or is empty,evaluate expression as $DEFAULT*
${var=DEFAULT}If varnot set, evaluate expressionas $DEFAULT*
${var:=DEFAULT}If varnot set, evaluate expressionas $DEFAULT*
${var+OTHER}If varset, evaluate expression as$OTHER, otherwise as null string
${var:+OTHER}If varset, evaluate expression as$OTHER, otherwise as null string
${var?ERR_MSG}If varnot set, print$ERR_MSG*
${var:?ERR_MSG}If varnot set, print$ERR_MSG*
${!varprefix*}Matches all previously declared variables beginning withvarprefix
${!varprefix@}Matches all previously declared variables beginning withvarprefix

*Of course if varisset, evaluate the expression as$var.

Table B-5. String Operations

${#string}Length of $string
${string:position}Extract substring from $stringat $position
${string:position:length}Extract $lengthcharacters substring from $stringat $position
${string#substring}Strip shortest match of$substringfrom front of$string
${string##substring}Strip longest match of$substringfrom front of$string
${string%substring}Strip shortest match of$substringfrom back of$string
${string%%substring}Strip longest match of$substringfrom back of$string
${string/substring/replacement}Replace first match of$substringwith$replacement
${string//substring/replacement}Replace allmatches of$substringwith$replacement
${string/#substring/replacement}If $substringmatches frontend of$string, substitute$replacementfor$substring
${string/%substring/replacement}If $substringmatches backend of$string, substitute$replacementfor$substring
expr match "$string" '$substring'Length of matching $substring*at beginning of $string
expr "$string" : '$substring'Length of matching $substring*at beginning of $string
expr index "$string" $substringNumerical position in $stringof first character in $substringthat matches
expr substr $string $position$lengthExtract $lengthcharactersfrom $stringstarting at$position
expr match "$string"'\($substring\)'Extract $substring* atbeginning of $string
expr "$string" :'\($substring\)'Extract $substring* atbeginning of $string
expr match "$string"'.*\($substring\)'Extract $substring* atend of $string
expr "$string" :'.*\($substring\)'Extract $substring* atend of $string

*Where $substringis aregular expression.

Table B-6. Miscellaneous Constructs

if [ CONDITION ]Test construct
if [[ CONDITION ]]Extended test construct
Array[1]=element1Array initialization
[a-z]Range of characters within a Regular Expression
Curly Brackets 
${variable}Parameter substitution
${!variable}Indirect variable reference
{ command1; command2 }Block of code
{string1,string2,string3,...}Brace expansion
( command1; command2 )Command group executed within a subshell
Array=(element1 element2 element3)Array initialization
result=$(COMMAND)Execute command in subshell and assign result tovariable
>(COMMAND)Process substitution
<(COMMAND)Process substitution
Double Parentheses 
(( var = 78 ))Integer arithmetic
var=$(( 20 + 5 ))Integer arithmetic, with variable assignment
"$variable""Weak" quoting
'string'"Strong" quoting
Back Quotes 
result=`COMMAND`Execute command in subshell and assign result to variable