定制化Visual Studio Code(Customize Visual Studio Code)


You can customize VS Code to work the way you like to work. Here is a quick primer on some of the most common ways to configure VS Code. Navigate to the relevant sections to learn more.

您可以定制化 VS Code 来用您喜欢的方式工作。这里是一些最常见的配置VS Code方法的快速入门。跳转到到相关部分了解详情。

Tip: Several categories of customizations (Themes, Snippets, Language Support) can be shared in the VS Code Extension Marketplace. It's always a good idea to look there first.

提示: 可以在VS Code扩展市场中发布自己的定制主题(主题,代码段,语言支持等)。这是个好习惯,先看看那里。

定制主题(Customization Topics)

User and Workspace settingsConfigure settings for an individual workspace or all workspaces. Word-wrapping, linting options and much more.No
Key BindingsReview all key bindings and change them to suit your needs.No
TasksTasks are a great way to connect VS Code with your broader development workflow.No
ThemesAdd additional color themes to VS Code.Yes
Basic Language SupportAdd additional basic language support (colorization and bracket matching) to VS Code via a TextMate bundle. You can also associate more file extensions with an existing language.Yes
SnippetsAdd additional snippets to your favorite languageYes
LanguageConfigure the display languageNo
用户和工作区设置配置单个工作区或所有工作区的设置。Word-wrapping, linting options and much more.不支持
主题向VS Code添加其他颜色主题。支持
基本语言支持通过TextMate包添加额外的基本语言支持(代码高亮和括号匹配)到VS Code。您还可以将更多文件扩展名与现有语言相关联。支持

下一步(Next Steps)

Here are a few pointers to help you on your way...


  • Extension Marketplace - browse the extensions others have shared

  • Yo Code - to generate a customization, then install it locally

  • Publishing Tool - use the vsce publishing tool to share your customization with others

  • 扩展程序市场 - 浏览其他人共享的扩展程序

  • Yo Code - 生成自定义,然后在本地安装

  • 发布工具 - 使用vsce发布工具与他人共享您的自定义

Common Questions

Q: How can I make my customization get loaded into VS Code on start-up?

A: If you move a copy of your customization into your .vscode/extensions folder it will be loaded up as VS Code is started.

Q: What are the valid fields in the project.json (extension Manifest) file?

A: We have extended the package.json to include the required fields for customisation and extension loading/distribution. We have an overview of the optional and mandatory sections of the extension manifest available.

Q: Can a package.json contribute more than one customization?

A: Yes, the contributes attribute can take a comma delimited list of contribution types and, as you'll notice from the json above, each contribution type takes an array (e.g. "themes": [ ]).

Q: I created a new customization but I don't see it displayed in VS Code?

A: Make sure you have copied all of the generator's output files to a new folder under your .vscode/extensions folder (e.g. ".vscode/extensions/cooltheme") and that you have restarted VS Code after installing the customization.

On startup, if VS Code detects an issue with a customization, you will see an error message which can aid in debugging your customization.

customization error