权限管理 - Search-Guard 在 Elasticsearch 2.x 上的运用




  • elasticsearch 2.1.1-1
  • kibana 4.3.1
  • logstash 2.1.1-1

searchguard 2.x 更新后跟 shield 配置上很相似,相比之前的版本简洁很多。

searchguard 优点有:

  • 节点之间通过 SSL/TLS 传输
  • 支持 JDK SSL 和 Open SSL
  • 支持热载入,不需要重启服务
  • 支持 kibana4 及 logstash 的配置
  • 可以控制不同的用户访问不同的权限
  • 配置简单


  1. 安装search-guard-ssl
  1. bin/plugin install com.floragunn/search-guard-ssl/
  1. 安装search-guard-2
  1. bin/plugin install com.floragunn/search-guard-2/
  1. 配置 elasticsearch 支持 ssl


  1. #############################################################################################
  3. # Configuration #
  4. #############################################################################################
  5. #This will likely change with Elasticsearch 2.2, see [PR 14108](https://github.com/elastic/elasticsearch/pull/14108)
  6. security.manager.enabled: false
  7. #############################################################################################
  8. # Transport layer SSL #
  9. # #
  10. #############################################################################################
  11. # Enable or disable node-to-node ssl encryption (default: true)
  12. #searchguard.ssl.transport.enabled: false
  13. # JKS or PKCS12 (default: JKS)
  14. #searchguard.ssl.transport.keystore_type: PKCS12
  15. # Relative path to the keystore file (mandatory, this stores the server certificates), must be placed under the config/ dir
  16. searchguard.ssl.transport.keystore_filepath: node0-keystore.jks
  17. # Alias name (default: first alias which could be found)
  18. searchguard.ssl.transport.keystore_alias: my_alias
  19. # Keystore password (default: changeit)
  20. searchguard.ssl.transport.keystore_password: changeit
  21. # JKS or PKCS12 (default: JKS)
  22. #searchguard.ssl.transport.truststore_type: PKCS12
  23. # Relative path to the truststore file (mandatory, this stores the client/root certificates), must be placed under the config/ dir
  24. searchguard.ssl.transport.truststore_filepath: truststore.jks
  25. # Alias name (default: first alias which could be found)
  26. searchguard.ssl.transport.truststore_alias: my_alias
  27. # Truststore password (default: changeit)
  28. searchguard.ssl.transport.truststore_password: changeit
  29. # Enforce hostname verification (default: true)
  30. #searchguard.ssl.transport.enforce_hostname_verification: true
  31. # If hostname verification specify if hostname should be resolved (default: true)
  32. #searchguard.ssl.transport.resolve_hostname: true
  33. # Use native Open SSL instead of JDK SSL if available (default: true)
  34. #searchguard.ssl.transport.enable_openssl_if_available: false
  35. #############################################################################################
  36. # HTTP/REST layer SSL #
  37. # #
  38. #############################################################################################
  39. # Enable or disable rest layer security - https, (default: false)
  40. #searchguard.ssl.http.enabled: true
  41. # JKS or PKCS12 (default: JKS)
  42. #searchguard.ssl.http.keystore_type: PKCS12
  43. # Relative path to the keystore file (this stores the server certificates), must be placed under the config/ dir
  44. #searchguard.ssl.http.keystore_filepath: keystore_https_node1.jks
  45. # Alias name (default: first alias which could be found)
  46. #searchguard.ssl.http.keystore_alias: my_alias
  47. # Keystore password (default: changeit)
  48. #searchguard.ssl.http.keystore_password: changeit
  49. # Do the clients (typically the browser or the proxy) have to authenticate themself to the http server, default is false
  50. #searchguard.ssl.http.enforce_clientauth: false
  51. # JKS or PKCS12 (default: JKS)
  52. #searchguard.ssl.http.truststore_type: PKCS12
  53. # Relative path to the truststore file (this stores the client certificates), must be placed under the config/ dir
  54. #searchguard.ssl.http.truststore_filepath: truststore_https.jks
  55. # Alias name (default: first alias which could be found)
  56. #searchguard.ssl.http.truststore_alias: my_alias
  57. # Truststore password (default: changeit)
  58. #searchguard.ssl.http.truststore_password: changeit
  59. # Use native Open SSL instead of JDK SSL if available (default: true)
  60. #searchguard.ssl.http.enable_openssl_if_available: false
  1. 增加 searchguard 的管理员帐号配置,同样在 elasticsearch.yml 中,增加以下配置:
  1. security.manager.enabled: false
  2. searchguard.authcz.admin_dn:
  3. - "CN=admin,OU=client,O=client,l=tEst,C=De" #DN
  1. 重启 elasticsearch

将 node 证书和根证书放在 elasticsearch 配置文件目录下,证书可用 openssl 生成,修改了下官方提供的脚本

注意:证书中的 client 的 DN 及 server 的 oid,证书不正确会导致 es 服务起不来。(我曾经用 ejbca 生成证书不能使用)


searchguard 主要有5个配置文件在 plugins/search-guard-2/sgconfig 下:

  1. sg_config.yml:


  1. sg_internal_users.yml:

user 文件,定义用户。对于 ELK 我们需要一个 kibana 登录用户和一个 logstash 用户:

  1. kibana4:
  2. hash: $2a$12$xZOcnwYPYQ3zIadnlQIJ0eNhX1ngwMkTN.oMwkKxoGvDVPn4/6XtO
  3. #password is: kirk
  4. roles:
  5. - kibana4
  6. logstash:
  7. hash: $2a$12$xZOcnwYPYQ3zIadnlQIJ0eNhX1ngwMkTN.oMwkKxoGvDVPn4/6XtO


  1. sg_roles.yml:

权限配置文件,这里提供 kibana4 和 logstash 的权限,以下是我修改后的内容,可自行修改该部分内容(插件安装自带的配置文件中权限不够,kibana 会登录不了,shield 中同样的权限却是够了):

  1. sg_kibana4:
  2. cluster:
  3. - cluster:monitor/nodes/info
  4. - cluster:monitor/health
  5. indices:
  6. '*':
  7. '*':
  8. - indices:admin/mappings/fields/get
  9. - indices:admin/validate/query
  10. - indices:data/read/search
  11. - indices:data/read/msearch
  12. - indices:admin/get
  13. - indices:data/read/field_stats
  14. '?kibana':
  15. '*':
  16. - indices:admin/exists
  17. - indices:admin/mapping/put
  18. - indices:admin/mappings/fields/get
  19. - indices:admin/refresh
  20. - indices:admin/validate/query
  21. - indices:data/read/get
  22. sg_logstash:
  23. cluster:
  24. - indices:admin/template/get
  25. - indices:admin/template/put
  26. indices:
  27. 'logstash-*':
  28. '*':
  29. - WRITE
  30. - indices:data/write/bulk
  31. - indices:data/write/delete
  32. - indices:data/write/update
  33. - indices:data/read/search
  34. - indices:data/read/scroll
  1. sg_roles_mapping.yml:

定义用户的映射关系,添加 kibana 及 logstash 用户对应的映射:

  1. sg_logstash:
  2. users:
  3. - logstash
  4. sg_kibana4:
  5. backendroles:
  6. - kibana
  7. users:
  8. - kibana4
  1. sg_action_groups.yml:



  1. plugins/search-guard-2/tools/sgadmin.sh -cd plugins/search-guard-2/sgconfig/ -ks plugins/search-guard-2/sgconfig/admin-keystore.jks -ts plugins/search-guard-2/sgconfig/truststore.jks -nhnv

(如修改了密码,则需要使用plugins/search-guard-2/tools/sgadmin.sh -h查看对应参数)




帐号:kibana4 密码:kirk


