Fabric设计 - 架构说明


The v1 architecture delivers the following advantages:


  • Chaincode trust flexibility.链码信任的灵活性 The architecture separates trust assumptions for chaincodes (blockchain applications) from trust assumptions for ordering. In other words, the ordering service may be provided by one set of nodes (orderers) and tolerate some of them to fail or misbehave, and the endorsers may be different for each chaincode.


  • Scalability.可扩展性 As the endorser nodes responsible for particular chaincode are orthogonal to the orderers, the system may scale better than if these functions were done by the same nodes. In particular, this results when different chaincodes specify disjoint endorsers, which introduces a partitioning of chaincodes between endorsers and allows parallel chaincode execution (endorsement). Besides, chaincode execution, which can potentially be costly, is removed from the critical path of the ordering service.


  • Confidentiality.机密性 The architecture facilitates deployment of chaincodes that have confidentiality requirements with respect to the content and state updates of its transactions.


  • Consensus modularity.共识模块化 The architecture is modular and allows pluggable consensus (i.e., ordering service) implementations.


Part I: Hyperledger Fabric v1相关的架构要素(Elements of the architecture relevant to Hyperledger Fabric v1)

  1. System architecture / 系统架构
  2. Basic workflow of transaction endorsement / 交易背书的基本工作流程
  3. Endorsement policies / 背书策略

Part II: 架构的v1后期要素(Post-v1 elements of the architecture)

  1. Ledger checkpointing (pruning) / 账本检查点(修剪)

1. 系统架构(System architecture)

The blockchain is a distributed system consisting of many nodes that communicate with each other. The blockchain runs programs called chaincode, holds state and ledger data, and executes transactions. The chaincode is the central element as transactions are operations invoked on the chaincode. Transactions have to be “endorsed” and only endorsed transactions may be committed and have an effect on the state. There may exist one or more special chaincodes for management functions and parameters, collectively called system chaincodes.


1.1. 交易(Transactions)

Transactions may be of two types:


  • Deploy transactions create new chaincode and take a program as parameter. When a deploy transaction executes successfully, the chaincode has been installed “on” the blockchain.

  • 部署交易 创建新的链码并设置一个程序作为参数。当一个部署交易执行成功,表明链码已被安装到区块链上。

  • Invoke transactions perform an operation in the context of previously deployed chaincode. An invoke transaction refers to a chaincode and to one of its provided functions. When successful, the chaincode executes the specified function - which may involve modifying the corresponding state, and returning an output.

  • 调用交易 是在之前已部署链码的情况下执行一个操作。调用交易引用链码提供的一个函数。当成功时,链码执行特定的函数-它可能涉及修改相应的状态,并返回一个输出。

As described later, deploy transactions are special cases of invoke transactions, where a deploy transaction that creates new chaincode, corresponds to an invoke transaction on a system chaincode.


Remark: This document currently assumes that a transaction either creates new chaincode or invokes an operation provided by one already deployed chaincode. This document does not yet describe: a) optimizations for query (read-only) transactions (included in v1), b) support for cross-chaincode transactions (post-v1 feature).

注意: 本文档目前假定交易不是创建链码就是调用某个已创建的链码。本文档尚未描述:a)交易优化查询(只读)(V1中包含);b)跨链码交易支持(V1后期特征)。

1.2. 区块链数据结构(Blockchain datastructures)

1.2.1. State / 状态

The latest state of the blockchain (or, simply, state) is modeled as a versioned key/value store (KVS), where keys are names and values are arbitrary blobs. These entries are manipulated by the chaincodes (applications) running on the blockchain through put and get KVS-operations. The state is stored persistently and updates to the state are logged. Notice that versioned KVS is adopted as state model, an implementation may use actual KVSs, but also RDBMSs or any other solution.


More formally, state s is modeled as an element of a mapping K -> (V X N), where:

更正式地,状态s建模为一个元素映射K -> (V X N),其中:

  • K is a set of keys
  • K是一组键
  • V is a set of values
  • V是一组值
  • N is an infinite ordered set of version numbers. Injective function next: N -> N takes an element of N and returns the next version number.
  • N是一个无限有序的版本号集。内射函数next: N -> N获取N的一个元素并返回下一个版本号。

Both V and N contain a special element \bot, which is in case of N the lowest element. Initially all keys are mapped to (\bot,\bot). For s(k)=(v,ver) we denote v by s(k).value, and ver by s(k).version.


KVS operations are modeled as follows:

  • put(k,v), for k\in K and v\in V, takes the blockchain state s and changes it to s' such that s'(k)=(v,next(s(k).version)) with s'(k')=s(k') for all k'!=k.
  • get(k) returns s(k).


  • put(k,v),对于K中的kV中的v,处理区块链状态s,将它变为s',这样s'(k)=(v,next(s(k).version)),以及s'(k')=s(k') 以保证所有的k'!=k
  • get(k)返回s(k)

State is maintained by peers, but not by orderers and clients.


State partitioning. Keys in the KVS can be recognized from their name to belong to a particular chaincode, in the sense that only transaction of a certain chaincode may modify the keys belonging to this chaincode. In principle, any chaincode can read the keys belonging to other chaincodes. Support for cross-chaincode transactions, that modify the state belonging to two or more chaincodes is a post-v1 feature.


1.2.2 账本(Ledger)

Ledger provides a verifiable history of all successful state changes (we talk about valid transactions) and unsuccessful attempts to change state (we talk about invalid transactions), occurring during the operation of the system.


Ledger is constructed by the ordering service (see Sec 1.3.3) as a totally ordered hashchain of blocks of (valid or invalid) transactions. The hashchain imposes the total order of blocks in a ledger and each block contains an array of totally ordered transactions. This imposes total order across all transactions.


Ledger is kept at all peers and, optionally, at a subset of orderers. In the context of an orderer we refer to the Ledger as to OrdererLedger, whereas in the context of a peer we refer to the ledger as to PeerLedger. PeerLedger differs from the OrdererLedger in that peers locally maintain a bitmask that tells apart valid transactions from invalid ones (see Section XX for more details).


Peers may prune PeerLedger as described in Section XX (post-v1 feature). Orderers maintain OrdererLedger for fault-tolerance and availability (of the PeerLedger) and may decide to prune it at anytime, provided that properties of the ordering service (see Sec. 1.3.3) are maintained.


The ledger allows peers to replay the history of all transactions and to reconstruct the state. Therefore, state as described in Sec 1.2.1 is an optional datastructure.


1.3. 节点(Nodes)

Nodes are the communication entities of the blockchain. A “node” is only a logical function in the sense that multiple nodes of different types can run on the same physical server. What counts is how nodes are grouped in “trust domains” and associated to logical entities that control them.


There are three types of nodes:

1、Client or submitting-client: a client that submits an actual transaction-invocation to the endorsers, and broadcasts transaction-proposals to the ordering service.

2、Peer: a node that commits transactions and maintains the state and a copy of the ledger (see Sec, 1.2). Besides, peers can have a special endorser role.

3、Ordering-service-node or orderer: a node running the communication service that implements a delivery guarantee, such as atomic or total order broadcast.

The types of nodes are explained next in more detail.






1.3.1. 客户端(Client)

The client represents the entity that acts on behalf of an end-user. It must connect to a peer for communicating with the blockchain. The client may connect to any peer of its choice. Clients create and thereby invoke transactions.

As detailed in Section 2, clients communicate with both peers and the ordering service.



1.3.2. Peer

A peer receives ordered state updates in the form of blocks from the ordering service and maintain the state and the ledger.


Peers can additionally take up a special role of an endorsing peer, or an endorser. The special function of an endorsing peer occurs with respect to a particular chaincode and consists in endorsing a transaction before it is committed. Every chaincode may specify an endorsement policy that may refer to a set of endorsing peers. The policy defines the necessary and sufficient conditions for a valid transaction endorsement (typically a set of endorsers’ signatures), as described later in Sections 2 and 3. In the special case of deploy transactions that install new chaincode the (deployment) endorsement policy is specified as an endorsement policy of the system chaincode.


1.3.3. Orderer

The orderers form the ordering service, i.e., a communication fabric that provides delivery guarantees. The ordering service can be implemented in different ways: ranging from a centralized service (used e.g., in development and testing) to distributed protocols that target different network and node fault models.


Ordering service provides a shared communication channel to clients and peers, offering a broadcast service for messages containing transactions. Clients connect to the channel and may broadcast messages on the channel which are then delivered to all peers. The channel supports atomic delivery of all messages, that is, message communication with total-order delivery and (implementation specific) reliability. In other words, the channel outputs the same messages to all connected peers and outputs them to all peers in the same logical order. This atomic communication guarantee is also called total-order broadcast, atomic broadcast, or consensus in the context of distributed systems. The communicated messages are the candidate transactions for inclusion in the blockchain state.


Partitioning (ordering service channels). Ordering service may support multiple channels similar to the topics of a publish/subscribe (pub/sub) messaging system. Clients can connects to a given channel and can then send messages and obtain the messages that arrive. Channels can be thought of as partitions - clients connecting to one channel are unaware of the existence of other channels, but clients may connect to multiple channels. Even though some ordering service implementations included with Hyperledger Fabric v1 will support multiple channels, for simplicity of presentation, in the rest of this document, we assume ordering service consists of a single channel/topic.

分隔(排序服务信道)。排序服务可以支持多个信道,类似发布/订阅主题消息系统。客户端能够连接到一个给定的信道,然后能够发送消息和获得到达的消息。信道能够被认为是分区-客户端连接到一个信道而没有察觉到其它信道的存在,但客户端可以连接到多个信道。尽管一些排序服务实现包括Hyperledger Fabric v1将支持多信道,为了阐述简单,在本文档的剩余部分,我们假定排序服务包含一个单独的信道/主题。

Ordering service API. Peers connect to the channel provided by the ordering service, via the interface provided by the ordering service. The ordering service API consists of two basic operations (more generally asynchronous events):


TODO add the part of the API for fetching particular blocks under client/peer specified sequence numbers.

  • broadcast(blob): a client calls this to broadcast an arbitrary message blob for dissemination over the channel. This is also called request(blob) in the BFT context, when sending a request to a service.


  • broadcast(blob): 客户端调用此函数来广播任意消息blob在全信道散播。这在BFT环境下也称为request(blob),当发送一个请求到服务器时。

  • deliver(seqno, prevhash, blob): the ordering service calls this on the peer to deliver the message blob with the specified non-negative integer sequence number (seqno) and hash of the most recently delivered blob (prevhash). In other words, it is an output event from the ordering service. deliver() is also sometimes called notify() in pub-sub systems or commit() in BFT systems.

  • deliver(seqno, prevhash, blob):排序服务在peer节点传送带有非负整型序列号(seqno)和blob的最近哈希(prevhash)的消息blob时调用这个。换言之,它是从排序服务产生的输出事件。deliver()有时在发布/订阅系统也称为notify() ,或在BFT系统中称为commit()。

Ledger and block formation. The ledger (see also Sec. 1.2.2) contains all data output by the ordering service. In a nutshell, it is a sequence of deliver(seqno, prevhash, blob) events, which form a hash chain according to the computation of prevhash described before.

账本和块构成。 账本(见1.2.2)包含了排序服务输出的所有数据。概括地说,它是一系列deliver(seqno, prevhash, blob)事件,根据之前描述的prevhash计算形成的一个哈希链。

Most of the time, for efficiency reasons, instead of outputting individual transactions (blobs), the ordering service will group (batch) the blobs and output blocks within a single deliver event. In this case, the ordering service must impose and convey a deterministic ordering of the blobs within each block. The number of blobs in a block may be chosen dynamically by an ordering service implementation.


In the following, for ease of presentation, we define ordering service properties (rest of this subsection) and explain the workflow of transaction endorsement (Section 2) assuming one blob per deliver event. These are easily extended to blocks, assuming that a deliver event for a block corresponds to a sequence of individual deliver events for each blob within a block, according to the above mentioned deterministic ordering of blobs within a blocs.


Ordering service properties

The guarantees of the ordering service (or atomic-broadcast channel) stipulate what happens to a broadcasted message and what relations exist among delivered messages. These guarantees are as follows:



1、Safety (consistency guarantees): As long as peers are connected for sufficiently long periods of time to the channel (they can disconnect or crash, but will restart and reconnect), they will see an identical series of delivered (seqno, prevhash, blob) messages. This means the outputs (deliver() events) occur in the same order on all peers and according to sequence number and carry identical content (blob and prevhash) for the same sequence number. Note this is only a logical order, and a deliver(seqno, prevhash, blob) on one peer is not required to occur in any real-time relation to deliver(seqno, prevhash, blob) that outputs the same message at another peer. Put differently, given a particular seqno, no two correct peers deliver different prevhash or blob values. Moreover, no value blob is delivered unless some client (peer) actually called broadcast(blob) and, preferably, every broadcasted blob is only delivered once.


Furthermore, the deliver() event contains the cryptographic hash of the data in the previous deliver() event (prevhash). When the ordering service implements atomic broadcast guarantees, prevhash is the cryptographic hash of the parameters from the deliver() event with sequence number seqno-1. This establishes a hash chain across deliver() events, which is used to help verify the integrity of the ordering service output, as discussed in Sections 4 and 5 later. In the special case of the first deliver() event, prevhash has a default value.


2、Liveness (delivery guarantee): Liveness guarantees of the ordering service are specified by a ordering service implementation. The exact guarantees may depend on the network and node fault model.

In principle, if the submitting client does not fail, the ordering service should guarantee that every correct peer that connects to the ordering service eventually delivers every submitted transaction.



To summarize, the ordering service ensures the following properties:


  • Agreement. For any two events at correct peers deliver(seqno, prevhash0, blob0) and deliver(seqno, prevhash1, blob1) with the same seqno, prevhash0==prevhash1 and blob0==blob1;

  • 一致. 对于任何两个具有相同seqno的正确peer节点的事件deliver(seqno, prevhash0, blob0)和deliver(seqno, prevhash1, blob1) , 则prevhash0==prevhash1,以及 blob0==blob1;

  • Hashchain integrity. For any two events at correct peers deliver(seqno-1, prevhash0, blob0) and deliver(seqno, prevhash, blob), prevhash = HASH(seqno-1||prevhash0||blob0).

  • 哈希链完整性。对于任何在正确peer节点的两个事件deliver(seqno-1, prevhash0, blob0)和deliver(seqno, prevhash, blob), prevhash = HASH(seqno-1||prevhash0||blob0).

  • No skipping. If an ordering service outputs deliver(seqno, prevhash, blob) at a correct peer p, such that seqno>0, then p already delivered an event deliver(seqno-1, prevhash0, blob0).

  • 没有跳过. 如果排序服务在正确peer节点p输出deliver(seqno, prevhash, blob) , 这样的话seqno>0, 然后p已经交付事件deliver(seqno-1, prevhash0, blob0).

  • No creation. Any event deliver(seqno, prevhash, blob) at a correct peer must be preceded by a broadcast(blob) event at some (possibly distinct) peer;

  • 没有创造. 任何在正确peer节点上的事件deliver(seqno, prevhash, blob)必须之前一定有一个broadcast(blob)事件在一些(可能是不同的)peer节点上;

  • No duplication (optional, yet desirable). For any two events broadcast(blob) and broadcast(blob’), when two events deliver(seqno0, prevhash0, blob) and deliver(seqno1, prevhash1, blob’) occur at correct peers and blob == blob’, then seqno0==seqno1 and prevhash0==prevhash1.

  • 没有重复 (可选,但可取). 对于任何两个事件broadcast(blob)和broadcast(blob’), 当两个事件deliver(seqno0, prevhash0, blob) 和 deliver(seqno1, prevhash1, blob’) 发生在正确的节点 和 blob == blob’, 那幺 seqno0==seqno1 和 prevhash0==prevhash1.

  • Liveness. If a correct client invokes an event broadcast(blob) then every correct peer “eventually” issues an event deliver(, , blob), where * denotes an arbitrary value.

  • 活跃性。如果正确的客户端调用事件broadcast(blob)那幺每个正确的peer节点“最终”发出事件deliver(, , blob),其中*表示任意值。

2. 交易背书的基本工作流程(Basic workflow of transaction endorsement)

In the following we outline the high-level request flow for a transaction.
Remark: Notice that the following protocol does not assume that all transactions are deterministic, i.e., it allows for non-deterministic transactions.



2.1. 客户端创建交易和发送给它选择的背书peer节点(The client creates a transaction and sends it to endorsing peers of its choice)

To invoke a transaction, the client sends a PROPOSE message to a set of endorsing peers of its choice (possibly not at the same time - see Sections 2.1.2. and 2.3.). The set of endorsing peers for a given chaincodeID is made available to client via peer, which in turn knows the set of endorsing peers from endorsement policy (see Section 3). For example, the transaction could be sent to all endorsers of a given chaincodeID. That said, some endorsers could be offline, others may object and choose not to endorse the transaction. The submitting client tries to satisfy the policy expression with the endorsers available.




In the following, we first detail PROPOSE message format and then discuss possible patterns of interaction between submitting client and endorsers.


2.1.1. PROPOSE消息格式(PROPOSE message format)

The format of a PROPOSE message is , where tx is a mandatory and anchor optional argument explained in the following.


  • tx=, where

    • clientID is an ID of the submitting client,
    • chaincodeID refers to the chaincode to which the transaction pertains,
    • txPayload is the payload containing the submitted transaction itself,
    • timestamp is a monotonically increasing (for every new transaction) integer maintained by the client,
    • clientSig is signature of a client on other fields of tx.

    • clientID 是提交客户端的身份,

    • chaincodeID 引用交易相关的链码,
    • txPayload 是提交交易自身的载体,
    • timestamp 是由客户端维护的一个单独递增(为每一笔交易)整型值,
    • clientSig 是tx的其它域客户端签名.

The details of txPayload will differ between invoke transactions and deploy transactions (i.e., invoke transactions referring to a deploy-specific system chaincode).


For an invoke transaction, txPayload would consist of two fields

  • txPayload = , where
    • operation denotes the chaincode operation (function) and arguments,
    • metadata denotes attributes related to the invocation.


  • txPayload = , 其中

    • operation 表示链码操作(函数)和参数,

    • metadata 表示调用相关的属性.

For a deploy transaction, txPayload would consist of three fields

  • txPayload = , where
    • source denotes the source code of the chaincode,
    • metadata denotes attributes related to the chaincode and application,
    • policies contains policies related to the chaincode that are accessible to all peers, such as the endorsement policy. Note that endorsement policies are not supplied with txPayload in a deploy transaction, but txPayload of a deploy contains endorsement policy ID and its parameters (see Section 3).


txPayload = , 其中

source 表示链码的源码

metadata 表示链码和应用的相关属性

policies 包含所有peer节点可访问的链码的相关策略,像背书策略。注意背书策略在部署交易中不支持txPayload,但部署的txPayload包含背书策略ID和它的参数(见第3节)。

  • anchor contains read version dependencies, or more specifically, key-version pairs (i.e., anchor is a subset of KxN), that binds or “anchors” the PROPOSE request to specified versions of keys in a KVS (see Section 1.2.). If the client specifies the anchor argument, an endorser endorses a transaction only upon read version numbers of corresponding keys in its local KVS match anchor (see Section 2.2. for more details).

  • anchor包含读版本依赖,或更具体地说,键-版本对(即,anchor是KxN的一个子集),它捆绑或“锚”PROPOSE请求到指定KVS中key的版本(第1.2节)。如果客户端指定anchor参数,背书者背书交易的情况是,只基于读它本地KVS匹配anchor中的相应KEY的版本号(更详细内容见第2.2节)。

Cryptographic hash of tx is used by all nodes as a unique transaction identifier tid (i.e., tid=HASH(tx)). The client stores tid in memory and waits for responses from endorsing peers.


2.1.2.消息模式(Message patterns)

The client decides on the sequence of interaction with endorsers. For example, a client would typically send (i.e., without the anchor argument) to a single endorser, which would then produce the version dependencies (anchor) which the client can later on use as an argument of its PROPOSE message to other endorsers. As another example, the client could directly send (without anchor) to all endorsers of its choice. Different patterns of communication are possible and client is free to decide on those (see also Section 2.3.).


2.2. 背书peer节点模拟交易和产生背书签名(The endorsing peer simulates a transaction and produces an endorsement signature)

On reception of a message from a client, the endorsing peer epID first verifies the client’s signature clientSig and then simulates a transaction. If the client specifies anchor then endorsing peer simulates the transactions only upon read version numbers (i.e., readset as defined below) of corresponding keys in its local KVS match those version numbers specified by anchor.


Simulating a transaction involves endorsing peer tentatively executing a transaction (txPayload), by invoking the chaincode to which the transaction refers (chaincodeID) and the copy of the state that the endorsing peer locally holds.

模拟一个交易涉及背书节点尝试执行一个交易(txPayload), 通过调用链码到交易引用(chaincodeID)和背书peer节点本地持有的状态拷贝。

As a result of the execution, the endorsing peer computes read version dependencies (readset) and state updates (writeset), also called MVCC+postimage info in DB language.

作为执行的结果,背书peer节点计算读版本依赖(readset)和状态更新(writeset),也在DB语言中称为MVCC+postimage info。

Recall that the state consists of key/value (k/v) pairs. All k/v entries are versioned, that is, every entry contains ordered version information, which is incremented every time when the value stored under a key is updated. The peer that interprets the transaction records all k/v pairs accessed by the chaincode, either for reading or for writing, but the peer does not yet update its state. More specifically:


  • Given state s before an endorsing peer executes a transaction, for every key k read by the transaction, pair (k,s(k).version) is added to readset.

  • 在背书节点执行一个交易前给定状态s,被交易读取的每个键k,键/值对(k,s(k).version)被添加到readset。

  • Additionally, for every key k modified by the transaction to the new value v’, pair (k,v’) is added to writeset. Alternatively, v’ could be the delta of the new value to previous value (s(k).value).

  • 此外,对于每一个被交易编辑的键k到值v’,键/值对(k,v’)被添加到writeset。或者,v’能成为新值与前值(s(k).value)的增量。

If a client specifies anchor in the PROPOSE message then client specified anchor must equal readset produced by endorsing peer when simulating the transaction.


Then, the peer forwards internally tran-proposal (and possibly tx) to the part of its (peer’s) logic that endorses a transaction, referred to as endorsing logic. By default, endorsing logic at a peer accepts the tran-proposal and simply signs the tran-proposal. However, endorsing logic may interpret arbitrary functionality, to, e.g., interact with legacy systems with tran-proposal and tx as inputs to reach the decision whether to endorse a transaction or not.

If endorsing logic decides to endorse a transaction, it sends message to the submitting client(tx.clientID), where:

如果背书逻辑决定背书一个交易,它发送 消息到提交客户端,其中:

  • tran-proposal := (epID,tid,chaincodeID,txContentBlob,readset,writeset),
    where txContentBlob is chaincode/transaction specific information. The intention is to have txContentBlob used as some representation of tx (e.g., txContentBlob=tx.txPayload).

  • epSig is the endorsing peer’s signature on tran-proposal

  • 交易提案 :=tran-proposal := (epID,tid,chaincodeID,txContentBlob,readset,writeset),
    其中 txContentBlob 是链码/交易专用信息。目的是让txContentBlob 用作tx的一些陈述 (例如, txContentBlob=tx.txPayload).

  • epSig 是背书peer节点的交易提案签名。

Else, in case the endorsing logic refuses to endorse the transaction, an endorser may send a message (TRANSACTION-INVALID, tid, REJECTED) to the submitting client.

否则,假使背书逻辑拒绝背书交易,背书者可以发送消息(TRANSACTION-INVALID, tid, REJECTED)到提交客户端。

Notice that an endorser does not change its state in this step, the updates produced by transaction simulation in the context of endorsement do not affect the state!


2.3. 提交客户端收集交易背书并通过排序服务广播它(The submitting client collects an endorsement for a transaction and broadcasts it through ordering service)

The submitting client waits until it receives “enough” messages and signatures on (TRANSACTION-ENDORSED, tid, , ) statements to conclude that the transaction proposal is endorsed. As discussed in Section 2.1.2., this may involve one or more round-trips of interaction with endorsers.

提交客户端一直等待直到它在(TRANSACTION-ENDORSED, tid, , )上收集到“足够”的消息和签名来推断出交易提案已背书。像在2.1.2节讨论的那样,这可能涉及一个或多个与背书者的往返。

The exact number of “enough” depend on the chaincode endorsement policy (see also Section 3). If the endorsement policy is satisfied, the transaction has been endorsed; note that it is not yet committed. The collection of signed TRANSACTION-ENDORSED messages from endorsing peers which establish that a transaction is endorsed is called an endorsement and denoted by endorsement.


If the submitting client does not manage to collect an endorsement for a transaction proposal, it abandons this transaction with an option to retry later.


For transaction with a valid endorsement, we now start using the ordering service. The submitting client invokes ordering service using the broadcast(blob), where blob=endorsement. If the client does not have capability of invoking ordering service directly, it may proxy its broadcast through some peer of its choice. Such a peer must be trusted by the client not to remove any message from the endorsement or otherwise the transaction may be deemed invalid. Notice that, however, a proxy peer may not fabricate a valid endorsement.


2.4. 排序服务向peer节点提交交易(The ordering service delivers a transactions to the peers)

When an event deliver(seqno, prevhash, blob) occurs and a peer has applied all state updates for blobs with sequence number lower than seqno, a peer does the following:

当一个事件(seqno, prevhash, blob)发生并且一个peer节点已为所有序列号低于seqno的blosbs更新状态,peer节点执行如下流程:

  • It checks that the blob.endorsement is valid according to the policy of the chaincode (blob.tran-proposal.chaincodeID) to which it refers.

  • 它检查blob.endorsement是有效的,根据的是它引用的链码(blob.tran-proposal.chaincodeID)。

  • In a typical case, it also verifies that the dependencies (blob.endorsement.tran-proposal.readset) have not been violated meanwhile. In more complex use cases, tran-proposal fields in endorsement may differ and in this case endorsement policy (Section 3) specifies how the state evolves.

  • 在典型情况下,它也验证了依赖(blob.endorsement.tran-proposal.readset)在期间没有被违反。在更复杂的用例中,背书中的交易提案域可能不同,在这种情况下,背书策略(第3节)指定状态如何形成。

Verification of dependencies can be implemented in different ways, according to a consistency property or “isolation guarantee” that is chosen for the state updates. Serializability is a default isolation guarantee, unless chaincode endorsement policy specifies a different one. Serializability can be provided by requiring the version associated with every key in the readset to be equal to that key’s version in the state, and rejecting transactions that do not satisfy this requirement.


  • If all these checks pass, the transaction is deemed valid or committed. In this case, the peer marks the transaction with 1 in the bitmask of the PeerLedger, applies blob.endorsement.tran-proposal.writeset to blockchain state (if tran-proposals are the same, otherwise endorsement policy logic defines the function that takes blob.endorsement).

  • 如果所有这些检查通过,交易被视为有效承诺。在这种情况下,peer节点在PeerLedger用1标记交易,适用于blob.endorsement.tran-proposal.writeset区块链状态(如果交易提案是相同的,其它背书策略逻辑定义了函数处理blob.endorsement)。

  • If the endorsement policy verification of blob.endorsement fails, the transaction is invalid and the peer marks the transaction with 0 in the bitmask of the PeerLedger. It is important to note that invalid transactions do not change the state.

  • 如果blob.endorsement背书策略验证失败,交易无效,并且peer节点在PeerLedger的位掩码用0标记交易。重要的是要注意无效交易不会改变状态。

Note that this is sufficient to have all (correct) peers have the same state after processing a deliver event (block) with a given sequence number. Namely, by the guarantees of the ordering service, all correct peers will receive an identical sequence of deliver(seqno, prevhash, blob) events. As the evaluation of the endorsement policy and evaluation of version dependencies in readset are deterministic, all correct peers will also come to the same conclusion whether a transaction contained in a blob is valid. Hence, all peers commit and apply the same sequence of transactions and update their state in the same way.

注意,这里有足够的让所有(正确)peer节点在处理一个给定序列号的deliver事件(块)之后具有同样的状态。即,通过排序服务的保证,所有正确的peer节点会收到相同的deliver(seqno, prevhash, blob)事件序列。当背书策略的评估和readset中版本依赖的评估是确定的,所有正确的peer节点也会得出相同的结论,关于包含在blob中的交易是否有效。因此,所有peer节点提交和应用同样交易序列并用同样的方式更新它们的状态。

架构说明 - 图1

:alt: Illustration of the transaction flow (common-case path).

Figure 1. Illustration of one possible transaction flow (common-case path).

图1 一种可能的交易流程说明(一般情况路径)

3. 背书策略(Eorsement policies)

3.1. 背书策略规范(Endorsement policy specification)

An endorsement policy, is a condition on what endorses a transaction. Blockchain peers have a pre-specified set of endorsement policies, which are referenced by a deploy transaction that installs specific chaincode. Endorsement policies can be parametrized, and these parameters can be specified by a deploy transaction.


To guarantee blockchain and security properties, the set of endorsement policies should be a set of proven policies with limited set of functions in order to ensure bounded execution time (termination), determinism, performance and security guarantees.


Dynamic addition of endorsement policies (e.g., by deploy transaction on chaincode deploy time) is very sensitive in terms of bounded policy evaluation time (termination), determinism, performance and security guarantees. Therefore, dynamic addition of endorsement policies is not allowed, but can be supported in future.


3.2. 针对背书策略的交易评估(Transaction evaluation against endorsement policy)

A transaction is declared valid only if it has been endorsed according to the policy. An invoke transaction for a chaincode will first have to obtain an endorsement that satisfies the chaincode’s policy or it will not be committed. This takes place through the interaction between the submitting client and endorsing peers as explained in Section 2.


Formally the endorsement policy is a predicate on the endorsement, and potentially further state that evaluates to TRUE or FALSE. For deploy transactions the endorsement is obtained according to a system-wide policy (for example, from the system chaincode).


An endorsement policy predicate refers to certain variables. Potentially it may refer to:
1、keys or identities relating to the chaincode (found in the metadata of the chaincode), for example, a set of endorsers;
2、further metadata of the chaincode;
3、elements of the endorsement and endorsement.tran-proposal;
4、and potentially more.




3、endorsement and endorsement.tran-proposal的元素;


The above list is ordered by increasing expressiveness and complexity, that is, it will be relatively simple to support policies that only refer to keys and identities of nodes.


The evaluation of an endorsement policy predicate must be deterministic. An endorsement shall be evaluated locally by every peer such that a peer does not need to interact with other peers, yet all correct peers evaluate the endorsement policy in the same way.


3.3. 背书策略例子(Example endorsement policies)

The predicate may contain logical expressions and evaluates to TRUE or FALSE. Typically the condition will use digital signatures on the transaction invocation issued by endorsing peers for the chaincode.


Suppose the chaincode specifies the endorser set E = {Alice, Bob, Charlie, Dave, Eve, Frank, George}. Some example policies:

假定链码指定背书者集E = {Alice, Bob, Charlie, Dave, Eve, Frank, George}.一些例子策略如下:

  • A valid signature from on the same tran-proposal from all members of E.
  • A valid signature from any single member of E.
  • Valid signatures on the same tran-proposal from endorsing peers according to the condition (Alice OR Bob) AND (any two of: Charlie, Dave, Eve, Frank, George).

  • 一个有效签名来自全体E的成员的同样的交易提案。

  • 一个有效签名来自E的任一单个成员。
  • 从背书peer节点来的同一交易提案的有效签名条件是:(Alice OR Bob) AND (any two of: Charlie, Dave, Eve, Frank, George).

  • Valid signatures on the same tran-proposal by any 5 out of the 7 endorsers. (More generally, for chaincode with n > 3f endorsers, valid signatures by any 2f+1 out of the n endorsers, or by any group of more than (n+f)/2 endorsers.)

  • 同一提案的有效签名为7名背书者的任意5名。(更常用的,链码n>3f背书者,n名背书者有任意2f+1有效签名,或任意大于(n+f)/2背书者小组有效签名)

  • Suppose there is an assignment of “stake” or “weights” to the endorsers, like {Alice=49, Bob=15, Charlie=15, Dave=10, Eve=7, Frank=3, George=1}, where the total stake is 100: The policy requires valid signatures from a set that has a majority of the stake (i.e., a group with combined stake strictly more than 50), such as {Alice, X} with any X different from George, or {everyone together except Alice}. And so on.

  • 假定背书者有一个“股份”或“权重”的任务,像{Alice=49, Bob=15, Charlie=15, Dave=10, Eve=7, Frank=3, George=1}, 其中全部股份是100:策略需要一组占大多数股份的有效签名(即,一组合并股份完全超过50),像{Alice, X},X只要不是George的任何人,或{除去Alice以外的所有人},等等。

  • The assignment of stake in the previous example condition could be static (fixed in the metadata of the chaincode) or dynamic (e.g., dependent on the state of the chaincode and be modified during the execution).

  • 假定前面例子中的股权条件是静态的(固定在链码的元数据中)或动态的(例如,取决于链码的状态和在执行中修改)。

  • Valid signatures from (Alice OR Bob) on tran-proposal1 and valid signatures from (any two of: Charlie, Dave, Eve, Frank, George) on tran-proposal2, where tran-proposal1 and tran-proposal2 differ only in their endorsing peers and state updates.

  • 交易提案1的有效签名来自(Alice OR Bob) 和交易提案2有效签名来自(Charlie, Dave, Eve, Frank, George中的任何两个),其中交易提案1和交易提案2的不同只在它们的背书peer节点和状态更新。

How useful these policies are will depend on the application, on the desired resilience of the solution against failures or misbehavior of endorsers, and on various other properties.


4 (post-v1). 证实账本和节点账本检查(修剪)(Validated ledger and PeerLedger checkpointing (pruning))

4.1. 验证账本(Validated ledger (VLedger))

To maintain the abstraction of a ledger that contains only valid and committed transactions (that appears in Bitcoin, for example), peers may, in addition to state and Ledger, maintain the Validated Ledger (or VLedger). This is a hash chain derived from the ledger by filtering out invalid transactions.


The construction of the VLedger blocks (called here vBlocks) proceeds as follows. As the PeerLedger blocks may contain invalid transactions (i.e., transactions with invalid endorsement or with invalid version dependencies), such transactions are filtered out by peers before a transaction from a block becomes added to a vBlock. Every peer does this by itself (e.g., by using the bitmask associated with PeerLedger). A vBlock is defined as a block without the invalid transactions, that have been filtered out. Such vBlocks are inherently dynamic in size and may be empty. An illustration of vBlock construction is given in the figure below.


架构说明 - 图3

Figure 2. Illustration of validated ledger block (vBlock) formation from ledger (PeerLedger) blocks.

图2 从节点账本块形成证实账本块

vBlocks are chained together to a hash chain by every peer. More specifically, every block of a validated ledger contains:


  • The hash of the previous vBlock.
  • vBlock number.
  • An ordered list of all valid transactions committed by the peers since the last vBlock was computed (i.e., list of valid transactions in a corresponding block).
  • The hash of the corresponding block (in PeerLedger) from which the current vBlock is derived.

  • 前证实块的哈希。

  • 证实块编号。
  • 从上一个证实块被计算出以来所有peer节点提交交易的排序列表(即,在相应块中的有效交易列表)。
  • 相应块的哈希(在节点账本中),来自得出的当前证实块。

All this information is concatenated and hashed by a peer, producing the hash of the vBlock in the validated ledger.


4.2. 节点账本检查(PeerLedger Checkpointing)

The ledger contains invalid transactions, which may not necessarily be recorded forever. However, peers cannot simply discard PeerLedger blocks and thereby prune PeerLedger once they establish the corresponding vBlocks. Namely, in this case, if a new peer joins the network, other peers could not transfer the discarded blocks (pertaining to PeerLedger) to the joining peer, nor convince the joining peer of the validity of their vBlocks.


To facilitate pruning of the PeerLedger, this document describes a checkpointing mechanism. This mechanism establishes the validity of the vBlocks across the peer network and allows checkpointed vBlocks to replace the discarded PeerLedger blocks. This, in turn, reduces storage space, as there is no need to store invalid transactions. It also reduces the work to reconstruct the state for new peers that join the network (as they do not need to establish validity of individual transactions when reconstructing the state by replaying PeerLedger, but may simply replay the state updates contained in the validated ledger).


4.2.1. 检查点协议(Checkpointing protocol)

Checkpointing is performed periodically by the peers every CHK blocks, where CHK is a configurable parameter. To initiate a checkpoint, the peers broadcast (e.g., gossip) to other peers message , where blockno is the current blocknumber and blocknohash is its respective hash, stateHash is the hash of the latest state (produced by e.g., a Merkle hash) upon validation of block blockno and peerSig is peer’s signature on (CHECKPOINT,blocknohash,blockno,stateHash), referring to the validated ledger.

检查点是由peer节点每个CHK块周期性地形成,这里CHK是一个可配置参数。开辟一个检查点,peer节点广播(例如,传播)给其它peer节点 , 其中,blockno是当前块编号,blocknohash是各自的哈希,stateHash是最新状态的哈希(产生于,例如Merkle hash),基于确认的块编号,peerSig是peer节点的对(CHECKPOINT,blocknohash,blockno,stateHash)的签名,引用了证实账本。

A peer collects CHECKPOINT messages until it obtains enough correctly signed messages with matching blockno, blocknohash and stateHash to establish a valid checkpoint (see Section 4.2.2.).

peer节点收集CHECKPOINT消息直到它得到匹配blockno, blocknohash 和 stateHash 的足够正确的签名消息来建立一个有效的检查点。(见4.2.2节)

Upon establishing a valid checkpoint for block number blockno with blocknohash, a peer:

  • if blockno>latestValidCheckpoint.blockno, then a peer assigns latestValidCheckpoint=(blocknohash,blockno),
  • stores the set of respective peer signatures that constitute a valid checkpoint into the set latestValidCheckpointProof,
  • stores the state corresponding to stateHash to latestValidCheckpointedState,
  • (optionally) prunes its PeerLedger up to block number blockno (inclusive).

在为块编号blockno 和 blocknohash建立了有效的检查点的基础上,peer节点:

  • 如果 blockno>latestValidCheckpoint.blockno, 那幺peer节点分配 latestValidCheckpoint=(blocknohash,blockno),
  • 存储各peer节点的签名集,它构成了有效的检查点到集合latestValidCheckpointProof,
  • 存储状态相应的stateHash 到 latestValidCheckpointedState,
  • (可选的)修剪它的节点账本到块编blockno (包含).

4.2.2. 有效检查点(Valid checkpoints)

Clearly, the checkpointing protocol raises the following questions: When can a peer prune its PeerLedger? How many CHECKPOINT messages are “sufficiently many”?. This is defined by a checkpoint validity policy, with (at least) two possible approaches, which may also be combined:


  • Local (peer-specific) checkpoint validity policy (LCVP). A local policy at a given peer p may specify a set of peers which peer p trusts and whose CHECKPOINT messages are sufficient to establish a valid checkpoint. For example, LCVP at peer Alice may define that Alice needs to receive CHECKPOINT message from Bob, or from both Charlie and Dave.

  • Local (peer-specific) checkpoint validity policy (LCVP).给定peer节点p上的本地策略可以确定一组peer节点,这一组peer节点是p信任的且它的CHECKPOINT消息是足够建立一个有效的检查点。例如,在peer节点Alice上的LCVP可以定义本地(peer确定)检查点有效性策略(LCVP)。

  • Global checkpoint validity policy (GCVP). A checkpoint validity policy may be specified globally. This is similar to a local peer policy, except that it is stipulated at the system (blockchain) granularity, rather than peer granularity. For instance, GCVP may specify that:

  • Global checkpoint validity policy (GCVP).检查点有效策略可以确定为全局的。这类似于本地节点策略,除非在系统链间隔上规定,好于节点间隔。例如,GCVP可以指定:

    • each peer may trust a checkpoint if confirmed by 11 different peers.
    • in a specific deployment in which every orderer is collocated with a peer in the same machine (i.e., trust domain) and where up to f orderers may be (Byzantine) faulty, each peer may trust a checkpoint if confirmed by f+1 different peers collocated with orderers.

    • 每个peer节点可以信任一个由11各不同peer节点确认的检查点。

    • 在具体部署中每个排序者与peer节点配置在同一台机器上(即,信任域),多达f个排序者可以是(拜占庭)错误,每个peer节点可以信任一个检查点,如果经过f+1个排序者配置的不同的节点确认。