Fabric设计 - 基于kafka的排序服务


须知(Caveat emptor)

This document assumes that the reader generally knows how to set up a Kafka
cluster and a ZooKeeper ensemble. The purpose of this guide is to identify the
steps you need to take so as to have a set of Hyperledger Fabric ordering
service nodes (OSNs) use your Kafka cluster and provide an ordering service to
your blockchain network.

该文档假设读者已经基本了解如何去搭建Kafka集群和ZooKeeper集群。本文档的目的是确定您使用Kafka集群搭建一套Hyperledger Fabric排序服务节点集(OSNs)以及为你的区块链网络提供排序服务所需要采取的步骤。

概览(Big picture)

Each channel maps to a separate single-partition topic in Kafka.


When an OSN receives transactions via the Broadcast RPC, it checks to make sure
that the broadcasting client has permissions to write on the channel, then
relays (i.e. produces) those transactions to the appropriate partition in Kafka.


This partition is also consumed by the OSN which groups the received
transactions into blocks locally, persists them in its local ledger, and serves
them to receiving clients via the Deliver RPC.

该分区也被排序节点所消费(consume),排序节点将接收到的交易分组写入到本地区块,将其保留在本地账本中,并通过Deliver RPC提供给需要接收的客户端。

For low-level details, refer
to the document that describes how we came to this design <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vNMaM7XhOlu9tB_10dKnlrhy5d7b1u8lSY8a-kVjCO4/edit>_
— Figure 8 is a schematic representation of the process described above.

更多详细的信息,请参考the document that describes how we came to this design <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vNMaM7XhOlu9tB_10dKnlrhy5d7b1u8lSY8a-kVjCO4/edit>_
— 图8是上述过程的示意图。


Let K and Z be the number of nodes in the Kafka cluster and the
ZooKeeper ensemble respectively:

设定变量 KZ 分别是Kafka集群和ZooKeeper集群的节点数量:

i. At a minimum, K should be set to 4. (As we will explain in Step 4 below,
this is the minimum number of nodes necessary in order to exhibit crash fault
tolerance, i.e. with 4 brokers, you can have 1 broker go down, all channels will
continue to be writeable and readable, and new channels can be created.)

i. K的最小值需要是4。(我们将在步骤4中解释,这是实现 故障容错(crash fault tolerance) 所需要的最小数值,也就是说,

ii. Z will either be 3, 5, or 7. It has to be an odd number to avoid
split-brain scenarios, and larger than 1 in order to avoid single point of
failures. Anything beyond 7 ZooKeeper servers is considered an overkill.

ii. Z可以是3、5或者7。它必须是一个奇数来避免分裂(split-brain)情景,大于1以避免单点故障。

Proceed as follows:


  1. Orderers: Encode the Kafka-related information in the network’s genesis
    If you are using configtxgen, edit configtx.yaml — or pick a
    preset profile for the system channel’s genesis block — so that:

    Orderers: Kafka 相关信息被写在网络的初始区块中. 如果你使用 configtxgen 工具, 编辑 configtx.yaml 文件— 或者挑一个现成的系统通道的初始区块配置文件 — 其中:

    1. a. ``Orderer.OrdererType`` is set to ``kafka``.
    2. a. ``Orderer.OrdererType`` 字段被设置为 ``kafka``.
    3. b. ``Orderer.Kafka.Brokers`` contains the address of *at least two* of the
    4. Kafka brokers in your cluster in ``IP:port`` notation. The list does not
    5. need to be exhaustive. (These are your seed brokers.)
    6. b. ``Orderer.Kafka.Brokers`` 字段包含 *至少两个* Kafka集群中的节点``IP:port`` 样式的地址。这个列表没有必要详尽无遗(这些是你的 seed brokers.)
  2. Orderers: Set the maximum block size. Each block will have at most
    Orderer.AbsoluteMaxBytes bytes (not including headers), a value that you can
    set in configtx.yaml. Let the value you pick here be A and make note of
    it — it will affect how you configure your Kafka brokers in Step 4.

    Orderers: 设置区块最大容量. 每一个区块最多只能有 Orderer.AbsoluteMaxBytes bytes的容量(不含区块头信息), 这是一个你可以修改的值,存放在 configtx.yaml 配置文件中. 假设此处你设置的数值为A,将此数字记下来 — 这会影响你在步骤4中对于Kafka brokers 的配置.

  3. Orderers: Create the genesis block. Use configtxgen. The settings you
    picked in Steps 1 and 2 above are system-wide settings, i.e. they apply across
    the network for all the OSNs. Make note of the genesis block’s location.

    Orderers: 使用 configtxgen 工具 创建初始区块. 在步骤1和2中的设置是全局的设置, 也就是说这些设置的生效范围是网络中所有的排序节点. 记录下初始区块的位置.

  4. Kafka cluster: Configure your Kafka brokers appropriately. Ensure that
    every Kafka broker has these keys configured:

    Kafka 集群: 适当配置你的Kafka集群. 确保每一个Kafka节点都配置了以下的值:

    a. unclean.leader.election.enable = false — Data consistency is key in
    a blockchain environment. We cannot have a channel leader chosen outside of
    the in-sync replica set, or we run the risk of overwriting the offsets that
    the previous leader produced, and —as a result— rewrite the blockchain
    that the orderers produce.

    a. unclean.leader.election.enable = false — 数据一致性是区块链环境的关键. 我们不能选择不在同步副本集中的channel leader, 也不能冒风险去覆盖前一leader所产生的偏移量, 那样的结果就是重写orderers所产生的区块链数据.

    b. min.insync.replicas = M — Where you pick a value M such that
    1 < M < N (see default.replication.factor below). Data is considered
    committed when it is written to at least M replicas (which are then
    considered in-sync and belong to the in-sync replica set, or ISR). In any
    other case, the write operation returns an error. Then:

    b. min.insync.replicas = MM 的值需要满足
    1 < M < N (N的值参考后面的 default.replication.factor). 数据被认为是完成提交当它被写入到至少 M 个副本中(也就是说它被认为是同步的,然后被写入到同步副本集中,也成为ISR). 其他情况, 写入操作返回错误信息. 然后:

    1. i. If up to N-M replicas -- out of the N that the channel data is
    2. written to -- become unavailable, operations proceed normally.
    3. i. 如果有 N-M 个副本不可访问, 操作将正常进行.
    4. ii. If more replicas become unavailable, Kafka cannot maintain an ISR
    5. set of M, so it stops accepting writes. Reads work without issues.
    6. The channel becomes writeable again when M replicas get in-sync.
    7. ii. 如果更多副本不可访问, Kafka 不能位置数量 M 的同步副本集(ISR), 所以它会停止接受写入操作. 读操作可以正常运行.
    8. 当M个副本重新同步后,通道就可以再次变为可写入状态.
  1. c. ``default.replication.factor = N`` -- Where you pick a value ``N`` such
  2. that N < K. A replication factor of ``N`` means that each channel will have
  3. its data replicated to ``N`` brokers. These are the candidates for the ISR
  4. set of a channel. As we noted in the ``min.insync.replicas section`` above,
  5. not all of these brokers have to be available all the time. ``N`` should be
  6. set *strictly smaller* to ``K`` because channel creations cannot go forward
  7. if less than ``N`` brokers are up. So if you set N = K, a single broker
  8. going down means that no new channels can be created on the blockchain
  9. network -- the crash fault tolerance of the ordering service is
  10. non-existent.
  11. c. ``default.replication.factor = N`` -- 选择一个 ``N`` 的数值满足 N < K (Kafak集群数量). 参数 ``N`` 表示每个channel 的数据会复制到 ``N`` 个 broker 中. 这些是 channel 同步副本集的候选. 正如前面 ``min.insync.replicas`` 部分所说的, 不是所有broker都需要是随时可用的. ``N`` 值需要设置为绝对小于 ``K`` , 因为channel的创建需要不少于 ``N`` 个broker是启动的. 所以如果设置 N = K , 一个 broker 宕机就意味着区块链网络不能再创建channel. 那幺故障容错的排序服务也就不存在了.
  12. d. ``message.max.bytes`` and ``replica.fetch.max.bytes`` should be set to a
  13. value larger than ``A``, the value you picked in
  14. ``Orderer.AbsoluteMaxBytes`` in Step 2 above. Add some buffer to account for
  15. headers -- 1 MiB is more than enough. The following condition applies:
  16. d. ``message.max.bytes`` 和 ``replica.fetch.max.bytes`` 的值需要大于 ``A``, 就是在步骤2中选取的 ``Orderer.AbsoluteMaxBytes`` 的值. 再为区块头增加一些余量 -- 1 MiB 就足够了. 需要满足以下条件:
  17. ::
  18. Orderer.AbsoluteMaxBytes < replica.fetch.max.bytes <= message.max.bytes
  19. (For completeness, we note that ``message.max.bytes`` should be strictly
  20. smaller to ``socket.request.max.bytes`` which is set by default to 100 MiB.
  21. If you wish to have blocks larger than 100 MiB you will need to edit the
  22. hard-coded value in ``brokerConfig.Producer.MaxMessageBytes`` in
  23. ``fabric/orderer/kafka/config.go`` and rebuild the binary from source.
  24. This is not advisable.)
  25. (补充, 我们注意到 ``message.max.bytes`` 需要严格小于 ``socket.request.max.bytes`` , 这个值默认是100Mib. 如果你希望区块大于100MiB, 你需要去修改硬代码中的变量 ``brokerConfig.Producer.MaxMessageBytes`` , 代码位置是 ``fabric/orderer/kafka/config.go`` , 再重新编译代码, 不建议这幺做.)
  26. e. ``log.retention.ms = -1``. Until the ordering service adds
  27. support for pruning of the Kafka logs, you should disable time-based
  28. retention and prevent segments from expiring. (Size-based retention -- see
  29. ``log.retention.bytes`` -- is disabled by default in Kafka at the time of
  30. this writing, so there's no need to set it explicitly.)
  31. e. ``log.retention.ms = -1``. 直到排序服务增加了对于 Kafka 日志分割(pruning)的支持之前, 应该禁用基于时间分割的方式以避免单个日志文件到期分段. (基于文件大小的分割方式 -- 看参数 ``log.retention.bytes`` -- 在本文书写时, 在 Kafka 中是默认被禁用的, 所以这个值没有必要指定地很明确. )
  32. Based on what we've described above, the minimum allowed values for ``M``
  33. and ``N`` are 2 and 3 respectively. This configuration allows for the
  34. creation of new channels to go forward, and for all channels to continue to
  35. be writeable.
  36. 基于上文所描述的, ``M`` 和 ``N`` 的最小值分别为 2 和 3 . 这个配置可以创建 channel 并让所有 channel 都是随时可以写入的.
  1. Orderers: Point each OSN to the genesis block. Edit
    General.GenesisFile in orderer.yaml so that it points to the genesis
    block created in Step 3 above. (While at it, ensure all other keys in that YAML
    file are set appropriately.)

    Orderers: 将所有排序节点指向初始区块. 编辑 orderer.yaml 文件中的参数 General.GenesisFile 使其指向步骤3中所创建的初始区块. (同时, 确保YAML文件中所有其他参数都是正确的.)

  2. Orderers: Adjust polling intervals and timeouts. (Optional step.)
    Orderers: 调整轮询间隔和超时时间. (可选步骤.)

    a. The Kafka.Retry section in the orderer.yaml file allows you to
    adjust the frequency of the metadata/producer/consumer requests, as well as
    the socket timeouts. (These are all settings you would expect to see in a
    Kafka producer or consumer.)

    a. orderer.yaml 文件中的 Kafka.Retry 区域让你能够调整 metadata/producer/consumer 请求的频率以及socket的超时时间. (这些应该就是所有在 kafka 的生产者和消费者 中你需要的设置)

    b. Additionally, when a new channel is created, or when an existing channel
    is reloaded (in case of a just-restarted orderer), the orderer interacts
    with the Kafka cluster in the following ways:

    b. 另外, 当一个 channel 被创建, 或当一个现有的 channel 被重新读取(刚启动 orderer 的情况), orderer 通过以下方式和 Kafka 集群进行交互.

    1. a. It creates a Kafka producer (writer) for the Kafka partition that
    2. corresponds to the channel.
    3. a. 为 channel 对应的 Kafka 分区 创建一个 Kafka 生产者.
    4. b. It uses that producer to post a no-op ``CONNECT`` message to that
    5. partition.
    6. b. 通过生产者向这个分区发一个空的连接信息.
    7. c. It creates a Kafka consumer (reader) for that partition.
    8. c. 为这个分区创建一个 Kafka 消费者.
    9. If any of these steps fail, you can adjust the frequency with which they
    10. are repeated. Specifically they will be re-attempted every
    11. ``Kafka.Retry.ShortInterval`` for a total of ``Kafka.Retry.ShortTotal``,
    12. and then every ``Kafka.Retry.LongInterval`` for a total of
    13. ``Kafka.Retry.LongTotal`` until they succeed. Note that the orderer will
    14. be unable to write to or read from a channel until all of the steps
    15. above have been completed successfully.
    16. 如果任意步骤出错, 你可以调整其重复的频率.
    17. 这些步骤会在每一个 Kafka.Retry.ShortInterval 指定的时间间隔后进行重试 Kafka.Retry.ShortTotal 次,
    18. 再以 Kafka.Retry.LongInterval 规定的时间间隔重试 Kafka.Retry.LongTotal 次直到成功.
    19. 需要注意的是 orderer 不能读写该 channel 的数据直到所有上述步骤都成功执行.
  3. Set up the OSNs and Kafka cluster so that they communicate over SSL.
    (Optional step, but highly recommended.) Refer to the Confluent guide <http://docs.confluent.io/2.0.0/kafka/ssl.html>_ for the Kafka cluster side of
    the equation, and set the keys under Kafka.TLS in orderer.yaml on every
    OSN accordingly.

    将排序节点和 Kafka 集群间设置为通过 SSL 通讯.
    (可选步骤,强烈推荐) 参考 the Confluent guide <http://docs.confluent.io/2.0.0/kafka/ssl.html>_ 文档中关于 Kafka 集群的设置, 来设置每个排序节点 orderer.yaml 文件中 Kafka.TLS 部分的内容.

  4. Bring up the nodes in the following order: ZooKeeper ensemble, Kafka
    cluster, ordering service nodes.

    启动节点请按照以下顺序: ZooKeeper 集群, Kafka 集群, 排序节点

其他注意事项(Additional considerations)

  1. Preferred message size. In Step 2 above (see Steps_ section) you can
    also set the preferred size of blocks by setting the
    Orderer.Batchsize.PreferredMaxBytes key. Kafka offers higher throughput when
    dealing with relatively small messages; aim for a value no bigger than 1 MiB.

    首选的消息大小. 在上面的步骤2中, 你也能通过参数 Orderer.Batchsize.PreferredMaxBytes 设置首选的区块大小.
    Kafka 处理相对较小的信息有更高的吞吐量; 针对小于 1 MiB 大小的值.

  2. Using environment variables to override settings. You can override a
    Kafka broker or a ZooKeeper server’s settings by using environment variables.
    Replace the dots of the configuration key with underscores —
    e.g. KAFKA_UNCLEAN_LEADER_ELECTION_ENABLE=false will allow you to override
    the default value of unclean.leader.election.enable. The same applies to the
    OSNs for their local configuration, i.e. what can be set in orderer.yaml.
    For example ORDERER_KAFKA_RETRY_SHORTINTERVAL=1s allows you to override the
    default value for Orderer.Kafka.Retry.ShortInterval.

    使用环境变量重写设置. 你能够通过设置环境变量来重写 Kafka 节点和 Zookeeper 服务器的设置. 替换配置参数中的 点 为 下划线 — 例如 KAFKA_UNCLEAN_LEADER_ELECTION_ENABLE=false 环境变量重写配置参数 unclean.leader.election.enable. 环境变量重写同样适用于排序节点的本地配置, 即 orderer.yaml 中所能设置的. 例如 ORDERER_KAFKA_RETRY_SHORTINTERVAL=1s 环境变量可以重写本地配置文件中的 Orderer.Kafka.Retry.ShortInterval.

Supported Kafka versions and upgrading

支持的 Kafka 版本和升级

Supported Kafka versions for v1 are 0.9 and 0.10. (Hyperledger Fabric
uses the sarama client library <https://github.com/Shopify/sarama>_
and vendors a version of it that supports Kafka 0.9 and 0.10.)

Fabric V1 支持的 Kafka 版本是 0.90.10. (Hyperledger Fabric 使用代码库: sarama client library <https://github.com/Shopify/sarama>_ 支持的 Kafka 版本是 0.90.10)

Out of the box the Kafka version defaults to If you wish to use a
different supported version, specify a supported version using the
Kafka.Version key in orderer.yaml.

默认的 Kafka 版本是 如果你使用其他支持的版本, 修改 orderer.yaml 文件中的参数 Kafka.Version.

The current supported Kafka versions are:

目前支持的 Kafka 版本是:

  • Version:
  • Version:
  • Version:
  • Version:


Set General.LogLevel to DEBUG and Kafka.Verbose in orderer.yaml
to true.

设置 orderer.yaml 文件中 General.LogLevelDEBUGKafka.Verbosetrue.


Sample Docker Compose configuration files inline with the recommended settings
above can be found under the fabric/bddtests directory. Look for
dc-orderer-kafka-base.yml and dc-orderer-kafka.yml.

包含了推荐的设置的Docker Compose 配置文件示例能够在 fabric/bddtests 目录中找到. 包括 dc-orderer-kafka-base.yml 文件和 dc-orderer-kafka.yml 文件.

.. Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License