import curses import logging import random import re import sys import textwrap import time from sqlalchemy import Column from sqlalchemy import create_engine from sqlalchemy import ForeignKey from sqlalchemy import func from sqlalchemy import Integer from sqlalchemy import String from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base from sqlalchemy.ext.hybrid import hybrid_method from sqlalchemy.ext.hybrid import hybrid_property from sqlalchemy.orm import joinedload from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship from sqlalchemy.orm import Session _PY3 = sys.version_info > (3, 0) if _PY3: xrange = range logging.basicConfig( filename="space_invaders.log", format="%(asctime)s,%(msecs)03d %(levelname)-5.5s %(message)s", ) logging.getLogger("sqlalchemy.engine").setLevel(logging.INFO) Base = declarative_base() WINDOW_LEFT = 10 WINDOW_TOP = 2 WINDOW_WIDTH = 70 WINDOW_HEIGHT = 34 VERT_PADDING = 2 HORIZ_PADDING = 5 ENEMY_VERT_SPACING = 4 MAX_X = WINDOW_WIDTH - HORIZ_PADDING MAX_Y = WINDOW_HEIGHT - VERT_PADDING LEFT_KEY = ord("j") RIGHT_KEY = ord("l") FIRE_KEY = ord(" ") PAUSE_KEY = ord("p") COLOR_MAP = { "K": curses.COLOR_BLACK, "B": curses.COLOR_BLUE, "C": curses.COLOR_CYAN, "G": curses.COLOR_GREEN, "M": curses.COLOR_MAGENTA, "R": curses.COLOR_RED, "W": curses.COLOR_WHITE, "Y": curses.COLOR_YELLOW, } class Glyph(Base): """Describe a "glyph", a graphical element to be painted on the screen. """ __tablename__ = "glyph" id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) name = Column(String) type = Column(String) width = Column(Integer) height = Column(Integer) data = Column(String) alt_data = Column(String) __mapper_args__ = {"polymorphic_on": type} def __init__(self, name, img, alt=None): self.name = name self.data, self.width, self.height = self._encode_glyph(img) if alt is not None: self.alt_data, alt_w, alt_h = self._encode_glyph(alt) def _encode_glyph(self, img): """Receive a textual description of the glyph and encode into a format understood by GlyphCoordinate.render(). """ img = re.sub(r"^\n", "", textwrap.dedent(img)) color = "W" lines = [line.rstrip() for line in img.split("\n")] data = [] for line in lines: render_line = [] line = list(line) while line: char = line.pop(0) if char == "#": color = line.pop(0) continue render_line.append((color, char)) data.append(render_line) width = max([len(rl) for rl in data]) data = "".join( "".join("%s%s" % (color, char) for color, char in render_line) + ("W " * (width - len(render_line))) for render_line in data ) return data, width, len(lines) def glyph_for_state(self, coord, state): """Return the appropriate data representation for this Glyph, based on the current coordinates and state. Subclasses may override this to provide animations. """ return self.data class GlyphCoordinate(Base): """Describe a glyph rendered at a certain x, y coordinate. The GlyphCoordinate may also include optional values such as the tick at time of render, a label, and a score value. """ __tablename__ = "glyph_coordinate" id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) glyph_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("glyph.id")) x = Column(Integer) y = Column(Integer) tick = Column(Integer) label = Column(String) score = Column(Integer) glyph = relationship(Glyph, innerjoin=True) def __init__( self, session, glyph_name, x, y, tick=None, label=None, score=None ): self.glyph = session.query(Glyph).filter_by(name=glyph_name).one() self.x = x self.y = y self.tick = tick self.label = label self.score = score session.add(self) def render(self, window, state): """Render the Glyph at this position.""" col = 0 row = 0 glyph = self.glyph data = glyph.glyph_for_state(self, state) for color, char in [ (data[i], data[i + 1]) for i in xrange(0, len(data), 2) ]: x = self.x + col y = self.y + row if 0 <= x <= MAX_X and 0 <= y <= MAX_Y: window.addstr( y + VERT_PADDING, x + HORIZ_PADDING, char, _COLOR_PAIRS[color], ) col += 1 if col == glyph.width: col = 0 row += 1 if self.label: self._render_label(window, False) def _render_label(self, window, blank): label = self.label if not blank else " " * len(self.label) if self.x + self.width + len(self.label) < MAX_X: window.addstr(self.y, self.x + self.width, label) else: window.addstr(self.y, self.x - len(self.label), label) def blank(self, window): """Render a blank box for this glyph's position and size.""" glyph = self.glyph x = min(max(self.x, 0), MAX_X) width = min(glyph.width, MAX_X - x) or 1 for y_a in xrange(self.y, self.y + glyph.height): y = y_a window.addstr(y + VERT_PADDING, x + HORIZ_PADDING, " " * width) if self.label: self._render_label(window, True) @hybrid_property def width(self): return self.glyph.width @width.expression def width(cls): return Glyph.width @hybrid_property def height(self): return self.glyph.height @height.expression def height(cls): return Glyph.height @hybrid_property def bottom_bound(self): return self.y + self.height >= MAX_Y @hybrid_property def top_bound(self): return self.y <= 0 @hybrid_property def left_bound(self): return self.x <= 0 @hybrid_property def right_bound(self): return self.x + self.width >= MAX_X @hybrid_property def right_edge_bound(self): return self.x > MAX_X @hybrid_method def intersects(self, other): """Return True if this GlyphCoordinate intersects with the given GlyphCoordinate.""" return ~( (self.x + self.width < other.x) | (self.x > other.x + other.width) ) & ~( (self.y + self.height < other.y) | (self.y > other.y + other.height) ) class EnemyGlyph(Glyph): """Describe an enemy.""" __mapper_args__ = {"polymorphic_identity": "enemy"} class ArmyGlyph(EnemyGlyph): """Describe an enemy that's part of the "army".""" __mapper_args__ = {"polymorphic_identity": "army"} def glyph_for_state(self, coord, state): if state["flip"]: return self.alt_data else: return self.data class SaucerGlyph(EnemyGlyph): """Describe the enemy saucer flying overhead.""" __mapper_args__ = {"polymorphic_identity": "saucer"} def glyph_for_state(self, coord, state): if state["flip"] == 0: return self.alt_data else: return self.data class MessageGlyph(Glyph): """Describe a glyph for displaying a message.""" __mapper_args__ = {"polymorphic_identity": "message"} class PlayerGlyph(Glyph): """Describe a glyph representing the player.""" __mapper_args__ = {"polymorphic_identity": "player"} class MissileGlyph(Glyph): """Describe a glyph representing a missile.""" __mapper_args__ = {"polymorphic_identity": "missile"} class SplatGlyph(Glyph): """Describe a glyph representing a "splat".""" __mapper_args__ = {"polymorphic_identity": "splat"} def glyph_for_state(self, coord, state): age = state["tick"] - coord.tick if age > 5: return self.alt_data else: return self.data def init_glyph(session): """Create the glyphs used during play.""" enemy1 = ArmyGlyph( "enemy1", """ #W-#B^#R-#B^#W- #G| | """, """ #W>#B^#R-#B^#W< #G^ ^ """, ) enemy2 = ArmyGlyph( "enemy2", """ #W*** #R<#C~~~#R> """, """ #W@@@ #R<#C---#R> """, ) enemy3 = ArmyGlyph( "enemy3", """ #Y((--)) #M-~-~-~ """, """ #Y[[--]] #M~-~-~- """, ) saucer = SaucerGlyph( "saucer", """#R~#Y^#R~#G<<((=#WOO#G=))>>""", """#Y^#R~#Y^#G<<((=#WOO#G=))>>""", ) splat1 = SplatGlyph( "splat1", """ #WVVVVV #W> #R*** #W< #W^^^^^ """, """ #M| #M- #Y+++ #M- #M| """, ) ship = PlayerGlyph( "ship", """ #Y^ #G===== """, ) missile = MissileGlyph( "missile", """ | """, ) start = MessageGlyph( "start_message", "J = move left; L = move right; SPACE = fire\n" " #GPress any key to start", ) lose = MessageGlyph("lose_message", "#YY O U L O S E ! ! !") win = MessageGlyph("win_message", "#RL E V E L C L E A R E D ! ! !") paused = MessageGlyph( "pause_message", "#WP A U S E D\n#GPress P to continue" ) session.add_all( [ enemy1, enemy2, enemy3, ship, saucer, missile, start, lose, win, paused, splat1, ] ) def setup_curses(): """Setup terminal/curses state.""" window = curses.initscr() curses.noecho() window = curses.newwin( WINDOW_HEIGHT + (VERT_PADDING * 2), WINDOW_WIDTH + (HORIZ_PADDING * 2), WINDOW_TOP - VERT_PADDING, WINDOW_LEFT - HORIZ_PADDING, ) curses.start_color() global _COLOR_PAIRS _COLOR_PAIRS = {} for i, (k, v) in enumerate(COLOR_MAP.items(), 1): curses.init_pair(i, v, curses.COLOR_BLACK) _COLOR_PAIRS[k] = curses.color_pair(i) return window def init_positions(session): """Establish a new field of play. This generates GlyphCoordinate objects and persists them to the database. """ # delete all existing coordinates session.query(GlyphCoordinate).delete() session.add( GlyphCoordinate( session, "ship", WINDOW_WIDTH // 2 - 2, WINDOW_HEIGHT - 4 ) ) arrangement = ( ("enemy3", 50), ("enemy2", 25), ("enemy1", 10), ("enemy2", 25), ("enemy1", 10), ) for (ship_vert, (etype, score)) in zip( xrange(5, 30, ENEMY_VERT_SPACING), arrangement ): for ship_horiz in xrange(0, 50, 10): session.add( GlyphCoordinate( session, etype, ship_horiz, ship_vert, score=score ) ) def draw(session, window, state): """Load all current GlyphCoordinate objects from the database and render. """ for gcoord in session.query(GlyphCoordinate).options(joinedload("glyph")): gcoord.render(window, state) window.addstr(1, WINDOW_WIDTH - 5, "Score: %.4d" % state["score"]) window.move(0, 0) window.refresh() def check_win(session, state): """Return the number of army glyphs remaining - the player wins if this is zero.""" return ( session.query(func.count(GlyphCoordinate.id)) .join(GlyphCoordinate.glyph.of_type(ArmyGlyph)) .scalar() ) def check_lose(session, state): """Return the number of army glyphs either colliding with the player or hitting the bottom of the screen. The player loses if this is non-zero.""" player = state["player"] return ( session.query(GlyphCoordinate) .join(GlyphCoordinate.glyph.of_type(ArmyGlyph)) .filter( GlyphCoordinate.intersects(player) | GlyphCoordinate.bottom_bound ) .count() ) def render_message(session, window, msg, x, y): """Render a message glyph. Clears the area beneath the message first and assumes the display will be paused afterwards. """ # create message box msg = GlyphCoordinate(session, msg, x, y) # clear existing glyphs which intersect for gly in ( session.query(GlyphCoordinate) .join(GlyphCoordinate.glyph) .filter(GlyphCoordinate.intersects(msg)) ): gly.blank(window) # render msg.render(window, {}) window.refresh() return msg def win(session, window, state): """Handle the win case.""" render_message(session, window, "win_message", 15, 15) time.sleep(2) start(session, window, state, True) def lose(session, window, state): """Handle the lose case.""" render_message(session, window, "lose_message", 15, 15) time.sleep(2) start(session, window, state) def pause(session, window, state): """Pause the game.""" msg = render_message(session, window, "pause_message", 15, 15) prompt(window) msg.blank(window) session.delete(msg) def prompt(window): """Display a prompt, quashing any keystrokes which might have remained.""" window.move(0, 0) window.nodelay(1) window.getch() window.nodelay(0) window.getch() window.nodelay(1) def move_army(session, window, state): """Update the army position based on the current size of the field.""" speed = 30 // 25 * state["num_enemies"] flip = (state["tick"] % speed) == 0 if not flip: return else: state["flip"] = not state["flip"] x_slide = 1 # get the lower/upper boundaries of the army # along the X axis. min_x, max_x = ( session.query( func.min(GlyphCoordinate.x), func.max(GlyphCoordinate.x + GlyphCoordinate.width), ) .join(GlyphCoordinate.glyph.of_type(ArmyGlyph)) .first() ) if min_x is None or max_x is None: # no enemies return direction = state["army_direction"] move_y = False if direction == 0 and max_x + x_slide >= MAX_X: direction = state["army_direction"] = 1 move_y = True elif direction == 1 and min_x - x_slide <= 0: direction = state["army_direction"] = 0 move_y = True for enemy_g in session.query(GlyphCoordinate).join( GlyphCoordinate.glyph.of_type(ArmyGlyph) ): enemy_g.blank(window) if move_y: enemy_g.y += 1 elif direction == 0: enemy_g.x += x_slide elif direction == 1: enemy_g.x -= x_slide def move_player(session, window, state): """Receive player input and adjust state.""" ch = window.getch() if ch not in (LEFT_KEY, RIGHT_KEY, FIRE_KEY, PAUSE_KEY): return elif ch == PAUSE_KEY: pause(session, window, state) return player = state["player"] if ch == RIGHT_KEY and not player.right_bound: player.blank(window) player.x += 1 elif ch == LEFT_KEY and not player.left_bound: player.blank(window) player.x -= 1 elif ch == FIRE_KEY and state["missile"] is None: state["missile"] = GlyphCoordinate( session, "missile", player.x + 3, player.y - 1 ) def move_missile(session, window, state): """Update the status of the current missile, if any.""" if state["missile"] is None or state["tick"] % 2 != 0: return missile = state["missile"] # locate enemy glyphs which intersect with the # missile's current position; i.e. a hit glyph = ( session.query(GlyphCoordinate) .join(GlyphCoordinate.glyph.of_type(EnemyGlyph)) .filter(GlyphCoordinate.intersects(missile)) .first() ) missile.blank(window) if glyph or missile.top_bound: # missile is done session.delete(missile) state["missile"] = None if glyph: # score! score(session, window, state, glyph) else: # move missile up one character. missile.y -= 1 def move_saucer(session, window, state): """Update the status of the saucer.""" saucer_interval = 500 saucer_speed_interval = 4 if state["saucer"] is None and state["tick"] % saucer_interval != 0: return if state["saucer"] is None: state["saucer"] = saucer = GlyphCoordinate( session, "saucer", -6, 1, score=random.randrange(100, 600, 100) ) elif state["tick"] % saucer_speed_interval == 0: saucer = state["saucer"] saucer.blank(window) saucer.x += 1 if saucer.right_edge_bound: session.delete(saucer) state["saucer"] = None def update_splat(session, window, state): """Render splat animations.""" for splat in session.query(GlyphCoordinate).join( GlyphCoordinate.glyph.of_type(SplatGlyph) ): age = state["tick"] - splat.tick if age > 10: splat.blank(window) session.delete(splat) else: splat.render(window, state) def score(session, window, state, glyph): """Process a glyph intersecting with a missile.""" glyph.blank(window) session.delete(glyph) if state["saucer"] is glyph: state["saucer"] = None state["score"] += glyph.score # render a splat ! GlyphCoordinate( session, "splat1", glyph.x, glyph.y, tick=state["tick"], label=str(glyph.score), ) def update_state(session, window, state): """Update all state for each game tick.""" num_enemies = state["num_enemies"] = check_win(session, state) if num_enemies == 0: win(session, window, state) elif check_lose(session, state): lose(session, window, state) else: # update the tick counter. state["tick"] += 1 move_player(session, window, state) move_missile(session, window, state) move_army(session, window, state) move_saucer(session, window, state) update_splat(session, window, state) def start(session, window, state, continue_=False): """Start a new field of play.""" render_message(session, window, "start_message", 15, 20) prompt(window) init_positions(session) player = ( session.query(GlyphCoordinate) .join(GlyphCoordinate.glyph.of_type(PlayerGlyph)) .one() ) state.update( { "field_pos": 0, "alt": False, "tick": 0, "missile": None, "saucer": None, "player": player, "army_direction": 0, "flip": False, } ) if not continue_: state["score"] = 0 window.clear() window.box() draw(session, window, state) def main(): """Initialize the database and establish the game loop.""" e = create_engine("sqlite://") Base.metadata.create_all(e) session = Session(e) init_glyph(session) session.commit() window = setup_curses() state = {} start(session, window, state) while True: update_state(session, window, state) draw(session, window, state) time.sleep(0.01) if __name__ == "__main__": main()