"""Illustrates how to add cache options on relationship endpoints, so that lazyloads load from cache. Load a set of Person and Address objects, specifying that related PostalCode, City, Country objects should be pulled from long term cache. """ import os from sqlalchemy.orm import joinedload from .environment import root from .environment import Session from .model import cache_address_bits from .model import Person for p in Session.query(Person).options( joinedload(Person.addresses), cache_address_bits ): print(p.format_full()) print( "\n\nIf this was the first run of relationship_caching.py, " "SQL was likely emitted to " "load postal codes, cities, countries.\n" "If run a second time, assuming the cache is still valid, " "only a single SQL statement will run - all " "related data is pulled from cache.\n" "To clear the cache, delete the file %r. \n" "This will cause a re-load of cities, postal codes and countries on " "the next run.\n" % os.path.join(root, "cache.dbm") )