"""Illustrates the asyncio engine / connection interface. In this example, we have an async engine created by :func:`_engine.create_async_engine`. We then use it using await within a coroutine. """ import asyncio from sqlalchemy import Column from sqlalchemy import Integer from sqlalchemy import MetaData from sqlalchemy import String from sqlalchemy import Table from sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio import create_async_engine meta = MetaData() t1 = Table( "t1", meta, Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True), Column("name", String) ) async def async_main(): # engine is an instance of AsyncEngine engine = create_async_engine( "postgresql+asyncpg://scott:tiger@localhost/test", echo=True, ) # conn is an instance of AsyncConnection async with engine.begin() as conn: # to support SQLAlchemy DDL methods as well as legacy functions, the # AsyncConnection.run_sync() awaitable method will pass a "sync" # version of the AsyncConnection object to any synchronous method, # where synchronous IO calls will be transparently translated for # await. await conn.run_sync(meta.drop_all) await conn.run_sync(meta.create_all) # for normal statement execution, a traditional "await execute()" # pattern is used. await conn.execute( t1.insert(), [{"name": "some name 1"}, {"name": "some name 2"}] ) async with engine.connect() as conn: # the default result object is the # sqlalchemy.engine.Result object result = await conn.execute(t1.select()) # the results are buffered so no await call is necessary # for this case. print(result.fetchall()) # for a streaming result that buffers only segments of the # result at time, the AsyncConnection.stream() method is used. # this returns a sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.AsyncResult object. async_result = await conn.stream(t1.select()) # this object supports async iteration and awaitable # versions of methods like .all(), fetchmany(), etc. async for row in async_result: print(row) asyncio.run(async_main())