Chapter 2. Game Engine Anatomy游戏引擎剖析(揭秘)


翻译自 iPhone Game Development Developing 2D & 3D games in Objective-C

To solve the large problem of how to create a game on the iPhone, we first need to solvea series of smaller problems such as how to display graphics and play sounds. Theseare problems associated with building parts of a game engine. And just like the humanbody, each part of a game engine is different but vital. Thus begins our chapter on gameengine anatomy. We will discuss each major part of a game engine, including the ap-plication framework, state machine, graphics engine, physics engine, audio engine,player input, and game logic.
Writing a serious game is a big task that involves a lot of code. It is important to designthat code in an organized fashion from the start, rather than adding bits and pieces overtime. When building a house, an architect creates blueprints for the whole house, whichthe contractors then build. However, many programmers who are new to game pro-gramming build one part of the “house” from a tutorial, and add each “room” pieceby piece as they learn. It’s no surprise when the end result is bad.
Figure 2-1 shows the structure of a game engine that works well for most games. Byunderstanding all of the parts of a game engine and how they work together, we candesign the whole game at the start, and build our application the “Right Way.” In thefollowing sections, we’ll cover each part of Figure 2-1:

  • Application framework
  • Game state manager
  • Graphics engine


  • 应用程序框架
  • 游戏状态管理器
  • 图像引擎

2.1 Application Framework 应用框架

The application framework consists of code necessary to get an application started,including creating an instance of the application and initializing the rest of the subsys-tems. Our code first creates a Framework class when our application starts and, in turn,will be in charge of creating and destroying the state machine, graphics engine, and audio engine. If our game is complex enough to require a physics engine, the frameworkwill manage that as well.
The framework should take care of the peculiarities of the platform we are working on,including handling any system events (such as Shut Down or Sleep), and managing theloading and unloading of resources so that the rest of the code can focus only on the game.

Main Loop 主循环

The framework will provide the main loop that is the driving force behind any inter-active program; on each iteration of the loop, the program will check for and handle incoming events, run updates on the game logic, and draw to the screen as necessary (see Figure 2-2).

Figure 2-2. Main loop sequence图2-2 主循环序列
Exactly how the main loop is implemented depends on the system you are using. For a basic console application, it could be as simple as a while loop that calls each function:

while( !finished ) {

Notice the sleep function here. It puts the code to sleep for some small period each loop so that it does not form a solid loop that would constantly suck up all of the time on the CPU.
Some systems don’t want user code to write loops like that at all; instead, they use a callback system that forces the programmer to release the CPU regularly. This way, when the application starts, the programmer registers some functions to be called back during each loop:

void main(void) {
    OS_register_event_handler( myEventHandler );
    OS_register_update_function( myUpdate );
    OS_register_render_function( myRender );

Once the program starts, those functions are called periodically, as needed. The iPhone is closest to this last example, which you will see in the next chapter and in the examples provided with the iPhone SDK.
一旦程序执行后,根据必要情况,那些函数会间隔性的被调用。IPHONE是最接近后面这个例子。你可以在下一章和IPHONE SDK中看到它。

Legacy C and C++ Code
If you have a C/C++ code base you want to port to the iPhone, or want to keep the option of reusable code from an iPhone application on other platforms such as Win-dows Mobile or Android, Objective-C presents a challenge to porting. The good news is that you can write C++ code that runs directly on the iPhone. However, you will have to write Objective-C to use certain portions of the iPhone SDK. The framework is the perfect place to wrap those interfaces in C++ classes so that the rest of your code can be written in pure C++.
If you or your company is dedicated to launching cross-platform titles, we strongly suggest developing engines with similar features and interfaces on each of the platforms.
After you isolate your game-specific code this way, it is an easy task to copy code from one project to another and make minor adjustments to get it up and running. With a little care, this technique even works when switching between C++ and Java!

2.2 Game State Manager游戏状态管理器

A serious video game offers more than just a theater of action holding the game: it has a Main menu that allows the player to set options and start a new game or continue a previous one; a Credits screen that shows the names of all the hardworking people who helped make the game; and if your game doesn’t come with a user manual, perhaps a Help section that gives the player a clue about what he’s supposed to be doing.
Each of these is a game state and represents a separate part of the application code. For instance, the functions and navigation invoked by a player in the Main menu are quite different from those invoked by a player in the Credits screen, so the program logic is a lot different, too. Specifically, in the Main menu, you will likely be drawing a title image and some kind of menu, and listening for player input to select one of the menu options. When you are in the Credits screen, you will be drawing the names of all the people who worked on the game, while listening for player input that will cause your current game state to change from the Credits screen back to the Main menu. And finally, in the Game Play state, you will be rendering the actual game and listening for the player’s input to interact with the game logic.
Each of these game states is responsible for handling player input, rendering to the screen, and providing any application logic that is specific to that state. You might recognize these tasks from our earlier discussion about the main loop, and that’s because they are exactly the same tasks. However, each state implements them in its own way, which is why we have to keep them separate. You don’t want to have to search through the Main menu code to make a change to the Game Play event handler.

State Machine状态机

The Game State Manager is a state machine, which means it keeps track of the current game state. When the application starts, the state machine creates the basic state information. It goes on to create information required by each state and to destroy temporary information when the application leaves a state.
A large number of different objects have state that is maintained by the state machine. One obvious state is the screen the player is on (Main menu, Game Theater, etc.). But if you have an enemy artificial intelligence (AI) agent on the screen that can be in a “sleeping,” “attacking,” or “dead” state, a state machine can be used to keep track of those states as well.
What is the right architecture for a Game State Manager? Let’s take a look at some state machines and decide which design pattern best fits our needs.
There are many ways to implement a state machine, the most basic of which is a simple switch statement:

class StateManager {
    void main_loop() {
        switch(myState) {
        case STATE_01:
        case STATE_02:
        case STATE_03:

All that is necessary to switch states is to change the value of the myState variable and return to the start of the loop. However, as you can see, the more states we add, the larger that code block gets. Furthermore, we typically have entire blocks of tasks we need to perform predictably when entering or leaving a state: initialize state-specific variables, load new resources (such as images), and deallocate resources used by the previous state. In a simple switch statement, we’d have to add that block to each case and make sure not to forget a step.
This is fine for simple tasks, but something as complex as our Game State Manager needs a better solution. The next best way to implement a state machine is to use function pointers:

class StateManager {
    //the function pointer:
    void (*m_stateHandleEventFPTR) (void);
    void (*m_stateUpdateFPTR)(void);
    void (*m_stateRenderFPTR)(void);
    void main_loop() {
    void change_state(  void (*newHandleEventFPTR)(void),
                    void (*newUpdateFPTR)(void),
                    void (*newRenderFPTR)(void)
    ) {
        m_stateHandleEventFPTR = newHandleEventFPTR;
        m_stateUpdateFPTR = newUpdateFPTR;
        m_stateRenderFPTR = newRenderFPTR

Now the main loop is very small and simple, even if we handle many game states. However, this solution still does not help us initialize and deallocate states. Because each game state has not only code but also unique resources, it is appropriate to think of game states as attributes of an object. So, next we will look at an object-oriented programming (OOP) approach.
We start by creating a class to represent our game states:

class GameState
    GameState();        //constructor
    virtual ~GameState();    //destructor
    virtual void Handle_Event();
    virtual void Update();
    virtual void Render();

Next, we change our state manager to use that class:

class StateManager {
    GameState* m_state;
    void main_loop() {
    void change_state( GameState* newState ) {
        delete m_state;
        m_state = newState;

Finally, we create a specific instance of our game state:

class State_MainMenu : public GameState
    int m_currMenuOption;
    void Handle_Event();
    void Update();
    void Render();

When it is represented by a class, each game state can store its unique variables inside that class. It can also allocate any resources it needs in its constructor and deallocate them in its destructor.
Furthermore, this system keeps our code nicely organized because we have to put the code for each state in separate files. If you are looking for the Main menu code, all you have to do is open the State_MainMenu class and there it is. And the OOP solution makes this code easy to reuse.
This seems to best fit our needs, so we will use the OOP solution for our Game State Manager.

The Next Level: Concurrent Access
Another, more complicated, approach to the Game State Manager would be a kernel or scheduler. Very complex game engines, such as the ones found in current-generation PC and console platforms, use these to organize multiple tasks that run simultaneously, such as disk access, physics, and graphics routines.
Concurrent processes take advantage of the delays in completing tasks on each CPU,so while one portion of the game is waiting on something such as hard drive access and another part is waiting on the graphics card, you can still use the CPU to calculate physics simulations. This idea is also well suited for hardware with multiple CPU cores.
However, concurrent access isn’t very useful for games on the iPhone. First of all, most game designs are limited by the graphics and input provided by the platform, and therefore they demand far fewer resources and calculations than console games. Fur-thermore, there is less to be gained from multithreaded processes on the iPhone because filesystem access is much faster due to the hard drive being much smaller in capacity and responding to only one application at a time.
But the iPhone is still a new platform, and developers have yet to tap into its capabilities to the fullest. Just keep in mind that game code should solve the problem put forth by game design. Don’t get carried away if it doesn’t help you implement the game.

