//! tracker
tracking_module* tracker_ = nullptr;
//! mapping module
mapping_module* mapper_ = nullptr;
//! mapping thread
std::unique_ptr<std::thread> mapping_thread_ = nullptr;
//! global optimization module
global_optimization_module* global_optimizer_ = nullptr;
//! global optimization thread
std::unique_ptr<std::thread> global_optimization_thread_ = nullptr;
//! mutex for flags of enable/disable mapping module
mutable std::mutex mtx_mapping_;
//! mutex for flags of enable/disable loop detector
mutable std::mutex mtx_loop_detector_;
2)包含全局数据的map_database,相机类型的camera_database以及用于匹配的bag of words对应的数据结构:
// (1) camera 数据结构包括:相机类型base,以及所有图像对应的相机类型camera_database
//! camera model
camera::base* camera_ = nullptr;
//! camera database
data::camera_database* cam_db_ = nullptr;
// (2) map 数据结构包括:全局三维点云信息,关键帧信息以及局部三维点和局部关键帧等信息
//! map database
data::map_database* map_db_ = nullptr;
// (3) BOW 数据结构包括:bow_vocabulary词袋以及bow_database
//! BoW vocabulary
data::bow_vocabulary* bow_vocab_ = nullptr;
//! BoW database
data::bow_database* bow_db_ = nullptr;
3)system自身的一些flag:状态flag, 重置flag, 出错flag
//! system running status flag
std::atomic<bool> system_is_running_{false};
//! mutex for reset flag
mutable std::mutex mtx_reset_;
//! reset flag
bool reset_is_requested_ = false;
//! mutex for terminate flag
mutable std::mutex mtx_terminate_;
//! terminate flag
bool terminate_is_requested_ = false;
4)显示用的数据结构:显示数据帧frame, 显示三维信息map
//! frame publisher
std::shared_ptr<publish::frame_publisher> frame_publisher_ = nullptr;
//! map publisher
std::shared_ptr<publish::map_publisher> map_publisher_ = nullptr;
1)构造与析构,开始和终止:通过传入的控制参数去构造slam 系统,析构释放内存,开始当前系统,结束当前系统
//! Constructor
system(const std::shared_ptr<config>& cfg, const std::string& vocab_file_path);
//! Destructor
// system startup and shutdown
//! Startup the SLAM system
void startup(const bool need_initialize = true);
//! Shutdown the SLAM system
void shutdown();
// module management
//! Enable the mapping module
void enable_mapping_module();
//! Disable the mapping module
void disable_mapping_module();
//! The mapping module is enabled or not
bool mapping_module_is_enabled() const;
//! Enable the loop detector
void enable_loop_detector();
//! Disable the loop detector
void disable_loop_detector();
//! The loop detector is enabled or not
bool loop_detector_is_enabled() const;
//! Loop BA is running or not
bool loop_BA_is_running() const;
//! Abort the loop BA externally
void abort_loop_BA();
// management for pause
//! Pause the tracking module
void pause_tracker();
//! The tracking module is paused or not
bool tracker_is_paused() const;
//! Resume the tracking module
void resume_tracker();
// management for reset
//! Request to reset the system
void request_reset();
//! Reset of the system is requested or not
bool reset_is_requested() const;
// management for terminate
//! Request to terminate the system
void request_terminate();
//!! Termination of the system is requested or not
bool terminate_is_requested() const;
//! Check reset request of the system
void check_reset_request();
//! Pause the mapping module and the global optimization module
void pause_other_threads() const;
//! Resume the mapping module and the global optimization module
void resume_other_threads() const;
// data I/O
//! Save the frame trajectory in the specified format
void save_frame_trajectory(const std::string& path, const std::string& format) const;
//! Save the keyframe trajectory in the specified format
void save_keyframe_trajectory(const std::string& path, const std::string& format) const;
//! Load the map database from the MessagePack file
void load_map_database(const std::string& path) const;
//! Save the map database to the MessagePack file
void save_map_database(const std::string& path) const;
//! Get the map publisher
const std::shared_ptr<publish::map_publisher> get_map_publisher() const;
//! Get the frame publisher
const std::shared_ptr<publish::frame_publisher> get_frame_publisher() const;
// data feeding methods
//! Feed a monocular frame to SLAM system
//! (NOTE: distorted images are acceptable if calibrated)
Mat44_t feed_monocular_frame(const cv::Mat& img, const double timestamp, const cv::Mat& mask = cv::Mat{});
//! Feed a stereo frame to SLAM system
//! (Note: Left and Right images must be stereo-rectified)
Mat44_t feed_stereo_frame(const cv::Mat& left_img, const cv::Mat& right_img, const double timestamp, const cv::Mat& mask = cv::Mat{});
//! Feed an RGBD frame to SLAM system
//! (Note: RGB and Depth images must be aligned)
Mat44_t feed_RGBD_frame(const cv::Mat& rgb_img, const cv::Mat& depthmap, const double timestamp, const cv::Mat& mask = cv::Mat{});