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开发语言 Python
所属分类 神经网络/人工智能、 机器学习/深度学习
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 松高歌
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

TensorFlow Examples

This tutorial was designed for easily diving into TensorFlow, through examples. For readability, it includes both notebooks and source codes with explanation, for both TF v1 & v2.

It is suitable for beginners who want to find clear and concise examples about TensorFlow. Besides the traditional 'raw' TensorFlow implementations, you can also find the latest TensorFlow API practices (such as layers, estimator, dataset, ...).

Update (05/16/2020): Moving all default examples to TF2. For TF v1 examples: check here.

Tutorial index

0 - Prerequisite

1 - Introduction

  • Hello World (notebook). Very simple example to learn how to print "hello world" using TensorFlow 2.0+.
  • Basic Operations (notebook). A simple example that cover TensorFlow 2.0+ basic operations.

2 - Basic Models

  • Linear Regression (notebook). Implement a Linear Regression with TensorFlow 2.0+.
  • Logistic Regression (notebook). Implement a Logistic Regression with TensorFlow 2.0+.
  • Word2Vec (Word Embedding) (notebook). Build a Word Embedding Model (Word2Vec) from Wikipedia data, with TensorFlow 2.0+.
  • GBDT (Gradient Boosted Decision Trees) (notebooks). Implement a Gradient Boosted Decision Trees with TensorFlow 2.0+ to predict house value using Boston Housing dataset.

3 - Neural Networks

  • Simple Neural Network (notebook). Use TensorFlow 2.0 'layers' and 'model' API to build a simple neural network to classify MNIST digits dataset.
  • Simple Neural Network (low-level) (notebook). Raw implementation of a simple neural network to classify MNIST digits dataset.
  • Convolutional Neural Network (notebook). Use TensorFlow 2.0+ 'layers' and 'model' API to build a convolutional neural network to classify MNIST digits dataset.
  • Convolutional Neural Network (low-level) (notebook). Raw implementation of a convolutional neural network to classify MNIST digits dataset.
  • Recurrent Neural Network (LSTM) (notebook). Build a recurrent neural network (LSTM) to classify MNIST digits dataset, using TensorFlow 2.0 'layers' and 'model' API.
  • Bi-directional Recurrent Neural Network (LSTM) (notebook). Build a bi-directional recurrent neural network (LSTM) to classify MNIST digits dataset, using TensorFlow 2.0+ 'layers' and 'model' API.
  • Dynamic Recurrent Neural Network (LSTM) (notebook). Build a recurrent neural network (LSTM) that performs dynamic calculation to classify sequences of variable length, using TensorFlow 2.0+ 'layers' and 'model' API.
  • Auto-Encoder (notebook). Build an auto-encoder to encode an image to a lower dimension and re-construct it.
  • DCGAN (Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks) (notebook). Build a Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Network (DCGAN) to generate images from noise.

4 - Utilities

  • Save and Restore a model (notebook). Save and Restore a model with TensorFlow 2.0+.
  • Build Custom Layers & Modules (notebook). Learn how to build your own layers / modules and integrate them into TensorFlow 2.0+ Models.
  • Tensorboard (notebook). Track and visualize neural network computation graph, metrics, weights and more using TensorFlow 2.0+ tensorboard.

5 - Data Management

  • Load and Parse data (notebook). Build efficient data pipeline with TensorFlow 2.0 (Numpy arrays, Images, CSV files, custom data, ...).
  • Build and Load TFRecords (notebook). Convert data into TFRecords format, and load them with TensorFlow 2.0+.
  • Image Transformation (i.e. Image Augmentation) (notebook). Apply various image augmentation techniques with TensorFlow 2.0+, to generate distorted images for training.

6 - Hardware

  • Multi-GPU Training (notebook). Train a convolutional neural network with multiple GPUs on CIFAR-10 dataset.

TensorFlow v1

The tutorial index for TF v1 is available here: TensorFlow v1.15 Examples. Or see below for a list of the examples.


Some examples require MNIST dataset for training and testing. Don't worry, this dataset will automatically be downloaded when running examples.MNIST is a database of handwritten digits, for a quick description of that dataset, you can check this notebook.

Official Website: http://yann.lecun.com/exdb/mnist/.


To download all the examples, simply clone this repository:

git clone https://github.com/aymericdamien/TensorFlow-Examples

To run them, you also need the latest version of TensorFlow. To install it:

pip install tensorflow

or (with GPU support):

pip install tensorflow_gpu

For more details about TensorFlow installation, you can check TensorFlow Installation Guide

TensorFlow v1 Examples - Index

The tutorial index for TF v1 is available here: TensorFlow v1.15 Examples.

0 - Prerequisite

1 - Introduction

  • Hello World (notebook) (code). Very simple example to learn how to print "hello world" using TensorFlow.
  • Basic Operations (notebook) (code). A simple example that cover TensorFlow basic operations.
  • TensorFlow Eager API basics (notebook) (code). Get started with TensorFlow's Eager API.

2 - Basic Models

  • Linear Regression (notebook) (code). Implement a Linear Regression with TensorFlow.
  • Linear Regression (eager api) (notebook) (code). Implement a Linear Regression using TensorFlow's Eager API.
  • Logistic Regression (notebook) (code). Implement a Logistic Regression with TensorFlow.
  • Logistic Regression (eager api) (notebook) (code). Implement a Logistic Regression using TensorFlow's Eager API.
  • Nearest Neighbor (notebook) (code). Implement Nearest Neighbor algorithm with TensorFlow.
  • K-Means (notebook) (code). Build a K-Means classifier with TensorFlow.
  • Random Forest (notebook) (code). Build a Random Forest classifier with TensorFlow.
  • Gradient Boosted Decision Tree (GBDT) (notebook) (code). Build a Gradient Boosted Decision Tree (GBDT) with TensorFlow.
  • Word2Vec (Word Embedding) (notebook) (code). Build a Word Embedding Model (Word2Vec) from Wikipedia data, with TensorFlow.

3 - Neural Networks

  • Simple Neural Network (notebook) (code). Build a simple neural network (a.k.a Multi-layer Perceptron) to classify MNIST digits dataset. Raw TensorFlow implementation.
  • Simple Neural Network (tf.layers/estimator api) (notebook) (code). Use TensorFlow 'layers' and 'estimator' API to build a simple neural network (a.k.a Multi-layer Perceptron) to classify MNIST digits dataset.
  • Simple Neural Network (eager api) (notebook) (code). Use TensorFlow Eager API to build a simple neural network (a.k.a Multi-layer Perceptron) to classify MNIST digits dataset.
  • Convolutional Neural Network (notebook) (code). Build a convolutional neural network to classify MNIST digits dataset. Raw TensorFlow implementation.
  • Convolutional Neural Network (tf.layers/estimator api) (notebook) (code). Use TensorFlow 'layers' and 'estimator' API to build a convolutional neural network to classify MNIST digits dataset.
  • Recurrent Neural Network (LSTM) (notebook) (code). Build a recurrent neural network (LSTM) to classify MNIST digits dataset.
  • Bi-directional Recurrent Neural Network (LSTM) (notebook) (code). Build a bi-directional recurrent neural network (LSTM) to classify MNIST digits dataset.
  • Dynamic Recurrent Neural Network (LSTM) (notebook) (code). Build a recurrent neural network (LSTM) that performs dynamic calculation to classify sequences of different length.
  • Auto-Encoder (notebook) (code). Build an auto-encoder to encode an image to a lower dimension and re-construct it.
  • Variational Auto-Encoder (notebook) (code). Build a variational auto-encoder (VAE), to encode and generate images from noise.
  • GAN (Generative Adversarial Networks) (notebook) (code). Build a Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) to generate images from noise.
  • DCGAN (Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks) (notebook) (code). Build a Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Network (DCGAN) to generate images from noise.

4 - Utilities

  • Save and Restore a model (notebook) (code). Save and Restore a model with TensorFlow.
  • Tensorboard - Graph and loss visualization (notebook) (code). Use Tensorboard to visualize the computation Graph and plot the loss.
  • Tensorboard - Advanced visualization (notebook) (code). Going deeper into Tensorboard; visualize the variables, gradients, and more...

5 - Data Management

  • Build an image dataset (notebook) (code). Build your own images dataset with TensorFlow data queues, from image folders or a dataset file.
  • TensorFlow Dataset API (notebook) (code). Introducing TensorFlow Dataset API for optimizing the input data pipeline.
  • Load and Parse data (notebook). Build efficient data pipeline (Numpy arrays, Images, CSV files, custom data, ...).
  • Build and Load TFRecords (notebook). Convert data into TFRecords format, and load them.
  • Image Transformation (i.e. Image Augmentation) (notebook). Apply various image augmentation techniques, to generate distorted images for training.

6 - Multi GPU

  • Basic Operations on multi-GPU (notebook) (code). A simple example to introduce multi-GPU in TensorFlow.
  • Train a Neural Network on multi-GPU (notebook) (code). A clear and simple TensorFlow implementation to train a convolutional neural network on multiple GPUs.

More Examples

The following examples are coming from TFLearn, a library that provides a simplified interface for TensorFlow. You can have a look, there are many examples and pre-built operations and layers.


  • TFLearn Quickstart. Learn the basics of TFLearn through a concrete machine learning task. Build and train a deep neural network classifier.


  • TensorFlow-Examples TensorFlow Tutorial and Examples for Beginners (TF v1 & v2) https://github.com/aymericdamien/TensorFlow-Examples https://github.com/aymericdamien/TensorFlow-Examples/tree/0.11  

  • mnist之于机器学习,便如同hello world之于程序语言。 code 本文主要是代码汇总,不涉及具体理论。 主要内容如下: 1)线性回归 2)logistic回归 3)人工神经网络 4)cnn 5)双端lstm 6)模型的保存和加载 7)其他 word2vec https://github.com/fangpin/daily_programs/blob/master/python/tens

  • TensorFlow-Slim在MNIST数据集上实现LeNet-5模型 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Mon Jul 9 22:00:18 2018 @author: muli """ import tensorflow as tf import tensorflow.contrib.slim as slim from tensorflow

  • 学习tensorflow首先拿到的资料是google 的官方文档,极客学院翻译版。 链接:tensorflow官方文档-极客学院翻译版 可以下载pdf,也可以在线看。 在第一个问题MNIST上就遇到了问题。 原先文档上的 import input_data 已更新为 from tensorflow.examples.tutorials.mnist import input_data 这样运行时,是

  • Introduction TensorFlow™ is an open source software library for numerical computation using data flow graphs. Nodes in the graph represent mathematical operations, while the graph edges represent the

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  • TF install install cuda cuda 有很多版本,要仔细看清自己需要什么样的版本: TF cuda 版本对照 error import tensorflow出现:ImportError: libcublas.so.9.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory 尝试使用下面方法解决: 在 PATH中

  • TensorFlow 是一个端到端开源机器学习平台。它拥有一个全面而灵活的生态系统,其中包含各种工具、库和社区资源,可助力研究人员推动先进机器学习技术的发展,并使开发者能够轻松地构建和部署由机器学习提供支持的应用。 轻松地构建模型 TensorFlow 提供多个抽象级别,因此您可以根据自己的需求选择合适的级别。您可以使用高阶 Keras API 构建和训练模型,该 API 让您能够轻松地开始使用

  • Keras是紧凑,易于学习的高级Python库,运行在TensorFlow框架之上。它的重点是理解深度学习技术,例如为神经网络创建维护形状和数学细节概念的层。freamework的创建可以是以下两种类型 - 顺序API 功能API 在Keras中创建深度学习模型有以下 8 个步骤 - 加载数据 预处理加载的数据 模型的定义 编译模型 指定模型 评估模型 进行必要的预测 保存模型 下面将使用Jupy

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