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开发语言 Python
所属分类 神经网络/人工智能
软件类型 开源软件
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操作系统 跨平台
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Guide for Reproducible Research and Data Science in Jupyter Notebooks

This guide is a community-resource of crowdsourced guidelines and tutorials for reproducible research in Jupyter Notebooks. This resource is a companion to the high-level guide TenRulesJupyter and paper Ten Simple Rules for Reproducible Research in Jupyter Notebook to keep up with the rapidly evolving Jupyter project and to provide in-depth tutorials and examples.

How to Contribute

  • Add specific chapters to this guide, e.g. Deploy your notebooks
  • Flesh out or update materials
  • Explain details with code snippets or figures
  • Demonstrate guidelines through example notebooks
  • Organize content
  • Setup this repo as a Jupyter Book
  • See Open Source Guides for some inspiration
  • Anything else to strengthen the community of Jupyter Notebooks users

For suggestions please open an issue. To contribute, fork this repository and send pull-requests.

Guides and Tutorials


Cookiecutters are project templates to create skeleton repositories for Python and other languages. Here are a couple of examples you may find useful.

Related Resources

A Practical Introduction to Reproducible Computational Workflows

Putting the science back in data science

Reproducible research best practices @JupyterCon

Data Carpentry - Reproducible Research using Jupyter Notebooks

Reproducible Data Analysis in Jupyter

Reproducible Computational Research

Education Technology - Jupyter and Reproducibility

Reproducible Computational Research

On Writing Reproducible and Interactive Papers

Software Development Best Practices for Computational Chemistry

JupyterCon 2018: Challenges and Guidelines for Reproducible Research and Interactive Education with Jupyter Notebook

Reproducible Data Science Workflows using Docker Container

Further Reading

  • Ten simple rules for writing and sharing computational analyses in Jupyter Notebooks. Rule A, Birmingham A, Zuniga C, Altintas I, Huang SC, Knight R, Moshiri N, Nguyen MH, Rosenthal SB, Pérez F, Rose PW. PLoS Comput Biol. 2019 Jul 25;15(7):e1007007. doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1007007.
  • Jupyter Notebooks – a publishing format for reproducible computational workflows (2016) Jupyter Dev. Team, IOS Press, doi: 10.3233/978-1-61499-649-1-87.
  • Exploration and Explanation in Computational Notebooks, A. Rule, et al. (2018) Proc. of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, ACM, doi: 10.1145/3173574.3173606.
  • Enabling Reproducible NGS Analysis Through Automated Jupyter Pipelines, A. Birmingham (2017) presentation
  • Binder 2.0 - Reproducible, interactive, sharable environments for science at scale, Project Jupyter, et al. (2018) Proc. of the 17th Python in Science Conf. (SCIPY 2018).
  • 网上配置远程notebook的方案很多,但是似乎好多都是直接访问remote server的端口 不过,有趣的是,我发现我直接ping不通我的remote server,只能采用ssh来传输的方案 Install Jupyter Notebook conda install -c conda-forge notebook Generate the PassWD 参考知乎上的回答即可https:/

  • Guide¶ The ArcGIS API for Python is a powerful, modern and easy to use Pythonic library to perform GIS visualization and analysis, spatial data management and GIS system administration tasks that can

  • Jupyter notebook is formerly known as IPython notebook, it is a tool that helps you create readable analyses. Jupyter works with python kernel by default, but it also supports many other kernels. Keyb

  • Beyond Jupyter Notebooks �� All material from the PyCon.DE 2018 Talk "Beyond Jupyter Notebooks - Building your own data science platform with Python & Docker" Resources of the presentation Video of th

  • OCaml Jupyter An OCaml kernel for Jupyter notebook. This provides an OCaml REPL with a great user interface such as markdown/HTML documentation, LaTeX formula by MathJax, and image embedding. Getting

  • mkdocs-jupyter: Use Jupyter Notebooks in mkdocs Add Jupyter Notebooks directly to the mkdocs navigation Support for multiple formats: .ipynb and .py files (using jupytext) Same style as regular Jupyte

  • A plugin for JupyterLab that lets you set up and use as many filebrowsers as you like, connected to whatever local and/or remote filesystem-like resources you want. The backend is built on top of PyFi

  • Jupyter DataTables Jupyter Notebook extension to leverage pandas DataFrames by integrating DataTables JS. About Data scientists and in fact many developers work with pd.DataFrame on daily basis to int