
授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 Java
所属分类 手机/移动开发、 Android UI 组件
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 常坚
操作系统 Android
适用人群 未知


Quickly build beautiful React apps. MUI is a simple and customizable component library to build faster, beautiful, and more accessible React applications. Follow your own design system, or start with Material Design.



MUI is available as an npm package.

Stable channel v5

// with npm
npm install @mui/material @emotion/react @emotion/styled

// with yarn
yarn add @mui/material @emotion/react @emotion/styled
Older versions

Please note that @next will only point to pre-releases; to get the latest stable release use @latest instead.

Who sponsors MUI?

Diamond ��

octopus doit-intl aptugo

Diamond Sponsors are those who have pledged $1,500/month or more to MUI.

Gold ��

via Patreon

tidelift bitsrc Next gen digital product studio.

via OpenCollective

call-em-all hoodiebees Screen recorder for Mac


Gold Sponsors are those who have pledged $500/month or more to MUI.

There is more!

See the full list of our backers.


Here is a quick example to get you started, it's all you need:

import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import Button from '@mui/material/Button';

function App() {
  return (
    <Button variant="contained" color="primary">
      Hello World

ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.querySelector('#app'));

Yes, it's really all you need to get started as you can see in this live and interactive demo:


For how-to questions and other non-issues,please use StackOverflow instead of GitHub issues.There is a StackOverflow tag called "material-ui" that you can use to tag your questions.


Are you looking for an example project to get started?We host some.


Check out our documentation website.

Premium Themes

You can find complete templates & themes in the MUI store.


Read the contributing guide to learn about our development process, how to propose bugfixes and improvements, and how to build and test your changes to MUI.

Notice that contributions go far beyond pull requests and commits.Although we love giving you the opportunity to put your stamp on MUI, we also are thrilled to receive a variety of other contributions.


If you have recently updated, please read the changelog for details of what has changed.


The future plans and high priority features and enhancements can be found in the roadmap file.


This project is licensed under the terms of theMIT license.

Sponsoring services

These great services sponsor MUI's core infrastructure:


GitHub allows us to host the Git repository and coordinate contributions.

Netlify allows us to distribute the documentation.


CrowdIn allows us to translate the documentation.


BrowserStack allows us to test in real browsers.


CodeCov allows us to monitor the test coverage.

  • Material UI 是一套实现了 Google 的 Material Design 全新设计语言的 CSS 框架。Material UI 提供了 npm 包的形式,使用示例: /** * @jsx React.DOM*/var React = require('react'),  mui = require('material-ui'),  PaperButton = mui.PaperBut

  • Material Design for AngularJS Apps Material Design is a specification for aunified system of visual, motion, and interaction design that adapts across different devices. Ourgoal is to deliver a lean,

  • Nativescript Material Components Build beautiful, usable products using Material Components for NativeScript. Installation Android Ensure your Android Theme is inheriting from MaterialComponents.Insid

  • 材料拥有确定不变的特性和固定的行为。了解这些特性将有助于你在一定程度上熟悉材料,这与 Material Design 的构想是一致的。 物理特性 材料具有变化的长宽尺寸(以 dp 为计)和均匀的厚度(1dp)。 (上图)可取 材料的高度和宽度是可变的。 (上图)不可取 材料总是 1dp 厚。 材料会形成阴影。 阴影是由于材料元件之间的相对高度(Z 轴位置)而自然产生的。 (上图)可取 阴影描述材料

  • Material ScrollTop 是轻量级的回到页面顶部按钮,特点: 轻量级 Material Design inspired 涟漪效应 平滑的动态效果 定制化   一些实用的选项 CSS3 (Sass) + jQuery