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Firefly III: a personal finances manager
授权协议 AGPL-3.0 License
开发语言 Java
所属分类 云计算
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 周马鲁
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

Firefly III

Firefly III

A free and open source personal finance manager
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About Firefly III

Firefly III on iMac

"Firefly III" is a (self-hosted) manager for your personal finances. It can help you keep track of your expenses and income, so you can spend less and save more. Firefly III supports the use of budgets, categories and tags. Using a bunch of external tools, you can import data. It also has many neat financial reports available.

Firefly III should give you insight into and control over your finances. Money should be useful, not scary. You should be able to see where it is going, to feel your expenses and to... wow, I'm going overboard with this aren't I?

But you get the idea: this is your money. These are your expenses. Stop them from controlling you. I built this tool because I started to dislike money. Having money, not having money, paying bills with money, you get the idea. But no more. I want to feel "safe", whatever my balance is. And I hope this tool can help you. I know it helps me.


Firefly III on iPad

Personal financial management is pretty difficult, and everybody has their own approach to it. Some people make budgets, other people limit their cashflow by throwing away their credit cards, others try to increase their current cashflow. There are tons of ways to save and earn money. Firefly III works on the principle that if you know where your money is going, you can stop it from going there.

By keeping track of your expenses and your income you can budget accordingly and save money. Stop living from paycheck to paycheck but give yourself the financial wiggle room you need.

You can read more about the purpose of Firefly III in the documentation.

Need help?

If you need support using Firefly III or the associated tools, come find us!


Firefly III is pretty feature packed. Some important stuff first:

  • It is completely self-hosted and isolated, and will never contact external servers until you explicitly tell it to.
  • It features a REST JSON API that covers almost every part of Firefly III.

The most exciting features are:

Then the things that make you go "yeah OK, makes sense".

And the things you would hope for but not expect:

And to organise everything:

  • Clear views that should show you how you're doing.
  • Easy navigation through your records.
  • Lots of charts because we all love them.

Many more features are listed in the documentation.

Who's it for?

Firefly III on iPhone

This application is for people who want to track their finances, keep an eye on their money without having to upload their financial records to the cloud. You're a bit tech-savvy, you like open source software and you don't mind tinkering with (self-hosted) servers.

The Firefly III eco-system

Several users have built pretty awesome stuff around the Firefly III API. Check out these tools in the documentation.

Getting Started

There are many ways to run Firefly III

  1. There is a demo site with an example financial administration already present.
  2. You can install it on your server.
  3. You can run it using Docker.
  4. You can install it using Softaculous.
  5. You can install it using AMPPS.
  6. You can install it on Cloudron.
  7. You can install it on Lando.
  8. You can install it on Yunohost


Your help is always welcome! Feel free to open issues, ask questions, talk about it and discuss this tool. You can use the community forum over at reddit or interact on Twitter.

Of course, there are some contributing guidelines and a code of conduct, which I invite you to check out.

I can always use your help squashing bugs, thinking about new features or translating Firefly III into other languages.

Sonarcloud scans the code of Firefly III. If you want to help improve Firefly III, check out the latest reports and take your pick!

There is also a security policy.

Support the development of Firefly III

If you like Firefly III and if it helps you save lots of money, why not send me a dime for every dollar saved! ��

OK that was a joke. If you feel Firefly III made your life better, consider contributing as a sponsor. Please check out my Patreon and GitHub Sponsors page for more information. Thank you for considering donating to Firefly III!


This work is licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License v3.


You can contact me at james@firefly-iii.org, you may open an issue or contact me through the support channels:


Over time, many people have contributed to Firefly III. I'm grateful for their your support and code contributions.

The Firefly III logo is made by the excellent Cherie Woo.

  • 环境:Ubuntu16.04 固件包:firefly-sdk-20200629.7z 根文件系统:Ubuntu 首先说明一下情况,当firefly-rk3288开发板到手之后很长一段时间都在使用韦东山老师的SDK进行学习和实验(具体可以去韦东山的wiki查看相关资料http://wiki.100ask.org/100ask_firefly-rk3288),魏老师的教程还是比较全面的,只是在挂载NF

  • 文章来源:http://wiki.t-firefly.com/zh_CN/Firefly-RK3288/linux_compile_gpt.html 介绍 Ubuntu 固件的编译流程,推荐在 Ubuntu 16.04 系统环境下进行开发,若使用其它系统版本,可能需要对编译环境做相应调整。 准备工作 下载 Firefly_Linux_SDK Firefly_Linux_SDK 源码包比较大,可以通

  • 转载:https://blog.csdn.net/kenjianqi1647/article/details/88726391   官方教程:http://wiki.t-firefly.com/zh_CN/Firefly-RK3288/linux_compile.html 一、软件要求:编译环境初始化 1、Ubuntu 16.04 软件包安装 sudo apt-get install git gc

  • Firefly是免费、开源、稳定、快速扩展、能 “热更新”的分布式游戏服务器端框架,采用Python编写,基于Twisted框架开发。它包括了开发框架和数据库缓存服务等各种游戏服务器基础服务,节省大量游戏开发的工作时间,真正做到让使用者把精力放在游戏玩法逻辑上。用它可以搭建自定义的分布式架构,只需要修改相应的配置文件即可。 优势特性 采用单线程多进程架构,支持自定义的分布式架构; 方便的服务器扩展

  • 什么是Firefly? Firefly是一个Java异步Web框架,它能帮助您方便和快速的创建web应用。其主要功能包括:异步HTTP服务器/客户端,异步TCP服务器/客户端,数据库访问,IOC框架等。部署Firefly不需要任何额外的web容器。Firefly使用高度可伸缩的SEDA架构能充分发挥硬件的性能。 事件驱动 传统的阻塞模型会消耗大量的线程,从而导致占用的大量内存和上下文切换开销。Fi