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开发语言 C/C++
所属分类 云计算
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 曹鹏海
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知


Dow Jones Hammer is a multi-account cloud security tool for AWS. It identifies misconfigurations and insecure data exposures within most popular AWS resources, across all regions and accounts. It has near real-time reporting capabilities (e.g. JIRA, Slack) to provide quick feedback to engineers and can perform auto-remediation of some misconfigurations. This helps to protect products deployed on cloud by creating secure guardrails.


Dow Jones Hammer documentation is available via GitHub Pages at https://dowjones.github.io/hammer/.

Security features


  • Python 3.6
  • AWS (Lambda, Dynamodb, EC2, SNS, CloudWatch, CloudFormation)
  • Terraform
  • JIRA
  • Slack


You are welcome to contribute!


You can use GitHub Issues to report issues.Describe what is going on wrong and what you expect to be correct behaviour.


We currently use dev branch for ongoing development. Please openPRs to this branch.

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Contact Us

Feel free to create issue report, pull request or just email us at hammer@dowjones.com with any other questions or concerns you have.

  • hammer.js可以实现移动端的多种触摸效果。详细可以点击http://www.cnblogs.com/iamlilinfeng/p/4239957.html 不过发现hammer.js实现功能时,只能是原生js,jquery代码在hammer中不起效果。 一、引入hammer.js  下载http://hammerjs.github.io/ <script type="text/javascr

  • pinchstart,pinchmove和pinchend使用 initHammer() { // PDF伸缩事件绑定的入口 const vm = this; const instHammer = new Hammer($(document).eq(0).get(0)) instHammer.get('pinch').set({ enable:

  • <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head lang="en"> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title></title> <meta name="viewport" content="user-scalable=no , width=device-width , initial-scale=1 , maximum-scale=1"> <script type="

  • Problem The Hamjet is a true marvel of aircraft engineering. It is a jet airplane with a single engine so powerful that it burns all of its fuel instantly during takeoff. The Hamjet doesn't have any w

  • 问题内容: 我是Angular.js的新手,并且阅读我知道Angular没有诸如tap,doubletap等事件。我试图与Hammer.js结合使用而没有成功。 要点代码 现在我已经添加到我的html文件中 但是,当我尝试在我的html中使用它时,它不起作用。 我尝试过 没有人可以解决这个麻烦吗? 问题答案: 快去 将Hammer.js和jquery.hammer.js添加到您的解决方案中。使用J

  • 本文向大家介绍移动端JQ插件hammer使用详解,包括了移动端JQ插件hammer使用详解的使用技巧和注意事项,需要的朋友参考一下 从pc端到移动端相信很多前端攻城师为移动端发愁,写原声的手机端事件是非常费力的, 而jq的click有300毫秒延迟,现在有了比较不错的jq插件hammer,Hammer.js是一个开源的,轻量级的javascript库,它可以在不需要依赖其他东西的情况下识别触摸,鼠

  • Hammer.js是一个轻量级的JavaScript库(仅有2kb),能让你的网站轻松实现触控事件。它依赖于jQuery,用来控制触摸设备上的多点触控特性。并支持以下特性: Tap Double Tap Hold Drag Transform Hammer.js已经在IOS5系统的iPad1,IOS5系统的iPhone,Android 2.3.3的三星Galaxy S以及Goolge Chrome

  • Hammerspoon What is Hammerspoon? This is a tool for powerful automation of OS X. At its core, Hammerspoon is just a bridge between the operating system and a Lua scripting engine. What gives Hammerspo