Sceptre is a tool to driveAWS CloudFormation. It automates themundane, repetitive and error-prone tasks, enabling you to concentrate onbuilding better infrastructure.
$ pip install sceptre
More information on installing sceptre can be found in ourInstallation Guide
View our Docker repository.Images available from version 2.0.0 onward.
To use our Docker image follow these instructions:
Pull the image docker pull cloudreach/sceptre:[SCEPTRE_VERSION_NUMBER]
e.g.docker pull cloudreach/sceptre:2.5.0
. Leave out the version number if youwish to run latest
or run docker pull cloudreach/sceptre:latest
Run the image. You will need to mount the working directory where yourproject resides to a directory called project
. You will also need to mounta volume with your AWS config to your docker container. E.g.
docker run -v $(pwd):/project -v /Users/me/.aws/:/root/.aws/:ro cloudreach/sceptre:latest --help
If you want to use a custom ENTRYPOINT simply amend the Docker command:
docker run -ti --entrypoint='' cloudreach/sceptre:latest sh
The above command will enter you into the shell of the Docker container whereyou can execute sceptre commands - useful for development.
If you have any other environment variables in your non-docker shell you willneed to pass these in on the Docker CLI using the -e
flag. See Dockerdocumentation on how to achieve this.
Sceptre organises Stacks into "Stack Groups". Each Stack is represented by aYAML configuration file stored in a directory which represents the Stack Group.Here, we have two Stacks, vpc
and subnets
, in a Stack Group named dev
$ tree
├── config
│ └── dev
│ ├── config.yaml
│ ├── subnets.yaml
│ └── vpc.yaml
└── templates
We can create a Stack with the create
command. This vpc
Stack contains aVPC.
$ sceptre create dev/vpc.yaml
dev/vpc - Creating stack dev/vpc
dev/vpc VirtualPrivateCloud AWS::EC2::VPC CREATE_COMPLETE
dev/vpc sceptre-demo-dev-vpc AWS::CloudFormation::Stack CREATE_COMPLETE
The subnets
Stack contains a subnet which must be created in the VPC. To dothis, we need to pass the VPC ID, which is exposed as a Stack output of thevpc
Stack, to a parameter of the subnets
Stack. Sceptre automaticallyresolves this dependency for us.
$ sceptre create dev/subnets.yaml
dev/subnets - Creating stack
dev/subnets Subnet AWS::EC2::Subnet CREATE_IN_PROGRESS
dev/subnets Subnet AWS::EC2::Subnet CREATE_COMPLETE
dev/subnets sceptre-demo-dev-subnets AWS::CloudFormation::Stack CREATE_COMPLETE
Sceptre implements meta-operations, which allow us to find out information aboutour Stacks:
$ sceptre list resources dev/subnets.yaml
- LogicalResourceId: Subnet
PhysicalResourceId: subnet-445e6e32
- LogicalResourceId: VirtualPrivateCloud
PhysicalResourceId: vpc-c4715da0
Sceptre provides Stack Group level commands. This one deletes the whole dev
Stack Group. The subnet exists within the vpc, so it must be deleted first.Sceptre handles this automatically:
$ sceptre delete dev
Deleting stack
dev/subnets Subnet AWS::EC2::Subnet DELETE_IN_PROGRESS
dev/subnets - Stack deleted
dev/vpc Deleting stack
dev/vpc VirtualPrivateCloud AWS::EC2::VPC DELETE_IN_PROGRESS
dev/vpc - Stack deleted
Note: Deleting Stacks will only delete a given Stack, or the Stacks that aredirectly in a given StackGroup. By default Stack dependencies that areexternal to the StackGroup are not deleted.
Sceptre can also handle cross Stack Group dependencies, take the followingexample project:
$ tree
├── config
│ ├── dev
│ │ ├── network
│ │ │ └── vpc.yaml
│ │ ├── users
│ │ │ └── iam.yaml
│ │ ├── compute
│ │ │ └── ec2.yaml
│ │ └── config.yaml
│ └── staging
│ └── eu
│ ├── config.yaml
│ └── stack.yaml
├── hooks
│ └──
├── templates
│ ├── network.json
│ ├── iam.json
│ ├── ec2.json
│ └── stack.json
└── vars
├── dev.yaml
└── staging.yaml
In this project staging/eu/stack.yaml
has a dependency on the output ofdev/users/iam.yaml
. If you wanted to create the Stack staging/eu/stack.yaml
,Sceptre will resolve all of it's dependencies, including dev/users/iam.yaml
,before attempting to create the Stack.
Sceptre can be used from the CLI, or imported as a Python package.
Usage: sceptre [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Sceptre is a tool to manage your cloud native infrastructure deployments.
--version Show the version and exit.
--debug Turn on debug logging.
--dir TEXT Specify sceptre directory.
--output [text|yaml|json] The formatting style for command output.
--no-colour Turn off output colouring.
--var TEXT A variable to replace the value of an item in
config file.
--var-file FILENAME A YAML file of variables to replace the values
of items in config files.
--ignore-dependencies Ignore dependencies when executing command.
--merge-vars Merge variables from successive --vars and var
--help Show this message and exit.
create Creates a stack or a change set.
delete Deletes a stack or a change set.
describe Commands for describing attributes of stacks.
estimate-cost Estimates the cost of the template.
execute Executes a Change Set.
generate Prints the template.
launch Launch a Stack or StackGroup.
list Commands for listing attributes of stacks.
new Commands for initialising Sceptre projects.
set-policy Sets Stack policy.
status Print status of stack or stack_group.
update Update a stack.
validate Validates the template.
Using Sceptre as a Python module is very straightforward. You need to create aSceptreContext, which tells Sceptre where your project path is and which pathyou want to execute on, we call this the "command path".
After you have created a SceptreContext you need to pass this into aSceptrePlan. On instantiation the SceptrePlan will handle all the required stepsto make sure the action you wish to take on the command path are resolved.
After you have instantiated a SceptrePlan you can access all the actions you cantake on a Stack, such as validate()
, launch()
, list()
and delete()
from sceptre.context import SceptreContext
from sceptre.plan.plan import SceptrePlan
context = SceptreContext("/path/to/project", "command_path")
plan = SceptrePlan(context)
Full API reference documentation can be found in theDocumentation
The Sceptre community uses a Slack channel #sceptre on the og-aws Slack fordiscussion. To join use this link to create anaccount and join the #sceptre channel.
See our Contributing Guide