This project is deprecated. xmr-stak is the successor to xmrMiner
and Dockerfiles now exist in the codebase.
Docker images for running psychocrypt's Monero miner: xmrMiner inside a NVIDIA CUDA enabled Docker container. Operating system targets for this image are limited to Linux kernels at this point since nvidia-docker is only available for these architectures so far.
By using the nvidia-docker wrapper for the Docker CLI, we can achieve true containerisation of a CUDA application and avoid the following:
See the nvidia-docker "Motivation" Wiki entry for more detail.
Running a CUDA container requires a machine with at least one CUDA-capable GPU and a driver compatible with the CUDA toolkit version you are using.
The machine running the CUDA container only requires the NVIDIA driver, the CUDA toolkit doesn't have to be installed on the host.
NVIDIA drivers are backward-compatible with CUDA toolkits versions so please update your NVIDIA drivers and use the cuda-8.0 image. The 2.0 and 2.1 GPUs will soon be deprecated in CUDA, and those cards are unlikely to be profitable mining hardware at this point anyway.
CUDA toolkit version | Driver version | GPU architecture | Docker image |
6.5 | >= 340.29 | >= 2.0 (Fermi) | Unsupported - please use a later driver |
7.0 | >= 346.46 | >= 2.0 (Fermi) | May be supported - check back later |
7.5 | >= 352.39 | >= 2.0 (Fermi) | May be supported - check back later |
8.0 | == 361.93 or >= 375.51 | == 6.0 (P100) | aaronmboyd/xmrminer:latest |
8.0 | >= 367.48 | >= 2.0 (Fermi) | aaronmboyd/xmrminer:latest |
docker pull aaronmboyd/xmrminer
nvidia-docker run
instead of docker run
, and pass in all the same arguments for your pool and username to xmrminer as normal.NV_GPU=0
for the first GPU, NV_GPU=0,1
for the first two, etc. This may be useful where you have different GPUs and need to adjust the thread/block --launch
parameter for each GPU. This command is not required though, nvidia-docker
will probe the available devices for you if you omit this argument. See nvidia-docker documentation for more on this syntax.nvidia-docker run aaronmboyd/xmrminer --url=stratum+tcp:// --launch=10x24 --bfactor=4 --bsleep=100 --user=44NxHdzAJPVZkfXGnRd7kiGc1xCrg3GPncMwECKCmfbXRhVqhTreT7a2DGWcwCD3f7FnDsu1eCYusaTJoaETPajD3dPTdpQ -p docker_worker_1 --donate=1
NV_GPU=0 nvidia-docker run aaronmboyd/xmrminer --url=stratum+tcp:// --launch=10x24 --bfactor=4 --bsleep=100 --user=44NxHdzAJPVZkfXGnRd7kiGc1xCrg3GPncMwECKCmfbXRhVqhTreT7a2DGWcwCD3f7FnDsu1eCYusaTJoaETPajD3dPTdpQ -p docker_worker_1 --donate=1
missing? If you see something similar to the following message on install;
Selecting previously unselected package nvidia-docker.
(Reading database ... 308844 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack .../nvidia-docker_1.0.1-1_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking nvidia-docker (1.0.1-1) ...
Setting up nvidia-docker (1.0.1-1) ...
Setting up permissions
Job for nvidia-docker.service failed because the control process exited with error code. See "systemctl status nvidia-docker.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details.
nvidia-docker.service couldn't start.
Now try systemctl status nvidia-docker.service
. If you now see:
...systemd[1]: Failed to start NVIDIA Docker plugin.
...systemd[1]: nvidia-docker.service: Unit entered failed state.
...systemd[1]: nvidia-docker.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
...systemd[1]: nvidia-docker.service: Service hold-off time over, scheduling restart.
...systemd[1]: Stopped NVIDIA Docker plugin.
...systemd[1]: nvidia-docker.service: Start request repeated too quickly.
...systemd[1]: Failed to start NVIDIA Docker plugin.
Try to start the service manually: sudo nvidia-docker-plugin
. If you now see:
nvidia-docker-plugin | <timestamp> Loading NVIDIA unified memory
nvidia-docker-plugin | <timestamp> Error: Could not load UVM kernel module. Is nvidia-modprobe installed?
Verify you have nvidia-modprobe
installed. If not, install with sudo apt-get install nvidia-modprobe
and retry the nvidia-docker
Enjoy hashing!
Thanks to psychocrypt for the work on xmrMiner:
Donations for work on dockerizing are accepted at:
docker安装xxl_job 拉取镜像 docker pull xuxueli/xxl-job-admin:2.1.2 创建数据库 CREATE database if NOT EXISTS `xxl_job` default character set utf8mb4 collate utf8mb4_unicode_ci; use `xxl_job`; CREATE TABLE `xxl
Docker Daemon是docker架构中运行在后台的守护进程,可以分为docker Server, Engine和Job三部分。 Docker Daemon Docker Daemon通过Docker server模块接受docekr clinet的请求,并在Engine中处理请求,然后根据请求类型,创建出指定的Job并运行。 运行过程的作用有下面几种: 从docker registry中获
先引用docker run命令的帮助文档原文: Usage: docker run [OPTIONS] IMAGE [COMMAND] [ARG...] Run a command in a new container --rm Automatically remove the container when it exits 意思就是退出容器的时候容器就被删除了 现在有这样一个场景,我们想查看一
什么是xxl-job(1) 什么是xxl-job(2)
Reference Docker学习笔记 — 开启Docker远程访问 Docker Daemon连接方式详解 ubuntu14.04 docker上fig问题Couldn’t connect to Docker daemon at http+unix://var/run/docker.sock
06 DockerFile DockerFile是用来构建Docker镜像的文本文件,是由一条条构建镜像所需的指令和参数构成的脚本。 1. 基础知识 (1)每条保留字指令都必须是大写字母且后面要跟随至少一个参数 (2)指令按照从上到下,顺序执行 (3)#表示注释 (4)每条指令都会创建一个新的镜像层,并对镜像提交 2. Docker执行DockerFile的大致流程 (1)docker运行一个基础
docker rmi : 删除本地一个或多少镜像。 语法 docker rmi [OPTIONS] IMAGE [IMAGE...] OPTIONS说明: -f :强制删除; --no-prune :不移除该镜像的过程镜像,默认移除; 实例 强制删除本地镜像runoob/ubuntu:v4。 root@runoob:~# docker rmi -f runoob/ubuntu:v4 Untagge
Docker Machine是一个简化Docker安装的命令行工具,通过一个简单的命令行就可以在相应的平台上安装Docker,比如VirtualBox虚拟机,Azure等。官方提供的docker machine图示: 查看machine列表 docker-machine ls 查看machine环境配置 docker-machine env 注意点: 目前docker Machine还在开发中,还
docker stop $(docker ps -a -q) docker rm $(docker ps -a -q) 转载于:
1.拉取xxl-job的镜像 docker pull xuxueli/xxl-job-admin:2.1.2 2.运行镜像 docker run -e PARAMS="--spring.datasource.url=jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/xxljob?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf8&useSSL=false --sp
Docker的安装 前言 相关链接 安装参考链接: 安装前建议更换镜像 更换镜像参考链接: CentOS下安装Docker Docker 的安装 1.在线安装 Docker 卸载老版本 sudo yum remove docker \
docker rmi : 删除本地一个或多个镜像。 语法 docker rmi [OPTIONS] IMAGE [IMAGE...] OPTIONS说明: -f :强制删除; --no-prune :不移除该镜像的过程镜像,默认移除; 实例 强制删除本地镜像runoob/ubuntu:v4: docker rmi -f runoob/ubuntu:v4 转载于:https://www.cnbl Wed 13 April 2016 6 Comments docker swarm lxc containers distributed-computing I've been using Docker Swarm inside LXC containers for
一、解决的问题 二、与虚拟机的比较 三、优势 四、使用场景 五、镜像与容器 参考资料 一、解决的问题 由于不同的机器有不同的操作系统,以及不同的库和组件,在将一个应用部署到多台机器上需要进行大量的环境配置操作。 Docker 主要解决环境配置问题,它是一种虚拟化技术,对进程进行隔离,被隔离的进程独立于宿主操作系统和其它隔离的进程。使用 Docker 可以不修改应用程序代码,不需要开发人员学习特定环
第一章 Docker介绍1 1.1 docker简介 Docker 是一个开源的应用容器引擎,让开发者可以打包他们的应用以及依赖包到一个可移植的容器中,然后发布到任何流行的\[Linux\]机器上,也可以实现\[虚拟化\]。容器是完全使用\[沙箱\]机制,相互之间不会有任何接口。 1.2 Docker是什么? Docker是一个程序运行、测试、交付的开放平台,Docker被设计为能够使你快速地交
推荐使用 Swoole 官方 Docker:
Docker Commands Commands Notes docker ps -a Show all containers on the system docker ps Show only currently running containers docker run <NAME> Creates & runs a docker container via an image docker i
环境准备 1. 下载镜像及配置文件 链接: 提取码: 1wng $ ls backend-0.0.8.tar.gz env.list grpc-go-greeting-0.1.tar.gz nginx-lb.conf nginx-perf.conf nginxplus-23-r1.tar.